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Rexinstead's Shop

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I have been teaching for ten years, across KS1 and KS2. The resources I sell are mostly aimed at lower KS2 but can be adapted for both KS1 and upper KS2.




I have been teaching for ten years, across KS1 and KS2. The resources I sell are mostly aimed at lower KS2 but can be adapted for both KS1 and upper KS2.
Lines and angles lesson

Lines and angles lesson

A power point which goes through the definitions perpendicular, parallel, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, obtuse and acute, with examples. Activity at the end to complete as a class before attempting independent activities.
Lesson on identifying light sources

Lesson on identifying light sources

Power point explaining what light sources are and showing example children can use to sort. Questions included to prompt discussion and interactive sections. Includes the sorting resource for children to work independently, in tables, pairs or as a class to sort.
Maths homework ideas Year 3

Maths homework ideas Year 3

Homework ideas for maths for Year 3 (though can be used for other year groups). Can be optional, for children to choose their own project, or handed out weekly, or half termly. Includes direction, sequences, patterns, distance, weight, length, times tables, fractions, shapes, money, data handling, time, number problems, estimation, capacity and symmetry.
UK geography lessons

UK geography lessons

Grid containing information about the 4 UK countries, plus activities for 2 lessons including differentiated questions on Scotland and Northern Ireland and pictures and words on Wales and England to sort. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Homework ideas Ancient Greece

Homework ideas Ancient Greece

A set of homework ideas for the Ancient Greece topic. Children can either choose which one(s) they want to complete or can be assigned by a teacher.
Whole sequences lesson

Whole sequences lesson

Whole lesson on finding patterns for sequences and continuing them. Rounding numbers starter activity for mental maths development and explanation on how to find patterns in sequences. Differentiated sequences to solve, from simply adding or subtracting the same number repeatedly to adding previous numbers (Fibonacci sequence)
Ancient Egyptian Homework

Ancient Egyptian Homework

Homework ideas for the Ancient Egyptian topic. Can be given as a different piece each week or can be chosen as individual topics or projects. Handout at the end to collate the ideas.
Multiplication lesson

Multiplication lesson

Power point with activities for a multiplication lesson. Includes 2 activities, matching pairs and grid method activities and a set of multiplication calculations to use the grid method to complete.
Whole addition lesson

Whole addition lesson

Addition lesson using White Rose maths hub activities and including a set of addition calculations for an activity. Calculations include simpler additions and bridging across 10. Includes visual explanation of both number line and column method, including exchanging. Answers included both in power point and separately for self marking.
Checking errors lesson

Checking errors lesson

A lesson for children to practice checking whether addition and subtraction answers are accurate, including common mistakes like adding instead of subtracting, flipping subtractions instead of exchanging and confusing place value. Includes differentiated activity for children to work through, with answers so they can see whether they have identified the correct and incorrect answers accurately and self mark.
Reading homework ideas

Reading homework ideas

Reading activities that can either be used in guided or independent reading sessions in class or can be given as homework, either weekly, half termly or optional. Can be used across ks1 or 2.
Spelling homework ideas

Spelling homework ideas

Ideas to help children with learning their spellings. Can be used as homework or as in class activities, can be assigned to children or left as options. Includes writing songs and poems and art activities.
UK quiz and power point

UK quiz and power point

A power point quiz and accompanying work sheet to end the geography of the UK unit. A combination of writing, colouring and circling correct answers. Feedback appreciated.