Hello teachers friends! My name is Niki.I have been teaching mathematics for over 20 years. My subjects are Algebra through Calculus 3 along with Geometry, Trig and Differential Equations. My passion is to create engaging fun and rigorous math resources of high quality for teachers and students. My products include partner and group activities, matching and sorting activities, multiple-choice games, rigorous worksheets & lessons, challenging independent practice, homework assignments, etc.
Hello teachers friends! My name is Niki.I have been teaching mathematics for over 20 years. My subjects are Algebra through Calculus 3 along with Geometry, Trig and Differential Equations. My passion is to create engaging fun and rigorous math resources of high quality for teachers and students. My products include partner and group activities, matching and sorting activities, multiple-choice games, rigorous worksheets & lessons, challenging independent practice, homework assignments, etc.
This is a growing activities bundle on polynomials (classifying, evaluating, operations, polynomial identities). It consists of PDF items. There are included partner and group activities, maze, multiple-choice St. Valentine’s Day activity, getting points activity, African animals themed activity, review activity, four levels practice with hints, five levels practice, six levels practice, practice of two parts, practice of two different forms.
The bundle covers the following topics:
Classifying Polynomials
Evaluating Polynomial Functions (using direct substitution or Horner’s method)
Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
Multiplying Monomials
Multiplying a Polynomial by a Monomial
Multiplying Binomials (FOIL method)
Multiplying Polynomials
Dividing a Polynomial by a Monomial
Dividing Polynomials (No Remainders)
Dividing Polynomials Using Long Division
Polynomial Identity - Square of a Sum
Polynomial Identity - Square of a Difference
Polynomial Identity - Difference of Squares
Short Multiplication Formulas
Answer keys are included.
This is an engaging practice on applying the difference of squares formula. It consists of 2 parts as each part contains two tasks. The first part is applying the formula (a - b)(a+b)=a^2 - b^2 to simplify expressions and the second part is applying the formula a^2 - b^2=(a -b)(a+b) to factorize expressions.
Detailed description:
Part 1
Task 1. Students have to apply the difference of squares formula to simplify 9 expressions (problems level 1).
Task 2. Students have to simplify 6 expressions as they will have to multiply binomials and also use the formulas for square of sum and square of difference (problems level 2).
Part 2
Task 1. Students have to factorize 9 expressions (problems level 1).
Task 2. Students will need to apply the difference of squares formula from left to right and from right to left to solve 6 equations (problems level 2). They will use the square of sum formula once and the square of difference formula also once.
The practice sheets give room for students to show work. Answer keys are included.
These are two similar forms of engaging practice on polynomial identities – square of a difference. Each form contains 7 problems. Students are asked to expand and simplify 6 expressions. The questions are of varying difficulty, ranging from simple to complex. Student will be required to apply their knowledge of multiplying monomial by binomial and adding and subtracting polynomials. The seventh problem is evaluating the value of an expression with two variables given the values of the variables.
The product can be used as an extra/independent practice, for group activity (groups of two), quiz, enrichment and homework assignment.
Answer keys are included.
These are two similar forms of engaging practice on polynomial identities – square of sum. Each form contains 7 problems. Students are asked to expand and simplify 6 expressions. The questions are of varying difficulty, ranging from simple to complex. Student will be required to apply their knowledge of multiplying monomial by binomial and subtracting polynomials. The seventh problem is evaluating the value of an expression with two variables given the values of the variables.
The practice sheets have enough room for students to show work.
The product can be used as independent/extra practice, enrichment, assessment and homework.
Answer keys are included.
This is a multiple-choice fun St. Valentine’s Day activity on evaluating polynomial functions. On each page/slide students are given one polynomial to evaluate for a given value of x. Students are asked to use substitution or synthetic division or both methods. There is given a picture of heart and faces of a girl and a boy inside the heart, students also have four answer choices and love words corresponding to each answer choice. Students have to use their answer to find what love words has the boy said to the girl on St. Valentine’s Day. The pages/slides with problems are eight. Students can draw a shape of a heart to mark their answer choice in each slide. The polynomials included are of 3th, 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th degree, the number of terms are from 4 to 6.
This activity can be completed individually or students can work in pairs (partner A will evaluate the polynomial using substitution and partner B will evaluate the same polynomial using synthetic division, then partners compare their answers and choose the correct answer choice; on the next page/slide partner A will use synthetic division and partner B will use substitution to solve the problem. Thus partners will practice both methods and will enjoy this activity together. I think this activity can be used in all days of school year.
