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Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.




Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.
Tracking Part-time Timetable Provision. Student Pathway Sheet

Tracking Part-time Timetable Provision. Student Pathway Sheet

Pastoral Leaders use Part time provision for exceptional circumstances often where there is a complete breakdown in school discipline or where the reduced provision will benefit the health and wellbeing of the student. Such provision needs tracking and auditing; this resource provides you with a visual week by week tracker that identifies student targets and incentives during the reduced provision, that can be used as ongoing evidence for the review process at the end of the agreed time. This exemplar tracker is set up for a 4 week Programme but it can be adapted to suit student needs - the document can be referred to when staff need to discuss behaviour and the targets with the student. I also include a recording sheet with this resource.
Anti Bullying initiatives - Writing an Anti Bullying Policy/Bullying initiatives/Citizenship

Anti Bullying initiatives - Writing an Anti Bullying Policy/Bullying initiatives/Citizenship

This resource includes a model 'Anti-bullying Policy, in addition to an in-depth evidence form for recording bullying incidents. In addition, I have added a couple of initiatives that were introduced in my Centre…A bullying levels programme that can be incorporated into any Behaviour Policy/Anti-bullying Policy and an appropriate letter that can form as a template to shape any bullying letters that need to be sent home to parents. In addition to these excellent resources I have also included a Bullying Contract that can be used with students who are habitual bullies in your provision. All have been proven working documents in a PRU.
Using Appropriate Language when Managing Student Behaviour

Using Appropriate Language when Managing Student Behaviour

Are you training your new staff in the basics of Behaviour Management or are you reinforcing appropriate expectations for Managing Behaviour in a whole staff training session? Are you reflecting upon your own Behaviour Management and feel your responses to students could be improved upon or are you a new teacher looking for tips and advice regarding using appropriate language in the classroom? If so, this resource is perfect for you. This excellent training/reflective document identifies an extensive list of possible ways students could disrupt learning in the classroom, alongside some less than helpful responses by the teacher…the document then identifies a more appropriate response that helps the teacher to manage the situation more successfully. The resource identifies more than 20 different scenario’s alongside an opportunity to have ago at some answers for yourself.
Where in the UK - A research and Enquiry Module based on the UK and Europe

Where in the UK - A research and Enquiry Module based on the UK and Europe

A 10 week programme of Study that can be delivered as part of a Geography or Life Skills Scheme of work. The module focuses on developing student knowledge about their community, towns and cities of the UK and Europe alongside enhancing their research and enquiry skills, especially when using an atlas or online mapping resource. Some of the outcomes for the module are… To develop student understanding of the location and place of the British Isles as part of Europe and the rest of the world To raise student awareness of the key features of the British Isles with regard to major towns’ cities, rivers and relief features. To enhance student knowledge and understanding of the key tourist features of London To enhance student atlas skills and to help prepare them for more independent geographical research. To raise student awareness of the countries that makes up the continent of Europe and for them to be able to recall key facts and points of interest for some of them. To identify current or historical events that take place, or have taken place amongst the countries of Europe. To have a greater knowledge of European holiday destinations
Word Quizzes 1-10...Including 5 Themed Quizzes for KS3/4

Word Quizzes 1-10...Including 5 Themed Quizzes for KS3/4

I have updated this resource to now include all 10 Word Quizzes. Guess the Word Quizzes 1-10. These fun quizzes can be used as starter or energizer for any lesson. They could also form an integral part of your Literacy sessions. This selection includes: The England, Scotland and Wales place name quiz Unusual Word Quiz A Grime Music slang selection. A Health and Well Being Quiz A College Focused Quiz 5 standard Word Quizzes A fun and engaging way to start any Literacy/English lesson. Read less
An Introduction to the World of Work and Jobs - PSHE/Careers Module

An Introduction to the World of Work and Jobs - PSHE/Careers Module

This 5-6 week module of work for Year 7 or Year 8 explores students perceptions on the World of Work. It would fit well into any scheme of work that relates to the Gatsby Benchmark 1… ‘that every school and college should have a stable, structured careers programme’. The module explores student thoughts on… What students consider to be ‘work’ Thoughts on ‘what makes the ideal jobs’ Exploring the different job sectors What are skills and qualities? What skills and qualities are required of different jobs There is also a careers self-assessment sheet attached to this module which can be used to evaluate what students have learned from the work covered.
Becoming a Peer Mentor - Peer Mentor Pack for Students

Becoming a Peer Mentor - Peer Mentor Pack for Students

Do you have Peer mentors or Peer Mediators in your school…If not, then why not? Peer Mentors can offer another layer of support for your Pastoral System in any educational setting; You will find that if the Mentors/Mediators become embedded as part of your Pastoral System, then other students will generally respond very well to them. If students are trained correctly and they are given the responsibility and trust to work with younger students they can become an invaluable team in your school. This support pack offers guidance and advice for your Mentors/Mediators as they move forward in their role; it gives advice on how to run a meeting, it identifies key questions to ask and key words to use alongside tips on problem solving. I wrote this resource once I had trained up the Mentors in my Centre and they commented it gave them useful support in their role.
IBP - Individual Behaviour Plan

