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Stephanie's Shop

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I completed my PGCE at The Institute of Education in 2011, staying in London to start my career at a primary school in Hackney. I taught across KS2 in four years, while also co-ordinating Spanish and Science and receiving brilliant CPD training across a range of specialisms. In 2016 I moved to Lancashire, where I have been supply teacher for a range of local schools. I love creating engaging & purposeful resources to bring education to life and to give teachers their weekends back!




I completed my PGCE at The Institute of Education in 2011, staying in London to start my career at a primary school in Hackney. I taught across KS2 in four years, while also co-ordinating Spanish and Science and receiving brilliant CPD training across a range of specialisms. In 2016 I moved to Lancashire, where I have been supply teacher for a range of local schools. I love creating engaging & purposeful resources to bring education to life and to give teachers their weekends back!
Geography - Locating Rivers of the World Activity Sheet

Geography - Locating Rivers of the World Activity Sheet

This resource is a worksheet with a clear outline of a world map, on which children are challenged to draw key world rivers on. This can be used in a Water topic or to simply develop geographical knowledge / map reading skills. Using atlases and/or Google Maps, the children will locate each river, match it to the area on their map and try to accurately draw it on and label it. The rivers children are challenged to locate are: 1. Mississippi 4. Thames 7. Nile 2. Danube 5. Huang Ho 8. Niger 3. Ganges 6. Amazon
Classroom Display Ideas

Classroom Display Ideas

When I make a good display (and I do like displays!) I like to take photos of it to remember it, to include in my personal profile and to share with others. Why take so much time over something and then take it down, never to be seen again?! A free resource to share as inspiration to others. UPDATED 13/12/16 to include extra Rivers and WII display ideas! UPDATED 09/02/18 to include extra Science display ideas!
Science: Animals including Humans Introduction Lesson

Science: Animals including Humans Introduction Lesson

This resource is the perfect introduction to a half termly topic which I have used from years 3-5 to teach children about the human body, skeletons of both humans and animals, food groups and digestion. This particular lessons gets children to brainstorm what they already know about animals and humans, and what they would like to find out, helpfully allowing you to adapt your planning to match their subject knowledge.. Objectives and success criteria include: 1) LI: To be able to produce facts that state my current understanding 1) LI: To be able to ask questions which would develop my understanding Success Criteria I can state what I already know about a given topic I can ask questions linked to a given topic to develop my understanding I can use a range of question starters (what, who, how, when, do...)
Science - Plants Introduction Lesson

Science - Plants Introduction Lesson

As an introduction to your Plants topic, get children to brainstorm what they already know about plants. This will help you to direct your future planning more precisely by not repeating old knowledge or allowing you to plug clear gaps in understanding. Also, this lesson will allow children to brainstorm what they would LIKE to know, which gains you an insight into their interests about plants, helping you to produce engaging and focused lessons to inspire them!
Science: Humans including Animals: What Have We Learnt? Lesson

Science: Humans including Animals: What Have We Learnt? Lesson

This resource is the perfect ending to this half termly topic which I have used from years 3-5 to teach children about the human body, skeletons of both humans and animals, food groups and digestion. This particular lessons gets children to brainstorm what they have learnt about animals and humans since the start of the topic helpfully allowing you assess their understanding. The lesson objectives and success criteria include: LI: To be able to produce facts that state my new understanding LI: To be able to answer questions to demonstrate my new understanding Success Criteria I can state what I have learnt about a given topic I can try to answer questions I previously asked using my new learning
Maths Activity: Converting Measurements of Reptile Lengths (cm and m)

Maths Activity: Converting Measurements of Reptile Lengths (cm and m)

This worksheet allows children to practice converting between cm and m units of measurement by using a real life stimulus; the lengths of various reptiles. Included on the worksheet is an LO, reminder of the 1m = 100cm conversion, and a table giving the name of each reptile, a photo, and one of the measurements, with a blank space next to it to complete the conversion. Some measurements are given in cm and others in m.
British Sandwich Week - Research International Sandwiches

British Sandwich Week - Research International Sandwiches

May 17th 2020 commences British Sandwich Week! But, rather than think about traditional British sandwich fillings, why not research the most popular sandwiches from locations around the world? The resource is a simple grid consisting of countries, with gaps to name the sandwich and their fillings. There are just two spaces where the name of the sandwiches are given, but not the countries. This needs internet access in order for the research to be completed.
Ancient Greek Architecture Topic/ICT Lesson Resource

