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Nikimath's Shop

Hello teachers friends! My name is Niki.I have been teaching mathematics for over 20 years. My subjects are Algebra through Calculus 3 along with Geometry, Trig and Differential Equations. My passion is to create engaging fun and rigorous math resources of high quality for teachers and students. My products include partner and group activities, matching and sorting activities, multiple-choice games, rigorous worksheets & lessons, challenging independent practice, homework assignments, etc.




Hello teachers friends! My name is Niki.I have been teaching mathematics for over 20 years. My subjects are Algebra through Calculus 3 along with Geometry, Trig and Differential Equations. My passion is to create engaging fun and rigorous math resources of high quality for teachers and students. My products include partner and group activities, matching and sorting activities, multiple-choice games, rigorous worksheets & lessons, challenging independent practice, homework assignments, etc.
Trigonometric Integrals -"Fill in the missing..." Activity

Trigonometric Integrals -"Fill in the missing..." Activity

This activity is created for your students to practice their skills with more complicated trig integrals. It contains problems on indefinite integrals of product and ratio of sine and cosine involving powers of sine and cosine. In general, the integrals are of (sin(x))^n(cos(x))^m, where m and n are integers. Students will need to use trigonometric identities (Pythagorean, Power Reduction Identities, Double-Angle Identities), integration by u-substitution, integration by parts along with algebra skills to manipulate the integrands. There are 16 problems for them to complete with room to show work. Students аrе given the answer to each problem with missing coefficients they have to find and insert/fill in. This resource can be used for class work, independent or grouped, HW, enrichment, or an assessment. Answer keys are included.
Compound Inequalities - 40 Practice Problems Classified into 4 Categories

Compound Inequalities - 40 Practice Problems Classified into 4 Categories

This resource contains a total of 40 compound inequalities. Students are asked to graph each inequality and write the solution set using inequality and interval notation. Problems are classified into 4 categories: ⟐ The first worksheets have the students solving 8 inequalities involving “AND” (Intersection) ⟐ The second worksheet is finding the solution sets of 8 DOUBLE inequalities (Intersection again) ⟐ The third worksheet contains 8 inequalities involving “OR”(Union). ⟐ The fourth and fifth worksheets are two similar forms each containing 8 MIXED inequalities. Special cases including overlapping solutions, no solution, and infinite solutions are included. I hope the practice sheets give enough room for students to show work. The product can be used in class for cooperative learning, as partner or group activity, independent/extra practice, as a review, homework assignment or even as an assessment. Typed answer keys are included.
Graphing Polynomials - Partner Activity

Graphing Polynomials - Partner Activity

This is an engaging and collaborative partner activity for sketching graphs of polynomials. There are eight sections as in each section the problems of the partners are similar (problem A1 is similar to problem B1, problem A2 is similar to problem B2, etc). Partners are asked to sketch the graph of each polynomial function given and compare the graphs of each pair corresponding polynomials. They will find out that the shapes of the graphs A1 and B1 are similar, so are the shapes of the graphs A2 and B2 and so on. Partners can be given directions also to factor and compare the factored forms of each two corresponding polynomials and make conclusions. Thus they will verify that the sign of the leading coefficient, the number and multiplicity of the zeros of polynomials are determining for the shape of their graphs. There are provided coordinates grids where each axis are labeled using an appropriate scale as dictated by the problem so the sketching to become easier.
Factoring Polynomials Review - 14 Task Cards (56 Problems)

Factoring Polynomials Review - 14 Task Cards (56 Problems)

These are 14 kids with numbers themed task cards on reviewing factoring techniques. Each card contains 4 problems of one type. Cards 1 and 2 are on factoring out the greatest common factor (problems group 1); Cards 3 and 4 are factoring using the difference of squares formula (problems group 2); Cards 5 and 6 are factoring perfect square trinomials (problems group 3); Cards 7 and 8 are factoring using the sum and difference of cubes formulas (problems group 4); Cards 9 and 10 are factoring by grouping (problems group 5); Cards 11 and 12 are on factoring quadratic trinomials (problems group 6); Cards 13 and 14 are on factoring using combined methods (problems group 7) Two pages/slides with tables are provided where students can record their answers. These cards can be used individually or students can work in groups of 2,3 and/or 4. Answer keys are included. NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product.** I have converted it to PDF item here. **
Systems of Linear Equations-36 Problems (included no sol,infinite many sol) Practice/Group Activity

