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Virtual Meet the Teacher PPT
I made this ‘Virtual Meet the Teacher’ Google Slides presentation template for teachers to edit and use to share with children and parents. I have included links to other slides and included a home button which brings you back to the first slide. In the boxes, I added: photos and classroom information as well as a short video of myself. You can download and upload into Google Slides and continue to edit or edit as a PowerPoint. Enjoy!
Emotion Wheel for Children
This PDF document can be downloaded, printed and made into an emotion wheel for children to use to share how they are feeling. The wheel includes 8 emotions, the emotion in words and a picture image for each emotion.
My Emotions - Image and Word Cards - Neutral
This PDF document includes different emotion card for children. There are 7 pages with 2 cards on each so a total of 14 different emotion cards. The images support children’s understanding of what the emotion may look like with facial expressions as well as the written word for each emotion.
Speech Punctuation Faces - Inverted Commas - Display cards
Speech Punctuation Faces! They are great for classroom displays to help children remember what they need to include to punctuate speech correctly.
Back to School Transition Sheet
This worksheet is great for the first week back to school after a half-term or the break from school. It’s a nice ice breaker activity which can open conversions about any worries or questions the children might have! Enjoy!
Inside Out - All about our Emotions Project PPT
This is a learning Power Point that includes four lessons and a reading time extension activity. The lessons encourage children to explore their emotions through the film ‘Inside Out’. Each lesson is used to explore children’s personality islands and different feelings. Within the slides, there are inserted links to video clips to support the learning.