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IPad rules printable posters (editable)

IPad rules printable posters (editable)

I’ve been fortunate enough to have iPads in my class for over two years and I finally realised that I need a set of rules that I can establish at the start of the year. I’ve produced these as I wanted to add my own ideas. I appreciate that you too might want to amend / add to these, therefore I have produced: • 13 rules that I will be using in my class (ready to print), • The same 13 rules but in an ‘I will’ format, • 17 editable posters (including blanks of the 13 I am using) and • 2 blanks as extras.
Solo taxonomy and Metacognition class posters

Solo taxonomy and Metacognition class posters

Metacognition or learning how we learn is the buzz word at the moment. Aside from introducing this idea to your pupils and pondering what sort of learner you are yourself! you will need some sort of tool for reference in class. I have devised these posters to use prior to the class starting work. They have exceeded my expectations with how well they work and what impact they've had in the class.
Year 3/4 Mathematics reasoning investigations, focusing on re-ordering / rearranging

Year 3/4 Mathematics reasoning investigations, focusing on re-ordering / rearranging

Mathematical reasoning has been brought into focus with the poor results of the PISA tests. These 5 investigations focus on re-ordering work with emphasis on a given set of options. They are ultimately suited to year 3 but without prior investigation work, I’ve used these successfully in my year 4 class. I would advise using equipment/resources to spark interest in the task. Each investigation has an extension which is a level above the problem for those children who are capable learners already. This assists classroom management, where high achievers can be disengaged when problems seem obvious to them. There is also vocabulary specific to re-ordering work, to assist the teacher in promoting the language and therefore facilitate progress.
End of year booklet, transition to next year

End of year booklet, transition to next year

15 page transition booklet with end of year worksheets that were written for year 4 but are suitable for other years. Activities include reflecting, demonstrating Mathematical problem solving skills, the school day, friends, achievements, letter to new teacher etc. They can easily be used as single worksheet as an instructed task or be given to the class to work independently. *Mae versiwn Cymraeg ar gael ar wahan hefyd.*
Differentiated money worksheets

Differentiated money worksheets

8 differentiated money worksheets created for year 4. This includes; • Adding money by counting repeating coins, • Adding money ordered largest to smallest, • Adding money in random orders, • Adding decimals (column method), • Reasoning skills from a menu (following pictures), • Adding two 2 digit numbers, • Finding change from £1, £2, £5 and/or £10, • Money word problems (not differentiated but gets harder). There is a differentiated ‘First to spend £10’ game and a laminate to use with lower abilities (to use a whiteboard pen).
Interactive ‘Guess my number’ PowerPoint with reasoning question cards

Interactive ‘Guess my number’ PowerPoint with reasoning question cards

I created this interactive PowerPoint after using ‘Guess my number’ game in the class which is modelled on the game ‘Guess who’. I use it to solve reasoning questions between 0 and 50 e.g. How many odd numbers are there between 20 and 40? The numbers can be pressed and eliminated when used on an interactive whiteboard. The class love to be chosen to interact with it. I have included 30 question cards in a PDF format but also in a word format, so that you can alter the tables/sums etc.
Oliver Twist Real Reads Year 3 / 4

Oliver Twist Real Reads Year 3 / 4

Resources included for year 3 / 4 Real Reads version of Oliver Twist. Activities include: prediction, vocabulary generation, descriptive writing, question enquiry, recount activity, wanted poster. There is also detailed planning for the first week of activities
4 Differentiated probability worksheets / investigations

4 Differentiated probability worksheets / investigations

I’ve used these very successfully with year 5 to introduce a practical application to probability. I recommend that you use coins, dice, dominos and playing cards during the lessons but they can be used just as easily without. You may also have a large dice, dominos or playing cards that you can use to introduce the 4 lessons, or to use with lower abilities. The tasks in order of complexity are; • Coin toss investigation, • Dice roll investigation, • Dominos investigation and • Playing cards investigation.
Introduction to the language of probability quiz