Ancient Greek Architecture Topic/ICT Lesson Resource

Are your class studying the Ancient Greeks? Here's a lesson activity, focusing on Ancient Greek architecture, which gets children to research various facts about different buildings (e.g. stadiums, housing). This would be a great cross-curricular activity, as children could use ICT to research the answers. Worksheet could be completed in pairs, or for a shorter lesson, different groups could each focus on a particular architecture type.
St Andrew's Day Reading Comprehension

St Andrew's Day Reading Comprehension

Saint Andrew's Day is celebrated in Scotland and other countries on November 30th. This resource consists of an information text about the day, it's meaning and how it is celebrated both in Scotland and other countries, along with linked comprehension questions to challenge children's understanding of the text. Includes pictures in the information text to make it more interesting and engaging. Suitable for KS2 and easily adaptable. UPDATED 29/11/2017
Science: Animals including Humans - Food Groups Lesson

Science: Animals including Humans - Food Groups Lesson

This resource is part of a whole half term of engaging lessons which I have used from years 3-5 to teach children about Animals including Humans. This lesson initially recaps children's understanding of human and animal skeletons, before focusing on developing their knowledge of food groups. It includes questions to stimulate children's ideas and understanding, various interactive links to engage and support, and suggested tasks to allow children to demonstrate and challenge their understanding. The Lesson Objective and Success Criteria are: LI: To know the different food groups Success Criteria I can explain what animals and humans need to stay healthy I can name common food groups I can name example foods in each group
History / Topic: World War 2 Radio Broadcasting

History / Topic: World War 2 Radio Broadcasting

This is a fun lesson which allows children to learn and appreciate other social aspects of life during World War II. It starts by questioning children’s current understanding and enjoyment of entertainment via the radio, and informs them of its importance in the 1930s. It includes example radio clips from the war, asking children to discuss their features, and then goes on to compare those with clips from present day news broadcasting (both radio and television). The lesson objective and success criteria are as follows: Objective: To be able to write and broadcast a World War Two radio news bulletin Success Criteria: I can select key information about an event I can bias my report in favour of the Allied war effort I can use emotive language to engage the listener I can speak clearly I can use intonation and expression in my voice In my lesson I gave children facts about a particular bombing raid in London and asked them to report it as if they were a 1930s broadcaster. It was brilliant to see them dramatising their pronunciation and tone, and how they took different perspectives about the same event. I’ve left it open in the resource presentation as to what resource you would want to use for the children to complete this task. There are lots more WWII resources in my shop too if you want to link further lessons. Enjoy!
Macbeth Word Search and Crossword Puzzles

Macbeth Word Search and Crossword Puzzles

A simple but fun Macbeth-themed word search and crossword puzzles to help children to embed their knowledge of the Shakespeare tragedy. Available in PDF, Pages and Word formats! All words link to the plot, including characters names, themes and places. Enjoy!
Science: Humans including Animals: Animal Skeletons

Science: Humans including Animals: Animal Skeletons

This resource is part of a whole half term of engaging lessons which I have used from years 3-5 to teach children about the Humans including Animals. This lesson recaps children's knowledge of the human skeleton and then moves on to focus on animal skeletons, comparing different types, identifying well known animals by their skeleton and comparing human and animal skeletons. The resource includes questions to stimulate children's ideas and understanding, links to various video clips and interactive websites to engage and support, and both group and independent tasks to allow children to demonstrate and challenge their understanding. The lesson objective and success criteria include: LI: To compare the skeletons of different animals Success Criteria I can use first hand observations to find out about skeletons I can use secondary sources to find out about skeletons I can use observations to make predictions I can identify similarities and differences between human/animal skeletons
History / Geography - How East London Has Changed

History / Geography - How East London Has Changed

Having taught in an East London primary school, it was great to see Stratford change right in front of our eyes when the Olympic site and surrounding parkland was changed. Therefore, I wanted to use this experience in the teaching of human geography - comparing how East London changed before to after the 2012 Olympic Games through different photographs. I hope this resource can be enjoyed by classes all over the country - not just in London!
History / Topic: How Hackney and East London Has Changed Since World War 2

