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Fun Quizzes For Fun Classrooms

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I am a Primary Director of International Studies, finding, creating and sharing exciting and interactive resources is my passion in life




I am a Primary Director of International Studies, finding, creating and sharing exciting and interactive resources is my passion in life
Book 47: Mat is Wet (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions and Great Reading Certificate

Book 47: Mat is Wet (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions and Great Reading Certificate

Book 47: Mat is Wet New Words bell, but, has, - Decodable Plot Summary Sam has a surfboard.He has fun riding the waves. He lets Mit and Mat have turns on his board. Mat falls off the board and disappears in the water. When Sam and Mit see Mat’s hat and bell drift ashore, they fear Mat is lost. Mat is safe, however, but decides that sun is better than surf. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books. The first book in the series starts with just 3 words: I, see, Sam. Every book or two adds a few words, until by book 52, the readers have read 95 different words. The SWRL Kindergarten Beginning Reading Program was first implemented in U.S. public schools in the early 1970’s. Due to its tremendous success at achieving its goal of teaching young children to read, over the years the program has been copied, edited and/or revised by a number of individuals, institutions, and companies.
Book 49: The Bus (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions And Great Reading Certificate

Book 49: The Bus (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions And Great Reading Certificate

Book 49: The Bus New Words ant(s), Ben, bus, had - Decodable Plot Summary Sam has a new bus with a special bell on it. As he drives around, he hits the bell. Sis and Nan hear the bell and join Sam on his bus. When the bus almost hits an ant hill, all the ants are frightened away but one called Ben. Ben joins Sam and the other animals as they continue on their ride. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books. The first book in the series starts with just 3 words: I, see, Sam. Every book or two adds a few words, until by book 52, the readers have read 95 different words. The SWRL Kindergarten Beginning Reading Program was first implemented in U.S. public schools in the early 1970’s. Due to its tremendous success at achieving its goal of teaching young children to read, over the years the program has been copied, edited and/or revised by a number of individuals, institutions, and companies.
Book 48: The Fun Fish (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions and Great Reading Certificate

Book 48: The Fun Fish (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions and Great Reading Certificate

Book 48: The Fun Fish Review Words bell, but, has, - Decodable said - Special Word Plot Summary A friendly fun fish plays a silly prank on Mat while he is on the beach. Mat runs after him, but the fish gets away. Sam and Mit do not believe Mat when he tells them about the fun fish. When they do see him, Sam and Mit play a game with him. The fun fish get away by jumping in the water. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books. The first book in the series starts with just 3 words: I, see, Sam. Every book or two adds a few words, until by book 52, the readers have read 95 different words. The SWRL Kindergarten Beginning Reading Program was first implemented in U.S. public schools in the early 1970’s. Due to its tremendous success at achieving its goal of teaching young children to read, over the years the program has been copied, edited and/or revised by a number of individuals, institutions, and companies.
Book 50: Ben the Ant (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Series, Motivational Reading Certificate

Book 50: Ben the Ant (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Series, Motivational Reading Certificate

Book 50: Ben the Ant Review Words ant(s), Ben, bus, had - Decodable Plot Summary Sis, Nan, Ben the Ant, and Sam are riding on Sam’s bus when it gets stuck in the mud. Nan tries to fly for help and then she falls into the mud too. Ben the Ant escapes, finds Will the Elephant, and asks for his help. Will rescues Nan and pushes the bus out of the mud. The animals thank Will and are again on their way. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books. The first book in the series starts with just 3 words: I, see, Sam. Every book or two adds a few words, until by book 52, the readers have read 95 different words. The SWRL Kindergarten Beginning Reading Program was first implemented in U.S. public schools in the early 1970’s. Due to its tremendous success at achieving its goal of teaching young children to read, over the years the program has been copied, edited and/or revised by a number of individuals, institutions, and companies.
Book 51: The Bee (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions and Motivational Reading Certificate