Systems of Linear Equations-36 Problems (included no sol,infinite many sol) Practice/Group Activity

This is an engaging rainy girls themed group activity (groups of three) or independent practice on solving systems of linear equations (2 equations and 2 variables). Problems pages/slides are four as each slide contains 9 systems/problems. On each page/slide "the girl asks"the systems to be solved and else one specific question. On page/slide 1 “the girl asks” which of the systems given have the same solution. On page/slide 2 “the girl asks” which of the systems have no solution and whether students can determine this without solving the systems. On page/slide 3 “the girl asks” which of the systems have infinite many solutions and whether it can be determined without solving the systems. And on page/slide 4 “the girl asks” which of the systems have the only one solution and again if this can be determined without solving the systems. There are empty boxes provided where students can record their answers. This product can be used as engaging group activity if the students will solve all the systems given on the pages/slides or as independent practice if student will solve only the systems on page/slide 1 and will use another methods to answer the questions on the next 2nd, 3th and 4th pages/slides. Answer keys are included. NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two and four slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
The Chain Rule - "Mathematicians Search" Activity (solutions provided)

The Chain Rule - "Mathematicians Search" Activity (solutions provided)

This activity practices finding derivatives (a total of 12 various examples) using the chain rule. Functions include polynomials, radicals, trig and inverse trig functions, exponential functions and natural logarithms. Activity Directions: Students have to compute 12 derivatives. They are asked to use a table given to find the mathematician’s name corresponding to each of their answers. (To facilitate students all the answers correct and incorrect are labeled with big Latin letters and are contained in another table.) If students find all the derivatives correctly, they will learn 12 names of mathematicians involved in calculus. This activity can be used as a class practice. (Students could compete to see who can get all or most names first). It can be also used for groups of 2 (each partner will solve 6 problems) or independent activity. Solutions (handwritten clearly) to the problems are provided.
Operations with Polynomials Review - (Group) Activity (40 problems)

Operations with Polynomials Review - (Group) Activity (40 problems)

This is a review activity on operations with polynomials - adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and mixed operations. On each page/slide there are given 6 polynomials (on the last slide are given eight) and 8 problems to be solved. (The given polynomials are labeled with large Latin letters). Page/Slide 1 is on adding polynomials, page/slide 2 - on subtracting, page/slide 3 - on multiplying polynomials, page/slide 4 - on dividing and page/slide 5 is on mixed operations with polynomials. Pages with tables where students can record their answers are provided. This activity contains a total of 40 problems and can be used not only as independent practice, but also as a group activity. Two or four members of a group can work on each page/slide as there are four or two problems for each partner to be solved. Answer keys are provided. NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two or three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
Solving Exponential Equations Using Logarithms - "What Species is This Lizard?"

Solving Exponential Equations Using Logarithms - "What Species is This Lizard?"

In this fun multiple- choice activity students will practice solving exponential equations using natural logarithms. There are 13 pages/slides each containing one problem with four optional answers. A picture of a lizard is given on each slide and the name of lizard species corresponds to each optional answer. Students solve the problem on the slide and use the obtained answer to find out what species is the lizard on the picture. Answer key is included. NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two or three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
CUBE ROOT Challenging Practice - 47 problems plus typed solutions

CUBE ROOT Challenging Practice - 47 problems plus typed solutions

If you need engaging practice with various and challenging problems on cube root this one is like that. It consists of total 47 problems - 26 are evaluating numerical expressions with cube root, 15 problems are simplifying cube root expressions with and without variables, 4 problems are rationalizing the denominator and the last two problems are proving two equalities. Three student recording sheets are provided. Full typed solutions are included.
Polynomial Equations in Standard Form (Zeros of Polynomials) - 56 problems

