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AQA English Language Paper 1 focused writing tasks
A couple of lessons that focus on improving creative writing skills. I allude to tasks that have already been completed by the students - you can easily edit these to reflect your own tasks. Particularly pleased with the descriptive writing task as it got a bunch of lads who don’t “do” creative writing to talk about their feelings.
AQA A Level Drama Spreadsheet Machine
A spreadsheet designed to track the academic progress of up to 30 A-Level drama students (you can do more, but you’d have to UNHIDE every hidden columns in order to make sure that the new cells work).
I have included the 2018 and 2019 grade boundaries (as published by AQA), and left both the room and the capacity for the spreadsheet to be updated with 2020 and 2021 grade boundaries.
The spreadsheet will tell you how many marks each student needs to achieve their target grade for each component of the course. The “Machine” calculates this on a section by section basis for each of the components. Additionally, there is room for up to 10 attempts for each of these components. The spreadsheet will then show you the BEST, AVERAGE and LAST marks each student achieved.
Hopefully, this will make it easier for drama teachers to keep track of where their students are.
NOTE: I’ve designed this with the best intentions, but if there is a “bug” or an improvement that you feel would be beneficial after purchase, then leave a note in the comments section and I will attend to it quick sharpish.
AQA English Language and Literature A-Level: Foregrounding Heaney
A few elements of my class really struggled with this concept. So, I’ve broken it down into a step by step guide. The class will each need a copy of the AQA Poetry Anthology for this. It focuses on Follower first and then sets them up for an academic tilt at a comparative response.
I’ve had a good response from the elements of the class that initially struggled too.
AQA English Language Paper 1: The Tiredness of Rosabel exam deconstruction
A lesson designed to be taught AFTER the class has sat a mock exam. However, with very little modifcation this can become a walking-talking mock exam, or a peer/self assessment based lesson.
The powerpoint contains model material and an indicator as to the quality of the model material. My class found this lesson to be very useful.
Additionally, the insert is available for free should you wish to download it for yourself. I include the link below:
AQA English Language Paper 1: The Mill
A PowerPoint designed to be used after students have sat the Section A of the AQA English Language Paper 1 for June 2019. It wouldn’t take much altering to be used as a mock exam itself. The slides are set up to show the model answers from the mark scheme so that students can peer/self assess and give actions and feedback.
Bundle Sale
AQA English Language P1 and P2 Deconstruction Pack
A collection of resources that can be used to either go through specific English Language papers, or set up the students for a mock exam.
Discussing and Listening
Four lessons that focus on improving your students abilities surrounding discussion and listening - somewhat lost art forms. Numerous discussion topics at group and whole class level.
Bundle Sale
AQA English Language Resource Bundle
A collection of resources that will aid you in the teaching of the AQA English Language specification. This is weighted more towards Paper 2 than Paper 1 at the moment - something I will rectify as soon as possible.
Bundle Sale
AQA GCSE English Language and Literature Bundle
All of my current resource of value surrounding the delivery and tracking of the English Language and Literature GCSEs.
Bundle Sale
AQA English Literature Resource Bundle
A collection of schemes that will aid in the revision and teaching of the AQA English Literature examination.
PS - I intend to upload a Romeo and Juliet scheme of work too (as soon as I have finished making it).
Character and Voice Revision Book
A bit out of date now(hence the reduced price). This is a booklet that provides a copy of each of the old AQA Moonlight on the Tides poems with a series of questions and an exam question. This is a stand alone resource you can print out (It's a whopper! Loads of pages, so check your departmental print budgets) for individuals or whole classes.
Might be useful as an Unseen Poetry resources for the new AQA English Literature GCSE (Just saying...)
Bundle Sale
English Data Collation Special
Quite simply, the spreadsheets in here will allow you to track every single year group in Key Stage 3 and 4. The focus will be on preparation for the AQA English GCSE examinations.
KS3: Creative Writing (linked to A Midsummer Night's Dream)
After teaching content related to AMND, we had changed direction and ended up doing some creative writing. These lessons build on some top end creative skills.
Bundle Sale
English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Bundle (version 2)
These two resources cover both papers in detail, and provide you with a spreadsheet to collate your data.
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A Revision Lesson
A single power point designed to be taught as a walking-talking mock examination. This can extend over several lessons - I predict you'll need at least three to do this justice. The source materials are included.
AQA A-Level English Language and Literature: Othello - Lesson 2 (Soliloquies)
My second lesson. Here, I focus almost entirely on ACT 2 SCENE 1 and Iago's soliloquies therein. The notes element of the power point pulls a lot of thinking together from across a lot of sources - you'll need these notes to flesh out the tasks. I tie it up with an exam style question at the end focusing on what we can infer about attitudes to women. Quite pleased with how this looks and how it goes.
KS3: Escape from Kraznir creative writing pack (my version)
First things first, let me just say that the mind that created the Escape from Kraznir SoW was not mine - wish it was though…
You are not buying the SoW (though I do include it as part of the pack so you have a frame of reference), that is available freely elsewhere. What you are buying is the 7 lessons that I created from this SoW and taught to my students. Let me say this - I have never had such a reaction creatively.
My gast was well and truly flabbered as to their engagement and the effort they put in.
I’ve created a single power point that contains all of the other lessons too - just for those who like continuity.
NOTE: I used some of the sound effects from Warcraft 2, but I couldn’t put this up here (Blizzard may have something to say about that). However, you can use your own sound effects and music as and where you see fit (I liked using the Death of Optimus Prime Music from the Transformers Movie (not the Bay versions, the original cartoon version with Unicron) over the top of the farewell aspect in Lesson 2).
This is a lot of fun.
I promise.
PS: If you enjoyed this scheme of work, you might be interested in the follow up unit:
AQA English Literature Data Collation Spreadsheet aka "The Machine"
Attached is a spreadsheet that does an awful lot of work for you. To summarise, it does the following:
Allows for easy collation of GCSE Literature marks on a paper by paper basis AND as a whole examination
Allows for easy identification of various student demagraphics - EAL, PP and so on
Allows you to measure progress against students best, average and last marks across both papers
Works out "how many marks" until you hit target grades for individual students
Colour codes grades and marks to allow for at a glance progress checks
Once you buy this spreadsheet, you will not need to get another LITERATURE spreadsheet. The document contains instructions as to how to update the spreadsheet.
Oh, and if you do get this, I suggest you LOCK the individual spreadsheets ASAP: the document is set up to allow you to do this and still enter the data, you just won't be able to accidentally delete any of the coding, thus removing any brain overloads that might ensue.
Happy spread-sheeting!
Universal Key Stage 3 English Spreadsheet
A simple spreadsheet that is designed to track the progress of an entire KS3 cohort from Year 7 to the end of Year 9.
I have LOCKED each of the TABS of the spreadsheet using the NAME OF THE TAB itself (minus the spaces and as it appears with capital letters and numbers). This will stop any of the codes being deleted accidentally.
Hope this saves people some time.