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Year 1 Addition planning

Year 1 Addition planning

Year 1 addition planning, includes: *Adding 3 numbers SMART notebook. *Addition frames to laminate. *Maths work- 3 different sets of work. *Addition planning.
Year 1 Homework

Year 1 Homework

Year 1 homework. Pack includes: *Autumn 2nd term homework overview plus additional sheets. *Spring 1st term homework 2 variations plus additional sheets. * Spring 2nd term homework. * Summer term 1 homework.
Phonics- Real and nonsense word challenge.

Phonics- Real and nonsense word challenge.

These have been used in Year 1. The children get into pairs. Partner 1 is the teacher and points to the word, Partner 2 reads the word. They then swap over so that they both get to read all of the words. It is the ‘teachers’ job to support their partner to self correct the words. Once complete the children put sound buttons on the words and then practise writing them on the back of the sheet.
Estate Agents Role Play Area Tasks

Estate Agents Role Play Area Tasks

Homemade Estate Agent pack includes: Property listing sheet Customer enquiry sheet Arrange a viewing sheet Telephone message Job advertisements x4 Job Application form Selling/ renting a property description task For sale/ to rent property cards Free property valuation poster Top tips for selling your home poster Design your dream home task sheet Dream home example posters Create a floorplan task sheet Floorplan example posters ID badges- cleaner, receptionist, mortgage advisor and estate agent x 2
Real and Nonsense word game

Real and Nonsense word game

Is it real? Phonics game. 1.Read a card from the pile. 2.If the word isn’t real, stay where you are. 3.If the word is real, move one space forward. 4.The first person to land on the gem, wins!
Design a Pokemon

Design a Pokemon

Design a Pokemon: Chn to design and describe their own Pokemon character. Design sheet- children to draw and label their design- then evaluate it once they have made it. Individual task sheet for final design. Body parts sheet for children to cut and stick on their Pokemon design sheet
Year 1 Science- Materials

Year 1 Science- Materials

Differentiated worksheets for sorting materials. HA- Provide chn with a selection of materials. Children to draw and label one object in each heading and write the material it is made from. HA Ext- Chn to sort object cards into venn diagram. MA- Chn to draw the object under the correct material and label the name of the object below. LA- Chn to draw an object under each material name and copy write the material name below.
Dentist Role Play Area Resources

Dentist Role Play Area Resources

Dentist role play area resources used in a Year 1 class. Packs includes: Dentist chart Tooth inspection chart Tooth inspection chart info sheet Dentist word cards Dental posters
Strategies for Autistic Children

Strategies for Autistic Children

This pack includes: * Year 1 transition book to Year 2. * General Schedule tick list to help an autistic child cope with different school routines.
Super hero Father's Day card

Super hero Father's Day card

Super hero father’s day template includes: Fold along the dotted lines. Cut out the tie and glue half of it on one side of the open shirt. Lined paper insert for children to write their messages and stick inside the card.
Pokemon Nonsense word game

Pokemon Nonsense word game

Pokemon nonsense word game. 2 player game. Directions: 1. Roll the dice. 2. Move your counter that number of spaces. 3. Read the word you land on. If you get it right stay on the word. If you get it wrong go back to the space you were on. 4. First person to reach their Pokémon is the winner!
Year 1 Data Handling

Year 1 Data Handling

The children in my class collected data in a tally chart to show which ice cream flavour was the most popular in our class. They then represented the data in a pictogram in ICT.
PSHE- Kindness advent calendar

PSHE- Kindness advent calendar

Whole class Kindness advent calendar. Children decorate each door and write something kind to make everybody smile inside. Cut along the black line and fold along the dotted line to create a door that opens. Print back to back so that page 3 is always printed on the back of the door page. Pack also includes individual advent calendars.