Book 51: The Bee (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions and Motivational Reading Certificate

I See Sam Books are a series of early reader books developed to teach children in kindergarten to read. The original series, written in 1972, as part of Southwest Regional Educational Laboratory’s (SWRL) Beginning Reading Program (BRP), contained 52 books. Book 51: The Bee New Words bed, bee, Bill hid - Decodable Plot Summary While taking a nap, Sam and Mit are disturbed by the buzzing of Bill the Bee. Bill flies everywhere. Each time Sam and Mit try to catch him with their butterfly net, Bill hides. When Sam and Mit finally catch Bill, they all can go to sleep, including the bee who has his own little bed. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books. The first book in the series starts with just 3 words: I, see, Sam. Every book or two adds a few words, until by book 52, the readers have read 95 different words. The SWRL Kindergarten Beginning Reading Program was first implemented in U.S. public schools in the early 1970’s. Due to its tremendous success at achieving its goal of teaching young children to read, over the years the program has been copied, edited and/or revised by a number of individuals, institutions, and companies.
Book 52: The Ant and the Bee (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions, Great Reading Certificate

Book 52: The Ant and the Bee (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions, Great Reading Certificate

I See Sam Books are a series of early reader books developed to teach children in kindergarten to read. The original series, written in 1972, as part of Southwest Regional Educational Laboratory’s (SWRL) Beginning Reading Program (BRP), contained 52 books. I have extended the number of resources. Book 52: The Ant and the Bee Review Words bed, bee, Bill, hid - Decodable Plot Summary Ben the ant and Bill the Bee play a game of Hide-andSeek. Bill hides first in a net, then Ben hides in a bus. Later Ben hides in a bed. When Bill looks for Ben in a honey jar, he gets stuck inside. He spies Ben nearby in a bed and calls for help. Ben rescues Bill with a net and together they enjoy spilled honey from the jar. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books. The first book in the series starts with just 3 words: I, see, Sam. Every book or two adds a few words, until by book 52, the readers have read 95 different words. The SWRL Kindergarten Beginning Reading Program was first implemented in U.S. public schools in the early 1970’s. Due to its tremendous success at achieving its goal of teaching young children to read, over the years the program has been copied, edited and/or revised by a number of individuals, institutions, and companies.
Saint David's Day Presentation and Colouring Activities

Saint David's Day Presentation and Colouring Activities

Saint David is the patron saint of Wales. I have created a presentation which could be used either in the classroom or as part of a school assembly. This presentation links to a YouTube video which explains the day. I have also added a virtual walk around Saint Davids (the birth place of Saint David), provided some key facts about the day, links to a quiz and some Welsh themed colouring sheets. St Davids Day is an important celebration. Learn why the Welsh like to wear leeks on this day, and the significance of the daffodils.
Pancake Day - Facts, Recipe and Short Quiz About Pancake Day

Pancake Day - Facts, Recipe and Short Quiz About Pancake Day

Pancake day is also known as Shrove Tuesday. This Pancake Day presentation covers the history of pancake day, and a complete recipe of how to make your own pancake, complete with pictures. The Pancake Day presentation ends with a fabulous Pancake Day quiz to make sure the children were listening carefully. This presentation could be used in the classroom, printed out as an instant display or used as a whole school assembly.
Reading Resources Bundle

Reading Resources Bundle

12 Resources
20 different fun reading resources for your classroom. There are Thinking Hat resources, Motivational Reading Posters, 30 hours of exercises for ESL students, lots of read and spot activities, and even some simple reading flashcards. In addition, there are reading worksheets you can use with any KS1 or KS2 reading book… try it today! Make this year’s World Book day even more special! You will have resources you can use year after year!
World Women's Day - 25 Facts To Share And Discuss In The Classroom.

World Women's Day - 25 Facts To Share And Discuss In The Classroom.

