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Intake and Output Nursing Assistant POWER POINT

Intake and Output Nursing Assistant POWER POINT

This 37 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about intake and output. Topics include: fluid balance, what is input, what is output, negative fluid balance- causes and symptoms, positive fluid balance- causes and symptoms, who should be monitored, simple conversions to remember, and key terms. Note: Includes everything that is considered intake and output, although it is noted that some items (IVF, drainage) are measured and recorded by a nurse. Ideal for a CNA/GNA course and can be used in lecture. Intake and output worksheets are also available separately.
Vital Signs POWER POINT- Nursing Assistant/Health Sciences/Medical Assistant

Vital Signs POWER POINT- Nursing Assistant/Health Sciences/Medical Assistant

This 85 slide power point presentation will help to introduce your students to vital signs. Topics include: Temperature, pulse, respirations, blood pressure, pulse oximetry, pain, capillary refill, pulse points, normal ranges, equipment used, and key terminology. Note: This presentation focuses on the introduction/theory/science of vital signs. It does not focus on the precise skill steps involved with measuring vital signs. Ideal for a variety of courses (CNA/GNA/CCMA) and can be used in lecture. Vital Signs worksheets are also available in my store.
Medications in the Geriatric Patient- Role of the Nursing Asst POWER POINT

Medications in the Geriatric Patient- Role of the Nursing Asst POWER POINT

This 23 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about the role of the nursing assistant with medications in the elderly. While nursing assistants do not typically administer medications, their interactions, observations, and monitoring of vital signs with residents/patients can provide valuable information for the nurse and health care team. Power point also includes areas that may be altered by medications (mood, nutritional status, incontinence, sleep, etc). Ideal for a CNA, GNA, CCMA or related course and can be used in lecture.
Infection Control in Health Care POWER POINT (Nursing/Health Sciences)

Infection Control in Health Care POWER POINT (Nursing/Health Sciences)

This 98 slide power point presentation will help to teach your students about infection control in health care. Topics include: very basics of microbiology (bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, parasites, spores, difference between bacteria, viruses, treatment of infections), the chain of infection, local vs system infections, body defenses, hospital acquired infections, carriers, vectors, fomites, superbugs, medical asepsis, hand hygiene (handwashing vs waterless cleaners), potentially infectious excretions or secretions, sharps, standard precautions, use of PPE, types of transmissions (direct, indirect, airborne, droplet and vector), isolation, sequence for applying and removing PPE, things to remember and exposure incidents. Ideal for a CNA/GNA/CCMA, dental assistant, surgical tech, or related course and can be used in lecture.
Urinary System Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT

Urinary System Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT

This 126 slide power point will help your students to learn about the urinary system. Topics include: kidney anatomy, nephron anatomy, formation of urine, filtration, reabsorption, secretion, urinary output, urinalysis and findings, ureters, urinary bladder anatomy, chemical control of urinary secretion (ADH, Aldosterone, Renin), and brief descriptions of some urinary disorders (UTI, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, dialysis, renal calculi, hydronephrosis). Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used in lecture. Can also be used with available Urinary System worksheets.
Neonate and Infant- Growth and Development POWER POINT

Neonate and Infant- Growth and Development POWER POINT

This 115 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about a human’s first year of life. Topics include: premature babies, neonates, infant abduction, colostrum, meconium, fontanelles, newborn weight/length, head circumference, Apgar, infant jaundice, reflexes, sleep, breast and bottle feeding, umbilical cord care, circumcision, bathing, cradle cap, colic, patterns of growth and development, gross and fine motor development, attachment and trust, separation and stranger anxiety, vision, hearing, smell and taste development, physical exams, immunizations, speech, social development, toys, and safety and security. Note: this pptx does not include congenital/genetic disorders or special infant circumstances or diseases. Ideal for a CNA/CCMA or introductory course/unit in growth and development or related courses and can be used in Lecture.
Puberty and Adolescence Growth and Development POWER POINT

Puberty and Adolescence Growth and Development POWER POINT

This 66 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about human puberty and the adolescent years. Topics include: puberty, hormonal influence by hypothalamus/pituitary gland, changes in males/females, precocious and delayed puberty, Turner/Klinefelter syndromes, physical/cognitive/psychosocial changes in adolescence, early/middle/late adolescence traits, influence of peers, health promotion in adolescence, safety issues, legal aspects, and illness/disease in adolescence. Ideal for a CNA/CCMA or related Growth and Development course and can be used in lecture. Other Growth and Development power points are also available.
The Toddler Years Growth and Development POWER POINT

The Toddler Years Growth and Development POWER POINT

This 61 power point presentation will help your students to learn about humans during the second and third years of life. Topics include: weight/height, socialization, play, speech, teeth, sleep and sleep disturbances, separation anxiety, sibling rivalry, gross and fine motor development, bathing, toilet training, autonomy, temper tantrums, aggressive behavior, setting limits, and safety. Ideal for a CNA/CCMA or other related course in growth and development and can be used in lecture. Other growth and development power points also available.
Health Care Facilities POWER POINT (Health Sciences/Nursing)

Health Care Facilities POWER POINT (Health Sciences/Nursing)

This 37 slide power point presentation will introduce your students to health care facilities. Topics include: hospitals, types of long term care facilities, assisted living, medical offices, clinics, labs, hospice, mental health facilities, occupational health, rehabilitation, government agencies, voluntary and non-profit agencies. Ideal for a CNA/GNA/CCMA, health science or related course and can be used in lecture and with available worksheets.
Legal and Ethical Responsibilities:  Nursing Assistant POWER POINT