Polynomial Equations in Standard Form (Zeros of Polynomials) - 56 problems

This resource contains 56 questions. It focuses on solving polynomial equations in standard form by using factoring (GCF, grouping, factoring difference of squares, sum and difference of cubes, perfect square trinomials, quadratic trinomials) and synthetic division. The problems are classified into categories according to the problem solving technique and the types of roots of polynomial equations (only real or real, imaginary and complex). There are also included quartic equations in quadratic form. ⟐ The first and second worksheets(two different variants/forms) have the students solving by factoring polynomial equations only with real solutions. These two worksheets can be used as a partner activity. (total of 16 problems) ⟐ The third and forth worksheets (two different variants/forms) are finding the real, imaginary and complex solutions of polynomial equations by factoring. These two worksheets can be used as a partner activity. (total of 16 problems) ⟐ The fifth and sixth worksheets have the students solving by factoring quartic equations only with real solutions with real and imaginary roots (total of 12 problems) ⟐ The seventh and eighth worksheets have the student solving by synthetic division polynomial equations only with real roots having real, imaginary and complex solutions (total of 12 problems) Typed answer keys are included.
Geometric Sequences & Series -Practice (70 classified problems)

Geometric Sequences & Series -Practice (70 classified problems)

These are 14 practice pages on geometric sequences. Students will use the explicit formula and the formula for the sum of the first n terms. ➤ Using the explicit formula students will have to find the nth term (problems Level 1) the first term (problems Level 1) the common ratio (Level 1) the number of terms (Level 1) the first term and the common ratio solving systems of two equations (Level 2) ➤ Using the formula for the sum of the first nth terms students will have to find the sum of the first nth terms (problems Level 1) the first term and Sn (Level 1) the common ratio and Sn (Level 1) the number of terms and Sn (Level 1) ➣ When given Sn (problems level 2) students will have to calculate n and r the nth term and r n and nth term the first term and r the first and nth terms n and first term The practice sheets can be used for independent and extra practice, enrichment, as a group activity( groups of 2, 3 and/or 4), homework and even as an assessment. Answer keys are included.
Algebra 2/Pre Calculus WARM-UPS-Polynomial Equations & Inequalities

Algebra 2/Pre Calculus WARM-UPS-Polynomial Equations & Inequalities

These are 10 Algebra 2/Pre Calculus warm-ups, do-nows, bell-ringers, entrance/exit tickets or mini-quizzes/mini homework on polynomial equations and inequalities. Each of them is a half-sheet in size and contains to 6 problems (excluded is only one containing 4). Topics included: Polynomial Equations with Real Roots Dividing Polynomials with Long Division Evaluating Polynomials Using Horner’s Rule Factoring Polynomials (Using Horner’s Rule and Finding the Zeros) Forming Polynomials Given the Roots Polynomial Equations with Complex Roots Polynomial Equations in Factored Form Polynomial Inequalities in Factored Form Polynomial Inequalities in Standard Form Partial Fraction Decomposition Answer keys are included.
Sum to Product & Product to Sum Identities CARDS (3 problems per card)+solutions

Sum to Product & Product to Sum Identities CARDS (3 problems per card)+solutions

Engage your students with various problems on product to sum and sum to product trigonometric identities with these 9 task cards (3 to 5 similar problems per card) containing a total of 30 problems. Students will express sums and differences as products and products as sums, simplify expressions and verify identities. They can work independently on cards or in groups of 2 and 3. Full typed solutions are provided.
Trigonometric Equations - Multiple-Choice WS/Practice (20 problems + solutions)

Trigonometric Equations - Multiple-Choice WS/Practice (20 problems + solutions)

This is an engaging multiple-choice practice on solving trigonometric equations(basic, multiple angles, of quadratic type, such that can be solved by factoring). There are 5 pages, containing a total of 20 problems each having five optional answers. The first 8 problems are finding all the solutions of each equation given, the next 12 problems are determining the sum of the solutions of an equation on a closed interval. Students have an empty field below each problem where to write down their solution. Detailed typed solutions are provided.
Exponent Laws - "Which is my Chick?" Multiple-Choice Game

Exponent Laws - "Which is my Chick?" Multiple-Choice Game

This is a fun multiple-choice activity on applying exponent laws (only positive exponents included). On each slide/page there are two similar problems (expressions with two or three variables). Students have to simplify each expression and choose the correct answer between four optional answers. The problem is “labeled” with a large Latin letter written on a picture of a hen. The answer choices are “labeled” with small Latin letters written on pictures of chicks. Students write the letter of the chosen chick to the hen so to match the problem to its answer. The problem pages/slides are 10 (so students are provided with 20 problems). The problems increase in difficulty. This activity can be completed individually or in pairs. The answer key is included. NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has four slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
Integration by Parts - Partner Activity "Check my work"

Integration by Parts - Partner Activity "Check my work"