Introduction to the language of probability quiz

Fun game / presentation to introduce the language of probability. It uses the terms; Impossible, Very unlikely, Unlikely, Even chance, Likely, Very likely and Certain. There is a brief introduction and these slides can be removed if you wish, including rules of the game. The board has 12 interactive questions where pupils click on their choice before the question is revealed. There are 7 possible answers to each question. Clicking the wrong answer will make the answer shake to indicate that it is wrong. When a correct answer is chosen, it will take you back to the question board. You can keep a record of the scores when the presentation is active by typing them in yourself on the question screen. It is also possible to name the teams in the same way.
Algebra picture puzzles introduction - powerpoints and worksheets KS2

Algebra picture puzzles introduction - powerpoints and worksheets KS2

Introduce Algebra at Primary / Secondary with these 22 ppts and 12 worksheets (9 of which are editable). The 22 presentations begin with simple picture representations and explore pupil’s reasoning skills through a variety of sized and shaped grids, representations of scales as equal and scales as amounts to reasonably compare. Most numbers can be edited on the powerpoints and blank worksheets are provided for extra differentiation (if necessary). A lovely introduction to Algebra in the new Curriculum for Wales (CfW).
Gweithio o adref - Perimedr, Google Classroom, Blwyddyn 4, dysgu digidol.

Gweithio o adref - Perimedr, Google Classroom, Blwyddyn 4, dysgu digidol.

Tasg Perimedr dysgu digidol ar gyfer plant blwyddyn 4 gydag her. Mae dysgu o adref yn newydd i ni gyd ac os ydych chi wedi bod yn gwario cymaint o amser yn gweithio fel fi, rwy’n siwr byddech chi’n hapus i ddarganfod adnodd parod i leihau’r baich. Dyma un o’r tasgau rwyf wedi defnyddio gyda fy nosbarth. Mae canllaw sut i agor y ddogfen Google Docs a sut i baratoi’r gwaith ar gyfer eich dosbarth. Mae’r adnodd yma wedi cael ei defnyddio gyda phlant blwyddyn 4 a wedi ei osod ar Google Classroom. Mae modd creu copi unigol ar gyfer pob plentyn hefyd (os nag oes mynediad i Google Classroom). Mae canllawiau i’r plant / rhieni hefyd yn Gymraeg a Saesneg a mae’r dogfennau eu hun yn ddwyieithog.
5 Weeks Mastery  interactive Mathematics PowerPoints and resources – Reception, Weeks 2-6

5 Weeks Mastery interactive Mathematics PowerPoints and resources – Reception, Weeks 2-6

Please download week 1 for FREE first to see the product examples https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/mastery-weekly-interactive-mathematics-powerpoints-reception-counting-number-recognition-double-11961922 I created these because I had no resources and they turned out to be amazing! They proved so successful with the children and the two other Reception teachers; I continued to produce them for the rest of the year. Worksheets, matching games etc. are included. You will receive 5 interactive PowerPoints. A list of their contents. Worksheets, games and activities I created to support their learning. I use each presentation at least 3 if not 4 times a week prior to Maths session. By the end of the week those who were struggling on Monday had a better understanding by the end of the week. The children are chosen to come to the whiteboard for most of the PowerPoint pages e.g. to pop the bubbles whilst counting down from 10, which they love (with improved listening skills!). Many concepts e.g. the idea of zero or addition are much easier to understand visually e.g. eating all of the cakes (gone) or combining items (altogether), telling number stories. The PowerPoints start from scratch. Unfortunately, the difference between the highest achiever and lowest at Reception can be enormous and my philosophy is ‘no one left behind’. They change pace quickly and certain aspects such as the ‘doubling bunny’ rely on repetition and learning ‘the action’ (children physically perform it) so that they can say the answers before tackling the maths later on in the year. Each lesson begins with: Shape discussion (click the shape to make it dance), Counting upwards (from the number of the week), Counting from 10 to zero (clicking on the images so that they disappear one by one). Different concepts are then added each time. I have created these PowerPoints to satisfy: • Maths mastery, • Little Big Maths, • The Welsh foundation phase curriculum / English eyfs curriculum, • Individual profiles (Reception), • It introduces the part part whole aspect of Singapore Maths and also the bar method (later on), • It also utilises ideas from the White Rose Maths. Week one is free so that you can see how this works in your class. The rest are in half termly packs.
Gweithio o adref - Rhifau sgwar, Google Classroom, Blwyddyn 4

