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Pokémon GO eSafety lesson for KS3
Lesson around Pokémon GO that talks about the eSafety issues that need to be addressed. This includes paying money in seemingly free to play games, the consequences of thinking other players are safe and how lures work within the game.

Spotting a business opportunity Revision for GCSE Business Studies (Edexcel)
Full revision session for GCSE Business Studies for Edexcel. Includes multiple choice questions.

GCSE Business Studies - Types of organisation (Edexcel)
GCSE Business Studies exercise for types of organisation
Split into several groups. Students write down the advantages and disadvantages of each organisational type.
Students then share the results, and fill out the worksheet l5-Table-Types-of-business.docx

GCSE PE Multiple choice questions
More than 100 GCSE PE multiple choice questions.
One copy has no answers, one copy has the correct answer highlighted in bold.
Possible uses include games, revision sessions and so on.

Abstraction Computing Lesson for KS3
Two different ways of teaching abstraction to a Key Stage 3 audience.
One way is by using logos and Photoshop (Abstraction and Logo Design).
The other included way is by creating a model in Microsoft Excel (Abstractionmodel).
Both very successful lessons to explain this important concept.

Putting a business idea into practice GCSE Business Studies Unit
1.3 - Putting a business idea
Created for Edexcel GCSE Business Studies
Cash Flow
Financing a small buiness
The Business Plan

Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Scheme of work for KS3
Covers Ai for Key Stage Three.
Lesson 1 - What are the limits of computing?
Lesson 2 - Why do we need humans to do work (how Captcha works)
Lesson 3 - Plagiarism and your own work
Complete with worksheets, presentations and answer sheets.

Showing Enterprise GCSE Business Studies Unit
Full unit of work created for Edexcel GCSE Business Studies
1.2 - Spotting a business opportunity
Enterprise and Entrepreneurs
Thinking Creatively
Invention and Innovation
Calculated Risks

GCE A Level Biology Unit 4 notes for AQA
GCE A Level Biology notes written for the AQA specification Biology (2410).
The topics covered in the revision guide are detailed here:
Unit 4
3.4.1 The dynamic equilibrium of populations is affected by a number of factors.
3.4.2 ATP provides the immediate source of energy for biological processes.
3.4.3 In photosynthesis, energy is transferred to ATP in the light-dependent reaction and the ATP is utilised in the light-independent reaction.
3.4.4 In respiration, glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasm and the remaining steps in the mitochondria. ATP synthesis is associated with the electron transfer chain in the membranes of mitochondria.
3.4.5 Energy is transferred through ecosystems and the efficiency of transfer can be measured.
3.4.6 Chemical elements are recycled in ecosystems. Microorganisms play a key role in recycling these elements.
3.4.7 Ecosystems are dynamic systems, usually moving from colonisation to climax communities in the process of succession.
3.4.8 Genetic variation within a species and geographic isolation lead to the accumulation of different genetic information in populations and the potential formation of new species.

Understanding the economic context GCSE Business Studies Unit
1.5 - Understanding the economic context
Created for Edexcel GCSE Business Studies
Market demand and supply
Impact of changes in interest rates on small business
Impact of changes in exchange rates
How do business cycles affect small business
What effect do business decisions have on stakeholders

Making the start-up effective GCSE Business Studies Unit
1.4 - Making the start-up effective
Created for Edexcel GCSE Business Studies
Customer focus
The marketing mix
The importance of limited liability
Start-up legal and tax issues
Effective on-time delivery and customer satisfaction
Recruiting, training and motivating staff

GCE A Level Biology Unit 5 notes for AQA
GCE A Level Biology notes written for the AQA specification Biology (2410).
The topics covered in the revision guide are detailed here:
Unit 5
3.5.1 Stimuli, both internal and external, are detected and lead to a response.
3.5.2 Coordination may be chemical or electrical in nature.
3.5.3 Skeletal muscles are stimulated to contract by nerves and act as effectors.
3.5.4 Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment.
3.5.5 Negative feedback helps maintain an optimal internal state in the context of a dynamic equilibrium. Positive feedback also occurs.
3.5.6 The sequence of bases in DNA determines the structure of proteins, including enzymes.
3.5.7 Gene expression is controlled by a number of features.
3.5.8 Gene cloning technologies allow study and alteration of gene function in order to better understand organism function and to design new industrial and medical processes.

GCE A Level Biology Multiple Choice Questions for Unit 4 for AQA
More than 90 A Level Biology multiple choice questions.
One copy has no answers, one copy has the correct answer highlighted in bold.
Possible uses include games, revision sessions and so on.

GCE AS Level Biology Multiple Choice Questions for Unit 1 for AQA
More than 40 AS Level Biology multiple choice questions.
One copy has no answers, one copy has the correct answer highlighted in bold.
Possible uses include games, revision sessions and so on.

GCE A Level Biology Multiple Choice Questions for Unit 5 for AQA
More than 50 A Level Biology multiple choice questions.
One copy has no answers, one copy has the correct answer highlighted in bold.
Possible uses include games, revision sessions and so on.

GCE AS Level Biology Unit 1 notes for AQA
GCE AS Level Biology notes written for the AQA specification Biology (2410).
The topics covered in the revision guide are detailed here:
Unit 1
3.1.1 Disease may be caused by infectious pathogens or may reflect the effects of lifestyle Pathogens
3.1.2 The digestive system provides an interface with the environment. Digestion involves enzymic hydrolysis producing smaller molecules that can be absorbed and assimilated.
The Digestive system
Enzyme action
Enzyme properties
Carbohydrate digestion
3.1.3 Substances are exchanged between organisms and their environment by passive or active transport across exchange surfaces. The structure of plasma membranes enables control of the passage of substances across exchange surfaces. Cells
Plasma membranes
Active transport
3.1.4 The lungs of a mammal act as an interface with the environment. Lung function may be affected by pathogens and by factors relating to lifestyle. Lung function
The biological basis of lung disease
3.1.5 The functioning of the heart plays a central role in the circulation of blood and relates to the level of activity of an individual. Heart disease may be linked to factors affecting lifestyle. Heart structure and function
The biological basis of heart disease
3.1.6 Mammalian blood possesses a number of defensive functions. Principles of immunology

GCSE English Multiple choice questions
More than 60 GCSE English multiple choice questions.
One copy has no answers, one copy has the correct answer highlighted in bold.
Possible uses include games, revision sessions and so on.

GCSE Drama Multiple choice questions
More than 100 GCSE Drama multiple choice questions.
One copy has no answers, one copy has the correct answer highlighted in bold.
Possible uses include games, revision sessions and so on.

MiniMax algorithm for KS3 / GCSE / A-level
A lesson that can really stretch able students and discuss the MiniMax algorithm based around a naughts and crosses game.
This worksheet needs to be completed on a computer as the students will drag and drop the playing pieces on the worksheet.