The answer key is given at the end of this document.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two or three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is a review activity on operations with polynomials - adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and mixed operations. On each page/slide there are given 6 polynomials (on the last slide are given eight) and 8 problems to be solved. (The given polynomials are labeled with large Latin letters). Page/Slide 1 is on adding polynomials, page/slide 2 - on subtracting, page/slide 3 - on multiplying polynomials, page/slide 4 - on dividing and page/slide 5 is on mixed operations with polynomials. Pages with tables where students can record their answers are provided.
This activity contains a total of 40 problems and can be used not only as independent practice, but also as a group activity. Two or four members of a group can work on each page/slide as there are four or two problems for each partner to be solved.
Answer keys are provided.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two or three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is an engaging matching activity on dividing polynomials (no remainders!). On each page/slide students are given 6 problems and 6 answer choices. Students can record the question numbers in the empty squares provided next to the answers to match each problem with its answer. There are a total of 12 problems. Dividends are 3th, 4th and 5th degree polynomials and divisors are 1st, 2nd and 3th degree binomials and trinomials.
Answer keys are included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two or three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is an engaging practice on multiplying binomials. There are 4 pages/slides/4 levels each containing 3 problems. Students have to find the indicated products. Students are provided with empty text boxes where they can record their solutions and answers. There is given a hint for each problem - it is the sum of the coefficients of the polynomial that students have obtained.
Answer keys are included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two or three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is an engaging African animals themed activity on classifying polynomials. The pages/slides with problems are five. On each page/slide students are given five polynomials to classify based on degree and number of terms. Students are provided with empty boxes where to record their answers. There are included polynomials from zero to tenth degree with one to five terms.
This activity can be completed individually as independent practice, but it is also possible to be used as group activity.
The answer keys are contained at the end of this document.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two or three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is an American birds themed maze on dividing polynomials (no remainders). Students start solving and use each answer to navigate through the maze. Students will need to solve 12 problems properly to complete the maze. Students can draw a (colored) line to display their answer path. It would be nice if students show work on this activity.
Answer keys are included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here.
This is an engaging group activity (for groups of three members) on adding and subtracting polynomials. On each page/slide partners are given three similar examples. The problems are labeled with large animals themed alphabetic letters. On the first page/slide partner A may solve problem A, partner B may solve problem B and partner C - problem C. On the next page/slide partner A will solve problem D, partner B - problem E and partner C will solve problem F, and etc…Partners have the opportunity to collaborate and compare solutions to similar problems. This group activity may turn to competition to become more fun.
There are 2 pages/slides on adding polynomials and the next 2 pages/slides are on subtracting polynomials. The last 4 slides contain more challenging problems where students have to perform both operations - adding and subtracting polynomials to simplify the given expression.
The activity can be used as classwork and independent practice as well.
Answer keys are included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two or three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is an engaging partner activity on adding and subtracting polynomials called “Get the Same Answer”. There are 6 problem pages/slides as each contains two sections/tables. In each section are given 4 polynomials labeled with A,B, C and D. One of the partners has to find A+C for example and the other has to find B+D. Partners will compare their answers to see whether they have obtained one and the same answer. There is provided a box in each section where students can type their answer. The first six sections require sums to be found (like A+D, B+C) and the next six -differences (like A-D,C-B). Thus each partner will work on 6 questions on adding polynomials and 6 questions on subtracting polynomials. The problems in last 2 sections are more challenging as they include polynomials of 5 and 6th degrees.
Answer key is included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two or three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
In this fun multiple- choice activity students will practice simplifying rational expressions. There are 10 cards each containing one problem with four optional answers. A picture of an owl is given on each card and the name of owl species corresponds to each optional answer. Students solve the problem on a card and use the obtained answer to find out what species is the owl on the picture.
Students are provided a recording sheet where to show their work.
Answer key is included.
This is an engaging practice on rational expressions containing 41 problems that vary in difficulty. On page/slide 1 students have to evaluate three rational expressions for the given value of the variable and then to determine the domain of six rational expressions/functions. On page/slide 2 students are given 8 rational expressions to simplify them. On page/slide 3 students add or subtract rational expressions (8 problems), on page/slide 4 students multiply or divide rational expressions ( 8 problems) . On page/slide 5 students simplify more complicated rational expressions performing the indicated operations (4 problems) and at the end students have to prove four statements ( rational equalities).