History / Topic: How Hackney and East London Has Changed Since World War 2

Having taught in an East London primary school, I wanted to end the class WWII topic by linking it to their own community. East London was a huge target during the Blitz, therefore was devastated during the war, which children in the area might not realise given the infrastructure around them. However, the lesson mainly compares WWII problems with modern day life in East London - positive and negative. It gets children to examine their own community, identify what is good, and what could be improved, and what they imagine it will be like in the future. The lesson activity is continuous through the lesson; making notes about what they think Hackney is like, and then develops to the children using their notes to write a poem (using my teacher example). Although this resource is focused on East London, it could be adapted to focus on area of London or the UK that was particularly affected by the Blitz. Resources include a Notebook lesson presentation, a worksheet for making notes, a presentation page for children to write their best copy of their poem and lots of picture resources.
Science - Designing A Sail Boat (Water Resistance , Wind Power , Materials)

Science - Designing A Sail Boat (Water Resistance , Wind Power , Materials)

These two worksheets can expand to form a Science topic over four to five lessons. Using their prior knowledge of materials and wind power, children independently design their own boat powered by wind either on paper or in their Science books. Existing examples could be shown. Then, at the start of the next lesson, children would use the first worksheet in this resource to evaluate each others designs using the following criteria: • Shape – How will this affect how it moves and balances on the water? • Size – How will this affect how the boat floats and balances? • Materials – Are they waterproof? How will you join them securely? • Sail – How will it steadily stay up and move the boat forwards? Following this, either in the same or next lesson, groups would then choose the best design or combination of design ideas from those on their table, to form a final group design of a boat with a sail. On the second sheet in this resource, they would then work together to plan their final design, using the following criteria: * I can consider the effect of water resistance in my boat design * I can make a sail that will catch wind * I can consider suitable materials to make my boat * I can annotate my design to explain material and shape choices Each group would draw their final boat design and list the materials needed to make it, before going on to make their boat in the following lesson, and then test them the lesson after that in a suitable outdoor location! (...we used a paddling pool!)
Science: Humans including Animals - Digestion

Science: Humans including Animals - Digestion

This resource is part of a whole half term of engaging lessons which I have used from years 3-5 to teach children about Humans Including Animals. This resource starts by recapping children's understanding of the different food groups, before focusing on digestion. It includes questions to stimulate children's ideas and understanding, links to various video clips and interactive websites to engage and support, and both group and independent tasks to allow children to demonstrate and challenge their understanding using the engaging resources that I have suggested (the cover picture for this resource being the display made using one of their favourite lesson activities!) The objective and success criteria for the lesson are: LI: To understand the human digestive system Success Criteria I know what digestion is I know why humans need to digest what they consume I can place the digestive parts correctly in the body I can label the basic parts of the digestive system
Science - Two Lessons: Fossils & Mary Anning (rocks, evolution)

Science - Two Lessons: Fossils & Mary Anning (rocks, evolution)

I used these lessons at the end of our Rocks topic in Science with my Year 3 class, but they were also used by Year 6 at their end of Evolution and Inheritance, so they are easily adaptable! The resource consists of a notebook of two lessons; one focusing on fossils, and the other on famous British fossil hunter Mary Anning. I used the latter lesson during a school inspection, and it went down well both with the visitor and the class! The lessons focus on develop children's understanding of fossils, how they link to rocks, and how fossil hunting is still important today. Luckily, at the time, Tiger stocked cheap fossil digging kits, so I bought some for the class to try in a third lesson and it was brilliant! I've seen them in other shops since and I'm sure they're available on the internet - photos are included of the children delicately chipping and brushing away.
Science - Categorising / sorting rocks (Venn Diagram)

Science - Categorising / sorting rocks (Venn Diagram)

This lesson gets children to investigate rocks practically - either in or outside of the classroom! It involves them comparing rocks by their size, shape, texture, durability, and many other factors, while also extending to thinking about why rocks are different. This is a cross-curricular lesson which links nicely with Maths, as it requires children to sort different rocks using a Venn Diagram. Included is a lesson presentation notebook and a worksheet and photographs from when I continued this lesson outside of the classroom on Hampstead Heath! Easily adaptable for a range of KS2 classes. Enjoy!
Reading Comprehension - BBC News Article - Hedgehog Preservation

Reading Comprehension - BBC News Article - Hedgehog Preservation

When developing my children's comprehension skills, I don't like using photocopies from text books and meaningless expectancy sheets. I prefer to use purposeful, educational and REAL LIFE examples to engage and inform them, while still challenging them and looking for those reading skills. Therefore a lot of my comprehension challenges are based around interesting newspaper articles. In this example, taken from the BBC News website in April 2017, a village in the South West of England has declared itself as being 'hedgehog-friendly' in a bid to stop numbers falling. Included in this pack is a copy of the article and linking comprehension questions suitable for KS2. Enjoy!