
IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 6 - Modelling Relationships
The following PowerPoint covers Chapter 6 from the Oxford textbook. Modelling Relationships: Linear Correlation and Bivariate Data. The Lesson contains various interactive activities such as Desmos Classroom for review exercises, Geogebra and Phet Simulations for showing line of best fit, least-squares, etc. There are also video links on how to used the GDC to find correlation and linear regression. The PowerPoint covers the following content below.
correlation review (from chapter 3)
finding correlation coefficient (PMCC)
discussion about covariance
interpreting PMCC
correlation and causation
coefficient of determination
line of best fit
interpolation and extrapolation
linear regression
piecewise functions
* step functions
All my PowerPoints have worked examples and exercises for students to complete. I have also added past paper questions in each section to get students accustom to the type and style of questions they will see on their exam. This PowerPower in particular comes with a Microsoft Teams quiz on Correlation and Linear Regression.

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 5 - Modelling Constant Rates of Change
The following PowerPoint covers the following topics following the Oxford textbook. Topics covered include:
* reation
* domain and range
* mapping diagrams
* number system
* set notation
* interval notation
* what is a function
* vertical line test
* function notation (numerical, graphical, and algebraic)
* finding equation of functions from a mapping diagram
Linear Models
* recap equation of a line
* rates of change
* simultaneous equations
* direct proportion
* inverse functions
* domain and range
* horizontal line test (one-to-one)
* finding inverse functions
Arithmetic Sequences
Arithmetic Series
* sigma notation
Simple interest
Through the PowerPoint there are links to youtube videos, GeoGebra and Desmos interactives, and Desmos Classroom activities. The PowerPoint has worked examples, and student exercises. I have also put in past paper exam questions for each topic.

IB Maths Applications and Interpretation SL: Chapter 8 - Spearman's, Hypothesis Testing, Chi-Squared
This unit contains 5 Powerpoints:
Spearman’s rank
hypothesis testing - chi-squared test of independence
goodness of fit test
goodness of fit - normal and binomial distributions
Through the PowerPoint there are links to Youtube videos, GeoGebra and Desmos interactive. The PowerPoint has worked examples, and student exercises. I have also put in past paper exam questions for each topic.
I have also included an overall Statistics Test (2 parts short and long questions) and Chi-Squared test of Independence assignment, both with markschemes. As well as a review PowerPoint on the test of Independence. We sent a lot of time on this chapter as the idea was many students would use this for their IA’s, which they did.