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Memory Lesson for OCR Computer Science
Complete lesson for Memory. Designed for OCR Computer Science (9-1) J276 but is more than useful for Computer Science students studying AQA and other exam boards.
Contains a PowerPoint presentation, and two worksheets.
Contains everything the students need to know:
the difference between RAM and ROM
the purpose of ROM in a computer system
the purpose of RAM in a computer system
the need for virtual memory
flash memory
Factors in Real life, and calculating factor trees
Students often ask: what is the point?
Factors and factor trees are in fact both interesting and important. Use this resource to help explain why and to spark interest in those who previously have expressed no interest in maths!
The first part of this lesson answer that question through a presentation (and gives them a worksheet to complete).
They then calculate those factors with a step by step presentation (with a worksheet to complete).
Positive Thinking and Growth Mindset Assembly
Designed for KS3 but easily modified to deliver to KS2 or KS4.
Positive thinking is important for our students. This assembly does not come with a script, but is 15 slides that are fairly self-explanatory and you can change or add to as you see fit according to your own style.
This assembly helps you to help the students think about their attitudes and thinking.
Respect snakes and ladders game
A game based around snakes and ladders.
The perfect accompaniment to the respect assembly and worksheets by StudeApps.
Simply use the respect scenario cards, print out the snakes and ladders game and you are ready to go!
Respect Bundle and Assembly resource
A full bundle for a lesson +
** Includes:**
Assembly resource
A huge number of worksheets
Data representation: Binary Trees
Teaching Computer Science
This is a fantastic resource that students love! KS3 students love playing the game (iPad App optional) and seeing how computers actually store data. GCSE students get a view of how data is stored on computers, and A-level students learn about an essential part of computing.
The resource comes with a presentation to run through with the students, and a free optional iPhone / iPad app (free with no adverts or tracking and small download size). You could get students to try the App in their own time at home, use iPads in school or just use the worksheets and Powerpoint resources to present a fantastic lesson. You pick which worksheets to run through, you have the tools for a great lesson and can pick the parts you want!
Computer science lessons should be interesting, unexpected and fun. This lesson is all three.
App link:
Fidget spinners and probability
Mini project where students are using fidget spinners to calculate probability!
Fantastic lesson that can be used as part of mathematics or science. Spin the sinner - where will it land?
A teacher's guide to fidget spinners
A teacher guide for fidget spinners. Gives reasons why they may be banned in some schools, and the counter arguments for doing so.
Fidget spinners lesson / Assembly
What are fidget spinners? Why might they be banned in schools? What evidence is there that fidget spinners work?
This resource can be used as part of an assembly or tutor time. No script is provided as each slide makes a single point, and teachers can move or delete slides as necessary.
Encryption wordsearch for year 7
Encryption wordsearch for year 7
Year 7 hardware wordsearch
Wordsearch for year 7 hardware
Regular expressions poster
A poster about regular expressions
Variables Wordsearch for GCSE Computer Science
Wordsearch around computer science variables
SQL Wordsearch for GCSE Computer Science
Wordsearch around computer science SQL wordsearch
Selection Wordsearch for GCSE Computer Science
Wordsearch around computer science selection
Loops Wordsearch for GCSE Computer Science
Wordsearch around computer science data types
Functions Wordsearch for GCSE Computer Science
Wordsearch around computer science functions
File handling Wordsearch for GCSE Computer Science
Wordsearch around computer science file handling
Arrays Wordsearch for GCSE Computer Science
Wordsearch around computer science arrays
Data types Wordsearch for GCSE Computer Science
Wordsearch around computer science data types