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Peace Sunday 2022 Form Time Reource

Peace Sunday 2022 Form Time Reource

This is a form time resource to promote reflection and discussion on peace, with additional activities given on the last two slides. This resource has been created for Peace Sunday 2022, when Pax Christi promotes the Pope’s World Peace Day message. This year the theme of the message is ‘Dialogue between generations, education and work: tools for building lasting peace’.
Catholic Nonviolence Days Of Action 2022

Catholic Nonviolence Days Of Action 2022

An assembly/ form time resource to celebrate the Catholic Nonviolence Days of Action 2022. This resource explores nonviolence and how we can put it into action in our daily lives through reflection, story and questions. The final slide has links to more resources and information.
Peace Sunday- worksheet

Peace Sunday- worksheet

This is a worksheet for children exploring peace and how to be a peacemaker. This resource has been created for Peace Sunday 2022, when Pax Christi promotes the Pope’s World Peace Day message. The worksheet can be used as a standalone resource or alongside our Peace Sunday Children’s Liturgy resource.