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KS3 Conflict Poetry complete unit of work (differentiated lessons for high, mid and low ability)

KS3 Conflict Poetry complete unit of work (differentiated lessons for high, mid and low ability)

A complete unit of work including source poems, videos and mp3 versions of poets reading their poems. Differentiated for higher, middle and lower ability classes (each lesson back ground has a slightly different colour for an easy visual guide), this is a unit of work I designed with my Head of Key Stage 3 hat on at my last school - an entire year group was successfully taught this unit. A real success.
KS3 Unit of Work and lessons for The Crowfield Curse

KS3 Unit of Work and lessons for The Crowfield Curse

A text I taught to year 7 (second set) which we all absolutely loved! There are so few lessons here in comparison to my other resource bundles because we often spent large amounts of time just reading the book. The video is pretty awesome - I take no credit for creating it, I downloaded it from youtube and converted it to a format I could use. May the crows find you willing and able.
KS3 Northern Lights Complete Unit of Work (Focus on creative writing)

KS3 Northern Lights Complete Unit of Work (Focus on creative writing)

Numerous lessons (though as you’ll see they can be expanded/contracted as meets your need) surrounding the teaching of Phillip Pullman’s Northern Lights (a quite awesome book) to a Key Stage 3 class. I taught this unit to a top and bottom set and got a lot out of it in terms of enjoyment and successful creative writing. I will be using it as a starting point for a reading assignment with very little modification. May your daemon guide you well. ADDITION: I have adapted the material to be more focused on GCSE Language creative skills, and incorporated material drawn from the BBC series His Dark Materials. The “newer” lessons are aimed for higher ability students and deal with some more specific creative writing issues like dialogue.
AQA English Literature DNA resources

AQA English Literature DNA resources

There doesn't seem to be much out there for DNA, which is a shame really as it's a great text to study. Attached are ALL of the DNA resources I have created; hopefully this will give you a few different ideas and starting points. This is a mish-mash of resources from three years of teaching this text across two schools. Some organising and sifting-through is needed here.
AQA English Language Data Collation Spreadsheet aka "The Machine"

AQA English Language Data Collation Spreadsheet aka "The Machine"

Attached is a spreadsheet that does an awful lot of work for you. To summarise, it does the following: Allows for easy collation of GCSE Language marks on a paper by paper basis AND as a whole examination Allows for easy identification of various student demagraphics - EAL, PP and so on Allows you to measure progress against students best, average and last marks across both papers Works out "how many marks" until you hit target grades for individual students Colour codes grades and marks to allow for at a glance progress checks Once you buy this spreadsheet, you will not need to get another LANGUAGE spreadsheet. The document contains instructions on the ARRAY tab as to how to update . Oh, and if you do get this, I suggest you LOCK the individual spreadsheets ASAP: the document is set up to allow you to do this and still enter the data, you just won't be able to accidentally delete any of the coding, thus removing any brain overloads that might ensue. I am using this at my current school and there are several other schools who are using this system with good reports. Happy spread-sheeting! PS - Yes, there is a page that reads exactly the same but for a version that caters for the AQA Literature course. The spreadsheets are different. Here's the link/address to the LITERATURE version: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-english-literature-data-collation-spreadsheet-aka-the-machine-11405407
AQA English Literature Data Collation Spreadsheet aka "The Machine"

AQA English Literature Data Collation Spreadsheet aka "The Machine"

Attached is a spreadsheet that does an awful lot of work for you. To summarise, it does the following: Allows for easy collation of GCSE Literature marks on a paper by paper basis AND as a whole examination Allows for easy identification of various student demagraphics - EAL, PP and so on Allows you to measure progress against students best, average and last marks across both papers Works out "how many marks" until you hit target grades for individual students Colour codes grades and marks to allow for at a glance progress checks Once you buy this spreadsheet, you will not need to get another LITERATURE spreadsheet. The document contains instructions as to how to update the spreadsheet. Oh, and if you do get this, I suggest you LOCK the individual spreadsheets ASAP: the document is set up to allow you to do this and still enter the data, you just won't be able to accidentally delete any of the coding, thus removing any brain overloads that might ensue. Happy spread-sheeting!
Gothic Creative Writing KS3 Resource Pack

Gothic Creative Writing KS3 Resource Pack

MASSIVE success with this scheme. Trouble is, what I can't get on here is the music files I downloaded and threaded into the lessons. If you want to do this, use a site like keepvid.com to download some sinister music - I used the little girls song from 'The Ring' and a series of songs from the original QUAKE video game soundtrack (one is literally just a whisper getting louder and louder). I played these sounds over the top of the creative writing assessment and got a decent response (true, one or two of the kids MAY have nightmares...). Best of luck!
Animal Farm KS3 resource pack

