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Equal Opportunities

Equal Opportunities

Designed as part of an Adult Employability Skills course. This session was designed to provide students with an awareness of discrimination, equality and equal opportunities to empower them with knowledge of their rights. This resource would benefit from a powerpoint presentation which could be based on the information in the worksheet. There are student activities throughout which will be suitable for an array of learners.
New Class Bingo

New Class Bingo

Bingo game to encourage students to communicate and get to know each other. Basic template with statements which can be adjusted to fit the group. Students could write some sentences about the students they met as a follow up activity.


Colourful PowerPoint with discussion prompts, video clips to enable students to learn what bullying is and what to do in the event of bullying.
Impact of Multi-Disciplinary Approach and Professional Bodies

Impact of Multi-Disciplinary Approach and Professional Bodies

PowerPoint with some teacher prompts based on recent research and full of student activities. Students can be fairly self-sufficient during this session. This was originally written for Access to HE but will also be useful for A-Level. Objectives are as follows: To Recap prior learning To Explain what is meant by the term ‘multi-disciplinary team’ (MDT) To Evaluate multi-disciplinary team working within the Health and Social Care context To Analyse the influence of a health care professional and their professional bodies
Alcohol and Drug Awareness Tutorial

Alcohol and Drug Awareness Tutorial

This Tutorial features an activity on the 'Say No To Drugs campaign', an embedded maths activity on what alcohol data is showing amongst other discussion and research style activities. By the end of the session, students will be more knowledgeable on the dangers of alcohol and drugs.
Cell Division Part 3

Cell Division Part 3

This is the final part of a series of 3 lessons on Cell Division and Heredity. Students will explore Monohybrid and Dihybrid crosses, Explain the cause of variation and research an influential figure in genetics.
Sociology and the family

Sociology and the family

Activities designed to generate debate and discussion. Students will be looking at Pre-Industrial Family, Early Industrial Family, Symmetrical/Nuclear Family, Blended Family and the Homosexual Family. Students to consider how the concept of family has changed over the years.
Reading Comprehension-Primates Facing Extinction

Reading Comprehension-Primates Facing Extinction

This worksheet contains a short extract adapted from the CBBC News website which will inform students about why primates are facing extinction. Questions then follow which focus on some of the terms used in the text, maths is embedded through the use of data in the text and a question based on this, students will also be asked to explain some of the reasons for extinction from the text. The worksheet is set out in a easy to follow format and could be ideal for a cover lesson or to start a lesson.
What is Diversity?

What is Diversity?

A whole lesson, including interactive activities designed with Autonomous learning and British Values in mind. Activities and content of slides have been written to evoke interesting discussion in terms of what makes us so diverse and why we should be respectful of this.


Whole lesson with activities covering medicalisation in terms of the 'Third Sex', 'Homosexuality' and 'Dying'. Covers points such as cross-cultural perspectives and social control. Originally produced for Access to Higher Education but could be adapted to meet some Sociology specifications for other courses.
Introduction to Learning Disabilities and Advocacy

Introduction to Learning Disabilities and Advocacy

This PowerPoint was designed for a full day lesson, aimed at Level 3 students. It covers types of advocacy, active participation, definitions and causes, medical and social models of disabilities. Lots of discovery learning, group work and activities which students can relate to real life contexts.
Conflict Management

Conflict Management

An array of handouts and activities designed to make adult learners consider conflict management with an employability focus. Learners will work with the Four-Step Process of Conflict Management. Could be adapted for staff training.
My Summer Holiday

My Summer Holiday

Students are instructed to write a short statement about their holiday and to decorate with pictures to reflect what they did.


Originally produced for BTEC H&SC, Unit 9, Level 2 but would also be suitable for GCSE. Lesson was delivered in 1.5 hours with objectives as follows: To describe how smoking can effect health To explain why a smoker is at risk of diseases Please note, the quiz I have adapted from elsewhere but all other activities are original. Student activities include a smoking advert analysis, a paired extension activity where students investigate Cannabis, labelling physical and emotional health effects on worksheet provided, producing a warning poster/warning leaflet, starter activity and a range of other activities.
Career Planning

Career Planning

This tutorial was delivered over two one hour sessions to 16+ students and has links to up to date online resources. It guides students through the importance of planning their career and enables them to produce an initial careers plan. Lesson Objectives: Be able to identify career paths in your sector Be able to demonstrate your skills Be able to create a development plan and set goals for your future
Cell Division

Cell Division

This is a lesson which is student led as students will be researching the processes of meiosis and mitosis, as well as becoming familiar with key terminology associated with this area. This was originally produced for A-Level but will also be appropriate for Access to HE and Foundation Degree's. It can be used to compliment handouts which you may already have produced for students on this topic area.
Explanations of Mental Illness Starter

Explanations of Mental Illness Starter

Students will need some prior knowledge of the biological, psychological and social explanations of mental illness to partake in this Starter activity: Presentation concerns images which relate to either the biological, social or psychological explanations of mental illness. Students will need to work independently to note down which slides they think correspond to which approach. There is some overlap which will generate discussion! I would recommend that you have an impromptu discussion at the end of the starter to enable students to justify their answers, this should be an ideal AfL opportunity.
Anti-Discriminatory Practice

Anti-Discriminatory Practice

Research activities and case study to prepare students for assignment on Anti-Discriminatory Practice. Lesson Objectives: Explain what is meant by Active Participation Identifying needs for equality, diversity and equal rights within a care environment Identify and evaluate the applicability of related laws and regulations Recap learning
Mental Health Inequalities and Discrimination

Mental Health Inequalities and Discrimination

Two full days worth of lessons which could be delivered across several weeks to suit a range of timetables. Originally designed for Level 3 students, this is a detailed presentations containing thought provoking activities for students. It could be tailored to fit several subject areas and student abilities. No teacher preparation needed but students would benefit from A3 poster for one of the activities. Content is as follows: considering the impact that an unequal society may have on mental health statuses via a group research task. This will include topics such as geographical factors, unemployment and socio-economic status. Impact of mental health discrimination and the laws/policies surrounding this-student poster activity. The second section of the powerpoint looks at social norms, the link between misconceptions of individuals with mental health conditions being criminals-leading to looking at the deviancy amplification theory. Scenarios and thought-provoking questions throughout which can be tailored dependent on student ability.