Legal and Ethical Responsibilities: Nursing Assistant POWER POINT

This 57 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about legalities and ethics in health care. Topics include: civil and criminal law, malpractice, negligence, defamation, false imprisonment, abuse, assault, battery, invasion of privacy, informed consent, HIPAA, advanced directives, living will/power of attorney, DNR, patients’ bill of rights, basic rules of ethics, and professional standards. Ideal for a CNA/GNA/CCMA or related course and can be used in lecture.
World History: Regional Conflicts (1945-present) Worksheet

World History: Regional Conflicts (1945-present) Worksheet

This 28 term worksheet will help your World History students to learn about regional conflicts from 1945-present. Terms include Nelson Mandela, Northern Ireland, Yasser Arafat, Saddam Hussein, Gulf War, intifadas, Chechnya, weapons of mass destruction, and other relevant terms. Ideal for a World History or related course and can be used as a classwork assignment, assessment, or review. Can be used with other World History worksheets. Word bank and answer key provided.
World History: New Nations Emerge (1945-present)

World History: New Nations Emerge (1945-present)

This 39 term worksheet will help your World History students to learn about the time period following World War II (1945-present) when new nations emerged. Terms include: Kashmir, East Timor, Sikhism, Corazon Aquino, Punjab, Katanga, Indira Gandhi, Anwar Sadat, Jomo Kenyatta, and other relevant terms. Ideal for a World History or related course and can be used as a classwork assignment, assessment, or review. Can also be used with other World History worksheets. Word bank and answer key provided.
World History:  Byzantine Empire, Russia, and Eastern Europe Worksheet

World History: Byzantine Empire, Russia, and Eastern Europe Worksheet

This 24 term worksheet will help your World History students to learn about the Byzantine Empire, Russian, and Eastern Europe (time period 330-1613). Terms include Ivan the Great, Ivan the Terrible, Kiev, autocrat, tsar, patriarch, Golden Horde, Balkan peninsula, and other relevant terms. Ideal for a World History or related course and can be used as a warm up, classwork assignment, assessment, or review. Can be used with other World History worksheets. Word bank and answer key provided.
World History: The French Revolution and Napoleon Worksheet

World History: The French Revolution and Napoleon Worksheet

This 36 term worksheet will help your World History students learn about the French Revolution and Napoleon (term 1789-1815). Terms include Marquis de Lafayette, plebiscite, Bastille, Versailles, guillotine, Louis XVI, abdicate, annex, Napoleonic Code, and other relevant terms. Ideal for a World History or related course and can be used as a classwork assignment, assessment, or review. Can also be used with other World History worksheets. Word bank and answer key provided.
World History:  Muslim Civilizations (622-1629) Worksheet

World History: Muslim Civilizations (622-1629) Worksheet

This 45 term worksheet will help your World History students to learn about Muslim civilizations (time period 622-1629). Terms include Muhammad, sultan, Mecca, Ramadan, jihad, hajj, Hinduism, Sikhism, Quran, Sunni, Shiite, and other relevant terms. Ideal for a World History or related course and can be used as a classwork assignment, assessment, or review. Can also be used with other World History worksheets. Word bank and answer key provided.
World History:  Kingdoms and Trading States of Africa Worksheet

World History: Kingdoms and Trading States of Africa Worksheet

This 30 term worksheet will help your World History students to learn about kingdoms and trading states of Africa (730 B.C.- A.D. 1591). Terms include Sundiata, Mansa Musa, Axum, patrilineal, Nubia, Sahara, Bantu, and other relevant terms. Ideal for a World History or related course and can be used as a classwork assignment, assessment, or review. Can be used with other World History worksheets. Word bank and answer key provided.
World History:  The Age of Absolutism (1550-1800) Worksheet

World History: The Age of Absolutism (1550-1800) Worksheet

This 45 term worksheet will help your World History students to learn about the age of absolutism (time period 1550-1800). Terms include Cardinal Richelieu, Peace of Westphalia, Ferdinand, Maria Theresa, Puritans, English Bill of Rights, Oliver Cromwell, Edict of Nantes, and other relevant terms. Ideal for a World History or related course and can be used as a classwork assignment, assessment, or review. Can also be used with other World History worksheets. Word bank and answer key provided.
Healthcare:  Pain Word Scramble (Health Sciences, Nursing, Vital Signs)

Healthcare: Pain Word Scramble (Health Sciences, Nursing, Vital Signs)

This 22 term word scramble will help your students to learn about pain in healthcare. Terms include: referred pain, inflammation, evaluation, intervention, acute pain, chronic pain, pain threshold, pain management, and other relevant terms. A word bank is included; however the instructor may opt to not use it, thus making it a more challenging activity. Ideal for a variety of healthcare-oriented courses and can be used as a pretest, warm up, classwork assignment, or review. Answer key and word bank provided.
Pain in Health Care Worksheet (Health Sciences, Vital Signs, Nursing)

Pain in Health Care Worksheet (Health Sciences, Vital Signs, Nursing)

This 40 term worksheet will help your students to learn about pain in healthcare. Students will read the description or definition and select the correct term from the word bank. Ideal for a CNA/GNA, Medical Assistant, or Health Sciences course and can be used as a classwork assignment, assessment, or review. Word bank and answer key included.
Vital Signs:  What's the Norm?? Practice Worksheet (Health Sciences, Nursing)

Vital Signs: What's the Norm?? Practice Worksheet (Health Sciences, Nursing)

This worksheet will help your students to practice identifying normal and abnormal vital signs. Students will initially identify normal or abnormal blood pressures (8), pulses (8), respirations (8), and temperatures (8) and provide the correct medical term for the condition if applicable. Finally, students will analyze 8 sets of vital signs to identify values that are abnormal. Ideal for a CNA, GNA, CCMA, health sciences, or related course and can be used as a classwork assignment, review, sub plan, or quiz. Worksheet can be used with other available Vital Signs worksheets and activities. Answer key provided.