IBP - Individual Behaviour Plan

The I.B.P. is an in-depth document for recording and tracking student behaviour. It is a supportive document that collates a range of evidence on the student and identifies a range of strategies and interventions to support improvements. This is an individually designed IBP that has been used alongside other Pastoral Support Programmes and which has been used to help provide evidence in both EHCP Review meetings and PEP’s.
Tutorial  Prompts/Reflective Questions for Students (To be led by form Tutors)

Tutorial Prompts/Reflective Questions for Students (To be led by form Tutors)

This resource identifies a number of questions that can be asked of students during a tutorial/review day or simply used to help prompt appropriate and supportive conversation between a tutor and their students. I wrote this resource for my tutors in a PRU who had to lead student reviews at the end of each term and they found it very helpful in prompting appropriate responses from their students.
Wet Weather Activity/Indoor PE and Fun Challenges for Kids

Wet Weather Activity/Indoor PE and Fun Challenges for Kids

Are you looking to engage students during a ‘wet weather’ break or lunch time, or develop healthy competition during your tutor period, then look no further; these simple and fun challenges will keep students engaged for hours whilst nurturing leadership and perseverance. Looking to keep your kids active and challenged during lockdown whilst also having fun? Help them set up the challenges in this booklet and watch them become engaged and challenged. Join in the fun and challenge yourself against them. The challenges and activities are suitable for children and adults of all ages and cost very little to set up.
New Student Welcome Booklet

New Student Welcome Booklet

Do you have an induction process for a new student? If so, this resource will help your colleagues get to know them a little better, especially useful in AP where new students may be a little nervous about sharing information; this mini booklet asks some gentle questions to help the colleague inducting the student to collate useful information and encourage discussion.
RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) Worksheets for KS3 and KS4

RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) Worksheets for KS3 and KS4

A range of Support/Worskheets for any KS3 and KS4 Relationships and Sex Education Modules that align with new Government guidance. Each of the resources are linked to the modules for RSE I have written, however I have removed some of the work/support sheets from them and added them to this bundle, as many schools will already have their schemes of work in place for this subject. Pick and choose from a helpful range of RSE resources to suit your needs in the classroom.
Reducing Exclusions  -A work pack for 1-1 sessions and PSHE

Reducing Exclusions -A work pack for 1-1 sessions and PSHE

A module of work to support students who have been excluded from school; An ideal piece of work for delivery to those students who have received more than 1 FTE who will form a targeted group within your provision. The 8-9 week module can be delivered by a Mentor, Tutor, LSA or more specialist teacher both in 1-1 sessions or with targeted groups of students. It could also be delivered through a Life Skills or PSHE Programme - I originally wrote the module for delivery by PSHE teachers in a KS3 PRU. The key focus for the module is: Looking at an ideal future Locus of control Appropriate decision making Stop, Think, Go How to handle stress
Headteacher Application Letter - Special Education

Headteacher Application Letter - Special Education

This letter template is based on my previously well used Headteacher letter template that I used for applying for HT jobs; this one is specifically focused on roles for Headteacher/SLT positions in Special Education and Alternative Provision and gives examples of the kind of evidence you may need to provide that helps to catch the eye of prospective employers. I did indeed get an interview using this letter and ultimately got the job, which was my last substantive post before retirement.
Wet Weather Games and Activities for all ages

Wet Weather Games and Activities for all ages

A 14 page booklet that identifies a plethora of mini games and activities that can be played by students of all ages. The games/challenges are very simple to set up and use many items that are at hand in a classroom. I have used the ideas presented in this book both as a wet weather PE resource and for use at lunch and break times, in primary, secondary and in alternative provision. Challenge the students and have fun!!
KS3 Curriculum Statement

KS3 Curriculum Statement

This is an extensive Curriculum Statement that I wrote for my KS3 Centre (PRU) in readiness for Ofsted; it also proved to be a great reflection tool that enabled us to look at all areas of the curriculum and to assess if it met the needs of our young people.
Induction Programme for New Staff 2024

Induction Programme for New Staff 2024

Any colleague joining a new school/Educational Provision, needs to have access to the best support from colleagues within the first few weeks and beyond. This will often take place via line management structures/coaching systems and other monitoring mechanisms. This simple template which I designed for use in my Special Needs Provision(PRU) can be used alongside such systems and by Senior Managers and by colleagues themselves, to track early priorities during the induction process.
Anti-bullying Policy

Anti-bullying Policy

This is a ‘Bullying Policy’ that I had previously written for my Special School, where it was proven into guiding staff into making decisions around bullying incidents. It aims to give a comprehensive definition in real terms as to the kind of bullying that may be experienced by students in any educational provision.
The Role of the Form Tutor - Updated

The Role of the Form Tutor - Updated

Are you looking to review job descriptions or to re-define the role of your Tutor Teams? This resource identifies in full what are considered the key roles for the Form Tutor on a day-to day basis. This resource can be used by member of SLT to reinforce, or indeed re-invent the expectations for form tutors in your establishment. I originally wrote this for my school as the Tutor Period was re-introduced and it identified the guidance as to the expectations for the new role.