Students are provided empty spaces/boxes where to record their answers.
Answer keys are included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two or three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is an engaging activity on multiplying polynomials. Students are given 2 pages/slides with 16 problems - 4 levels as there are 4 problems for each level. Each problem correctly solved gives points (problem of level 1 gives 1 point, level 2 problem - 1.5 points, level 3 problem - 2 points and level 4 problem - 3 points). So students try to get as many points as they can. There are 4 pages/slides included where students can build the answer of each problem using monomials given.
This activity can be completed individually (maximum efforts) or students can work in groups of 2 or 4. If students work in pairs there will be two problems of each level for each partner to solve (optimum pressure). If students work in groups of four there will be only one problem of each level for each member of the group (minimum pressure). This activity can also be turned to competition between groups (which group will finish first or will get maximum points).
Answer keys are included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two or three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is an engaging and fun group activity (maximum of 5 members) on multiplying polynomials. The first page/slide is a table as the first column of it are given polynomials from A to G, the first row are given polynomials from H to L (the cell 11 is empty). There is a picture of an animal in each of the other cells. Students have to find the polynomial of each animal finding each of the products AH, BH,…AJ, BJ…,etc. Each member of the group have to find the polynomials of 7 animals (the teacher can chose which to be the animals). I have included one page/slide sample and another page where the teacher to chose the tasks of each member of the group. There is else one page/slide with questions to the group like how many animals have polynomials of third degree and which of the animals have sixth degree polynomials. There are provided empty boxes where students to record their answers.
This activity can be also used as independent practice along with homework (the students can find the polynomials of some of the animals and the rest of the problems can be done as homework).
Answer keys are included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two or three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This bundle includes 10 fun and engaging activities. It contains PDF items and represents 20% savings off of the items if purchased individually.
The bundle covers the following topics:
• Adding, Subtracting and Scalar Multiplication of Matrices
• Multiplying Matrices
• Determinants 2x2 and 3x3
• Inverse Matrices 2x2 and 3x3
• Matrix Equations ( requires matrix addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication, multiplying matrices and finding inverse matrices)
This is an engaging teacher and board themed activity on solving matrix equations. There are four problem pages/slides. On the first page/slide, students are given four matrix equations of types A+X=B, X-A=B and A-X=B. Students are also given the answers and have to type the number of each problem next to its answer (matching). The matrices are of 2X2 dimensions. On the second page/slide, students are given three matrix equations of the same types as the matrices are 3X2, 2X3 and 3X3 dimensions. This time students have to answer three questions concerning the answers (like what is the sum of the elements of the obtained matrix X of problem 1). On the third page/slide, students have to solve 4 matrix equations of types AX=B and XA=B. They will need to find the inverse matrix of the matrix A and them to multiply A^(-1)B or BA^(-1). Students are given the answers and have to match each problem with its answer. And on the fourth page/slide, students have two matrix equations of types AX=B and XA=B as the matrices are of 3x3 dimensions. After solving the equations students are asked two questions concerning the obtained answers (like what is the sum a11+a22+a33 of the elements of the matrix X of problem 1). Students type their findings in empty boxes provided.
This activity can be completed individually or students can work in pairs.
Answer keys are included.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two or three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
This is an engaging and collaborative partner activity for students to practice solving matrix equations. There are a total of 16 problems including matrices with dimensions 2x2, 4x1, 1x4, 3x3, 2x4, 4x2.
Eight of the problems require adding , subtracting, and multiplying by a scalar to solve the problems. The other eight problems require finding the inverse to solve the problems. The equations are of types AX=B and XA=B. Six of the equations require finding the inverse of 2x2 matrices and two of the problems require finding the inverse of a 3x3 matrix.
There are 8 sections. In a section each partner is given an equation to solve. Partner A solves for the matrix X and partner B solves for the matrix Y. For each section, a partner checks whether his answer is a matrix transpose of the matrix that his partner has found.
Student recording sheet and answer keys are provided.
This is an engaging practice on radical expressions. On the first page/slide students are given two tasks. The first task is finding the domain of 6 irrational expressions the second task is rationalizing the denominator of 8 expressions. On the second page/slide students have another two tasks. The third task is evaluating 4 radical expressions for given values of the variables and the fourth task is simplifying 4 radical expressions. Thus, students are provided with a total of 22 various and challenging problems.
The product can be used as independent/extra practice and enrichment.
The answer keys are contained at the end of this document.
NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here.