This worksheet helps students get familiar with idiomatic tener expressions.
It includes three parts:
~ matching
~ short answer
~ translation
Answer key included.
Includes the following 12 common tener expressions:
tener miedo de
tener sueño
tener … años
tener sed
tener hambre
tener celos
tener lugar
tener frío
tener verguënza
tener calor
tener razón
tener prisa
This 8-page file includes:
~24 task cards focused on Stem Changing Verbs (6 pages x 4 cards per sheet)
~1 Blank Sheet if you’d like to add any cards
~Recording sheet
~Answer Key
All 24 task cards feature sentences where students need to conjugate a Stem Changing /boot Verb in the present tense to complete the sentence
¿ ______tú venir a mi fiesta? (poder)
Ellos _ leer libros. (querer)
Can be used alone, in pairs or in small groups!
Includes the following verbs:
This 3-page file includes:
~A Spanish reading on the conquest of the Aztec Empire in Mexico by Hernan Cortes and its after effects. The reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary.
~1 worksheet with 10 reading comprehension questions in Spanish.
~Answer key.
Vocab includes:
la llegada
los indígenas
los caballos
la suerte
los dioses
los fusiles
la viruela
el salvador
Level: mostly in past tense
This 3-page file includes:
~A Spanish language biography on the life of the famous Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. It includes information about his childhood, early publication of works, political views and his achievement of the Nobel Prize for literature.
~A worksheet that contains 10 true/false reading comprehension questions in Spanish and a short writing activity in the preterite tense.
~Answer key.
Level: mostly past tense
This Spanish worksheet focuses on both regular and irregular forms of the future tense. It includes two parts:
matching (15 questions)
short answer (10 questions)
Answer key included.
Editable word file.
Great for review!
This handout explains the German case system and how it works with careful instructions in both English and German. It also has five sentences at the end for students to recognize the function of the nouns and pronouns in the sentence.
This handout includes all the vocab you need to get students describing where they live!
Grammar focus is on adjective/noun agreement.
Activity idea: Have students draw out a plan of their home and label the rooms for homework. This can be handed in for marking or students can be put in groups of two to discuss their homes in Spanish.
Editable Word file.
This reading features a lot of common vocabulary from first-year Spanish and is about a man originally from Mexico and his new life in the U.S. with his family.
The reading is followed by 15 reading comprehension questions in English.
Level: Beginner
Answer key included.
Ideal to review: family, hobbies, time expressions and present tense verbs!
This handout includes a short chart to help students determine gender in French.
Also includes 20 practice questions.
Answer key included.
Level: French I
Get beginner students talking with this simple game!
Students work in pairs to fill in the information missing from their sheet by asking and answering simple questions.
This game reinforces: basic word order, the third person conjugation of verbs, possession with de and languages.
Game takes approximately 10 minutes to play so great for warm-up, bell-work or end of class activity.
Instructions included.
This file includes 1 worksheet each on word order with
~present tense
~future tense
Students are required to rewrite the sentences into the correct word order.
Editable File.
Level: A1-A2 Beginner
Note: A version of these worksheets is also available in my Beginner German Workbook.
This 6-page file includes:
Phonetic version of the Spanish alphabet
Notes on common spelling practices (use of double letters, capitalization etc.)
Pronunciation of vowels and diphthongs with examples
Notes on consonant pronunciation including letter combinations
18 pairs of words for pronunciation practice (2×9)
Rules on word stress with example words
Worksheet on pronunciation practice
Answer key for Worksheet
Pronunciation Chart
This 4-page file includes:
~A French reading that has numerous reflexive verbs to show how different Pierre and his wife are regarding their morning routine! Includes a glossary of new vocabulary and 8 true/false reading comprehension questions in English.
~The same reading with the verbs highlighted for students to see in context.
~The same reading with the reading comprehension questions in French.
Activity idea: Have student underline all the reflexive verbs they find in the reading.
Then have students talk or write about their own daily routines in French.
~Answer key.
Editable Word doc.
Vocab includes:
me lève
je m’habille
elle se réveille
se maquiller
se coiffer
This Bundle includes my TOP 5 Spanish Christmas Resources at 35% off!
Reading: Navidad y El nuevo año
Reading: Christmas Traditions
Worksheet Christmas Vocabulary
Reading: History of the Christmas tree
With comprehension questions and answer keys.
Level: present and past tenses