Gweithio o adref - Rhifau sgwar, Google Classroom, Blwyddyn 4

Tasg rhifau sgwar dysgu digidol ar gyfer plant blwyddyn 4 gydag her. Mae dysgu o adref yn newydd i ni gyd ac os ydych chi wedi bod yn gwario cymaint o amser yn gweithio fel fi, rwy’n siwr byddech chi’n hapus i ddarganfod adnodd parod i leihau’r baich. Dyma un o’r tasgau rwyf wedi defnyddio gyda fy nosbarth. Mae canllaw sut i agor y ddogfen Google Docs a sut i baratoi’r gwaith ar gyfer eich dosbarth. Mae’r adnodd yma wedi cael ei defnyddio gyda phlant blwyddyn 4 a wedi ei osod ar Google Classroom. Mae modd creu copi unigol ar gyfer pob plentyn hefyd (os nag oes mynediad i Google Classroom). Mae canllawiau i’r plant / rhieni hefyd yn Gymraeg a Saesneg a mae’r dogfennau eu hun yn ddwyieithog.
Gweithio o adref - Arwynebedd, Google Classroom, Blwyddyn 4

Gweithio o adref - Arwynebedd, Google Classroom, Blwyddyn 4

2 dasg Arwynebedd dysgu digidol ar gyfer plant blwyddyn 4 gydag heriau. Mae dysgu o adref yn newydd i ni gyd ac os ydych chi wedi bod yn gwario cymaint o amser yn gweithio fel fi, rwy’n siwr byddech chi’n hapus i ddarganfod adnodd parod i leihau’r baich. Dyma un o’r tasgau rwyf wedi defnyddio gyda fy nosbarth. Mae canllaw sut i agor y ddogfen Google Docs a sut i baratoi’r gwaith ar gyfer eich dosbarth. Mae’r adnodd yma wedi cael ei defnyddio gyda phlant blwyddyn 4 a wedi ei osod ar Google Classroom. Mae modd creu copi unigol ar gyfer pob plentyn hefyd (os nag oes mynediad i Google Classroom). Mae canllawiau i’r plant / rhieni hefyd yn Gymraeg a Saesneg a mae’r dogfennau eu hun yn ddwyieithog.
Gweithio o adref - Lluosi gwen, Google Classroom, Blwyddyn 4

Gweithio o adref - Lluosi gwen, Google Classroom, Blwyddyn 4

Tasg Lluosi gwen dysgu digidol ar gyfer plant blwyddyn 4 gydag her. Mae dysgu o adref yn newydd i ni gyd ac os ydych chi wedi bod yn gwario cymaint o amser yn gweithio fel fi, rwy’n siwr byddech chi’n hapus i ddarganfod adnodd parod i leihau’r baich. Dyma un o’r tasgau rwyf wedi defnyddio gyda fy nosbarth. Mae canllaw sut i agor y ddogfen Google Docs a sut i baratoi’r gwaith ar gyfer eich dosbarth. Mae’r adnodd yma wedi cael ei defnyddio gyda phlant blwyddyn 4 a wedi ei osod ar Google Classroom. Mae modd creu copi unigol ar gyfer pob plentyn hefyd (os nag oes mynediad i Google Classroom). Mae canllawiau i’r plant / rhieni hefyd yn Gymraeg a Saesneg a mae’r dogfennau eu hun yn ddwyieithog.