This is a collaborative activity to practice evaluating indefinite integrals by using Integration by Parts. It aims to develop and consolidate student’s skills in both integration and differentiation as well. Partners work through 16 sections (or less if preferred) each containing one integral. Activity Directions: A partner start solving an integral while the other partner is waiting for the answer to check it by differentiating. In the next section, partners take turns and it goes the same way. An alternative (saving time) way to use this activity: Partner A solves an integral of a section while Partner B solves an integral of the other (the next in line) section. Then they swap papers and differentiate the obtained functions to check each other’s answers. A purpose of this activity is to aid learners gain a better understanding of integration. I hope it will be helpful for your calculus students. Typed answer keys are included
Integration by Parts - Partner Activity

Integration by Parts - Partner Activity

This is a collaborative and challenging activity to practice evaluating indefinite integrals by using Integration by Parts. It aims to develop and consolidate student’s skills in integration by this special method. Partners work through 8 sections (or less if preferred). Each section contains one integral. Activity Directions: A partner start solving an integral while the other partner is waiting for the answer to integrate it. In the next section, partners take turns and it goes the same way. An alternative way ( I think it is better way) to use this activity: Partner A solves an integral of a section while Partner B solves an integral of the other (the next in line) section. Then they swap papers and each partner integrates the function that his partner has obtained previously. The problems are well thought so the obtained functions after the first integrating can be also integrated by parts! A HINT is provided in each section that gives the sum of the partners’ answers. Answer keys are included. I hope this activity will be stimulating and beneficial for your calculus students.
Indeterminate Forms & L’Hospital’s Rule - Practice "Get the Same Answer"

Indeterminate Forms & L’Hospital’s Rule - Practice "Get the Same Answer"

In this 24 questions- activity, students apply L’Hospital’s Rule to evaluate limits. There are included the following indeterminate forms - 0/0, infinity / infinity, infinite minus infinity and the product of zero and infinity. All functions are included from polynomial to square root, from exponential to log, from trig to inverse trig functions. There are two similar versions of this practice each consisting of two sections. Each section contains three groups of two limits. The problems IN EACH SECTION have THE SAME ANSWER! In section1, two problems have the form 0/0; the next two have the form infinity/infinity and the last two problems have the form infinity minus infinity. In section 2, two problems have the form 0/0; the next two have the form infinity/infinity and the last two problems have the form the product of zero and infinity. ( Not all of the questions require L’Hospital’s Rule (i.e. another valid method could be used) however students are instructed to use only L’Hospital’s Rule to find the limits.) This activity can be used for class work, independent or grouped (groups of 2 or 4). It can be used as an assessment and homework as well. Answer keys are included.
RATIONAL INEQUALITIES (24 problems) - Partner Activity (Cut & Paste / Matching)

RATIONAL INEQUALITIES (24 problems) - Partner Activity (Cut & Paste / Matching)

This partner activity takes the student through solving rational inequalities of varying difficulty with all terms on the left side. The problems require answers on a number line and in interval notation. Some problems do require factoring. Activity Directions: Partners solve two inequalities in each section ( there are 12 sections). Then they are asked to find the intersection of the two solution sets. Students can determine the intersection and draw the overlap on their response sheet OR they can use a given list of figures presenting the overlap of the solutions to the inequalities for each section. They cut the figures and paste them in their corresponding fields on the response sheets provided or match each problem to its answer ( each figure is labeled with a letter ). Partners are also required to answer a well thought question concerning the intersection of the two solution sets in each section like what is the largest whole number that satisfies both inequalities. Students can also work in 4 groups of 2 – each group solve three sections, then groups swap papers and solve another three sections. I have included adapted response sheets if it is preferred this activity to be completed individually. All answer keys are included.
Simplify nth Root with Variables-"What prehistoric animal am I?"Multiple-Choice

Simplify nth Root with Variables-"What prehistoric animal am I?"Multiple-Choice

This is a fun multiple-choice game on simplifying nth root expressions with variables. On each page/slide students are given an expression to simplify, four answer choices, a picture of a prehistoric animal and there is a name of a prehistoric animal corresponding to each answer choice. Students solve the problem and use their answer to find out what is the name of the prehistoric animal on the picture. The pages/slides are 10 as there are included problems with 3th, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th root. Students have to use absolute value when necessary. Answer key is included. NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two or three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!