Animal Farm KS3 resource pack

I've taught this to top set year 8 and year 9 - had more success with the year 9s to be honest, but I think this would work with year 8s further in to the year. This was a series of lessons taught over the enormous 8 week half term. Hope the resources are useful to you!
GCSE Spoken Language MultiModal Communication Pack

GCSE Spoken Language MultiModal Communication Pack

Another experiment with mixed success. Attempted with a particularly apathetic bottom set year 10 group and got some decent Band 3s - I felt they left a lot out on the field so to speak. There is a lot of scope for taking this idea and developing it - if Gove leaves off the specification (unlikely) I will be coming back for a second crack at this. If not, I will modify it for a KS3 scheme in the future. Happy trails.
GCSE Spoken Language Political Speech Pack

GCSE Spoken Language Political Speech Pack

OK, taught this for the first time to a bottom set year 9 class and they all got Band 3s and above for this (save one or two) so I'm calling it a success. I claim no credit for the speeches, I&'m just putting them on here for you to use. I found that it was necessary to make the students aware about politics and political terms BEFORE launching into spoken language study. The last resource is a useful revision booklet which I use throughout KS4 as a HW booklet. Hope it is useful for you.
Lord of the Flies: Stage Two - Film

Lord of the Flies: Stage Two - Film

These lessons are to be ran in tandem with watching the 1963 versions of the film (not the modern version - the pilot is still alive!). You can insert these two lessons at any point in the SoW.
Lord of the Flies: Stage Zero - Starting Point

Lord of the Flies: Stage Zero - Starting Point

The first lesson of a SoW I have recently created to teach Lord of the Flies to Year 7. This is the first part; I refer you to the 'Following this Scheme' guide for instructions as to what to do next.\nPlease leave feedback if you find this Scheme useful or have any suggestions to make. Look for the remaining stages on here too...
Lord of the Flies: Stage 1 - Reading (M - H)

Lord of the Flies: Stage 1 - Reading (M - H)

Here you will find the reading lessons for my Lord of the Flies SoW for the mid to higher ability (Learning outcomes measured against Levels 4 - 6). \nIMPORTANT: Lessons 6 and 7 use sound-clips which I couldn't upload - you will have to find suitable sound effects yourself.\nPlease feel free to add feedback and any suggestions.
Lord of the Flies: Stage Three - Writing

Lord of the Flies: Stage Three - Writing

The third and final stage of my Lord of the Flies SoW. I am still adding in alternative lessons to this so expect some changes. The writing assessment focuses on a letter-in-a-bottle activity. As you can see, there is heavy emphasis on punctuation.\nFeedback welcome.\nThe handwriting lesson is based upon a workbook i found on TES - I take no credit for it!
Lord of the Flies: Stage 1 - Reading (L-M)

Lord of the Flies: Stage 1 - Reading (L-M)

Here you will find the reading lessons for my Lord of the Flies SoW for the low to mid ability (Learning outcomes measured against Levels 3 - 5). \nIMPORTANT: Lessons 6 and 7 use sound-clips which I couldn't upload - you will have to find suitable sound effects yourself.\nPlease feel free to add feedback and any suggestions.
GCSE Exam Revision Material (2010 onwards)

GCSE Exam Revision Material (2010 onwards)

OK - the power point (Lesson 6) is actually a FOUR hour revision session. The two other worksheets are the articles and worksheets required to complete the lesson. You'd also need mini-white boards, whiteboard pens and post-it notes to run this lesson right off. Hope this will prove useful.
KS4 - Shakespeare and Conflict Poetry - FEELINGS

KS4 - Shakespeare and Conflict Poetry - FEELINGS

A series of lessons designed to teach Year 10-11 students about Shakespeare and how he presents feelings. This unit is pointed at a controlled assessment question that focuses on how Shakespeare and the conflict poetry POETS present ideas about feelings - poetry lessons to follow.
Poetry: Cultural Poetry Investigation PART 2

Poetry: Cultural Poetry Investigation PART 2

....and here it is. The second part of an investigation into poetry. It should be noted that I have targetted these lessons specifically at LOWER ABILITY 6th Graders - this unit is designed to be a little harder.
Poetry: Cultural Poetry Investigation PART 1

Poetry: Cultural Poetry Investigation PART 1

The first part of a poetic investigation using all those old copies of the AQA anthology from yesteryear. The assessment is designed to focuse on RAF2,3,5 and 7. Each poem is split into two lessons; the first focusing on the cultural aspects and the second on the language. ALL of these power points are rendered in pink to allow Dyslexic students to read them without the text glaring. Second part to follow....