"Empowering women isn’t just the right thing to do – it’s the smart thing to do.” - Barack Obama 25 Facts To Share And Discuss In The Classroom. There is a lot still to be done to achieve. This presentation focuses on the key issues women around the world are facing. Students can compare and contrast their lives with these facts? How many are true for British women? How many would they consider were developing world problems. They can then investigate and find their own answers.
Science Day or Science Week Presentation - videos, introduction to science and draw a scientist

Science Day or Science Week Presentation - videos, introduction to science and draw a scientist

Science week is a great time to discuss the importance of science. Some countries such as India have Science Day, while other celebrate International Science Week. The idea is for the students to draw a scientist at the start of the lesson... then compare what they thought science was (generally a wild haired, white guy doing crazy stuff in a lab) with what they thought science was at the end of the lesson and hopefully there has been a change of ideas. This presentation has links to 2 great YouTube videos which explain why science is so important to everyone. I also listed some of key branches of science, with a brief introduction and pictures. The idea is to discuss how science affects our every day life and how in reality, we are all scientists at heart.
St Patrick's Day Make Your Own Magic Leprechaun

St Patrick's Day Make Your Own Magic Leprechaun

This is a fun art project for a class. I have created an easy mini printable paper kit, which you can print out and assemble and create a class of mini lucky leprechauns. The pack comes complete with printable leprechaun kits, and a step by step PowerPoint presentation show you and your class how to assemble these wonderful men. I really hope you like them as I have dreams of making them for lots of different occasions throughout the year! It is a fun way to celebrate St Patrick's Day on 17th of March and make sure every child in the class has something nice to bring home with them.
Maths Super Bundle - Perfect For Maths Day!

Maths Super Bundle - Perfect For Maths Day!

10 Resources
Super Maths Bundle is a great set of lessons for any teacher! World Maths Day Super Bundle has 20 different sets of teaching resources to use across KS1 and KS2. There are lots of different lessons, tests and teaching ideas to try. There is a 68% reduction in price compared to buy all these resources individually.
51 Spring Themed Colouring Pages - They are anti - stress colouring pages - perfect for KS1 and KS2

51 Spring Themed Colouring Pages - They are anti - stress colouring pages - perfect for KS1 and KS2

51 Spring themed coloring pages. The idea is to use them in between intensive SATS revision, as a way to reduce the stress levels of children. According to Science, repetitive movements helps to promote serotonin production, increasing the level of happiness in children and decreasing their stress levels. I have collected these pictures together and made them easy for a teacher to print out. I did collect them from a public domain source but I have spent time resizing them, fitting them into the theme and getting them ready for classroom use.
10 Facts About Ash Wednesday And 9 Fun Christian Colouring Sheets

10 Facts About Ash Wednesday And 9 Fun Christian Colouring Sheets

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. This is a very simple explanation about why we have Lent and why people prepare for Lent. It explains why it is for 40 days. In addition to the Ash Wednesday presentation, I have also included some colouring sheets on a more general Christian theme for the class to complete after the presentation.
Commonwealth Day Flags and Information - Perfect For Buntings or Quick Geography Quizzes!

Commonwealth Day Flags and Information - Perfect For Buntings or Quick Geography Quizzes!

I have collected together all the flags of the Commonwealth, included descriptions of what each flag really means and added links for you to read more about each Commonwealth country. This document would be a fabulous starting point for any Commonwealth day celebrations. You could print out all the flags to make a nice flag bunting. You could also mix up the different flags and see how many of the countries the children can identify. I have included some blank world maps for children to add the names of the countries to a map.
St Patrick's Day Bundle

St Patrick's Day Bundle

3 Resources
Here is my fun St Patrick’s Day Bundle - Pictures of Ireland and Dublin and also a cute little leprechaun to make.
National Wildlife Week Bundle

National Wildlife Week Bundle

12 Resources
I have collected together my best animal related presentations. These include what birds I find in my local park, to different wildlife around the world. I even have included a KS1 vocabulary list of the animals around us and a story about different animals and some animal activities.