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Sue Summers Shop

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I'm currently teaching 8th grade Spanish. I have taught all levels of Spanish, from kindergarten to high school, at various times in the past 17 years. I have a BA in Spanish and International Relations from Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, IL, and an MA in Spanish Language and Culture from the University of Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain. My shop includes all types of resources for Spanish and French, as well as materials for English Language Arts and ELL.




I'm currently teaching 8th grade Spanish. I have taught all levels of Spanish, from kindergarten to high school, at various times in the past 17 years. I have a BA in Spanish and International Relations from Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, IL, and an MA in Spanish Language and Culture from the University of Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain. My shop includes all types of resources for Spanish and French, as well as materials for English Language Arts and ELL.
Spanish Airport Vocabulary Reference, Presentation and Flashcards

Spanish Airport Vocabulary Reference, Presentation and Flashcards

This presentation contains the following: 1. 27 slides of airport images and vocabulary words that come out on mouse click. The slides can be printed to make a class set of flashcards that can be used for games or a quick review. 2. 2 slides containing 30 vocabulary words. These slides can be used for in class presentation, review and pronunciation practice. 3. 1 slide containing the 30 Spanish / English airport vocabulary words printed 2 per page so it can be copied and given to students for their reference. 32 pages
Spanish Airport and Travel 18 Vocabulary IDs - El Aeropuerto

Spanish Airport and Travel 18 Vocabulary IDs - El Aeropuerto

Students write the Spanish airport vocabulary word under each of the 18 pictures. Sample words include avion, maleta, equipage, pasaporte, and aduana. When finished, the handout makes a nice review sheet as is or it could be cut apart later and used for flashcards. It can also be projected and used for the flyswatter game. 2 pages
Spanish Winter Bundle of 3 Worksheets and Game Cards / Flashcards

Spanish Winter Bundle of 3 Worksheets and Game Cards / Flashcards

4 Resources
Save 25% with this Spanish Winter Bundle of 3 Worksheets and Game Cards - Included in the bundle: - Spanish Winter Crossword Puzzle and Image IDs - This activity contains 54 clues for winter vocabulary. Students are instructed to: 1. Complete the crossword. 2. Write Spanish vocabulary words under each picture. 3. Write the Spanish vocabulary word next to each clue. The crossword includes winter vocabulary associated with weather, winter clothing, outdoor activities, winter sports, and other words common during winter such as fireplace, soup, goosebumps, and slush. The answer key is included. - Spanish Winter Word Search Puzzle and Image IDs - This activity contains 54 winter vocabulary words. Students are instructed to: 1. Complete the word search. 2. Write Spanish vocabulary words under each picture. 3. Write the Spanish vocabulary word next to each word. The word search includes winter vocabulary associated with weather, winter clothing, outdoor activities, winter sports, and other words common during winter such as fireplace, soup, goosebumps, and slush. The answer key for the words to be found in included. - Spanish Winter 67 Word Bilingual Vocabulary Reference - This download contains: 1. English to Spanish word list with 67 words 2. Spanish to English word list with 63 words 3. List of 6 suggested student uses for the word lists - these include assignments, speaking practice, and reference. The vocabulary lists include many words related to snow and weather, winter clothing, outdoor activities, and more. - Spanish Winter Game Cards - This download contains: 1. 27 winter clip art images that can be used for any language. There is one page with winter clothing articles, one page with winter activities such as skiing, skating, and ice-fishing, and one page with nouns related to winter such as snow, snow plow, icicles, sled, and snowman. 2. English word cards that correspond to the images 3. Spanish word cards that correspond to the images 4. Suggested uses page The cards can be photocopied and used for: 1. Partner slap jack 2. Print 2 copies for each set to use for playing the concentration game. 3. Winter vocabulary flashcards 4. Have students match word cards with image cards. 5. Go fish game 6. Charades - students draw and act out either the image or word on the card and classmates guess the vocabulary word The slides can also be projected for classroom vocabulary practice. These are great materials to have ready for Spanish substitute lesson plans. All 4 products are also sold individually on TES. 20 pages
Spanish Winter Game Cards and Flashcards: Images, Spanish, and English Cards

Spanish Winter Game Cards and Flashcards: Images, Spanish, and English Cards

- Spanish Winter Game Cards - This download contains: 1. 27 winter clip art images that can be used for any language. There is one page with winter clothing articles, one page with winter activities such as skiing, skating, and ice-fishing, and one page with nouns related to winter such as snow, snow plow, icicles, sled, and snowman. 2. English word cards that correspond to the images 3. Spanish word cards that correspond to the images 4. Suggested uses page The cards can be photocopied and used for: 1. Partner slap jack 2. Print 2 copies for each set to use for playing the concentration game. 3. Winter vocabulary flashcards 4. Have students match word cards with image cards. 5. Go fish game 6. Charades - students draw and act out either the image or word on the card and classmates guess the vocabulary word The slides can also be projected for classroom vocabulary practice. These are great materials to have ready for Spanish substitute lesson plans. 9 pages
Spanish Food and Meals Bundle of 9 Worksheets, Web Quest, Sketch, and Vocabulary

Spanish Food and Meals Bundle of 9 Worksheets, Web Quest, Sketch, and Vocabulary

12 Resources
Get ready for a great food unit with this Spanish food bundle! The bundle contains 9 worksheets, a web quest, a sketch activity, and an extensive vocabulary reference with over 135 words for foods, meals, verbs, and food related phrases. The bundle price offers more than 40% savings over the cost of each item purchased separately! Here's what you get: - Spanish 25 Food Plurals and Indefinite Articles w/key - Spanish Food and Meals Word Search w/key - Spanish Food and Meals 15 Sentence Completions w/key - Spanish Food Groupings - 24 Words with 6 Categories w/key - Spanish Food and Adverbs of Time 20 Sentences with Image IDs w/key - Spanish Food 12 Question Responses and Image IDs w/key - Spanish Fruits and Vegetables Crossword Puzzle w/key - Spanish Food Fruits and Vegetables Sketch Project - Spanish Food and Shopping WebQuest OpenCor 18 Questions and Sketch - Spanish Food and Meals Crossword Puzzle, Vocabulary, and Image IDs w/key - Spanish Foods With Gustar, Encantar & Odiar Sentences & Picture IDs w/key - Spanish Foods and Meals Vocabulary Reference 26 pages
Spanish Food and Meals 150 Word Vocabulary Reference

Spanish Food and Meals 150 Word Vocabulary Reference

Spanish Food and Meals 150 Word Vocabulary Reference Included in the English to Spanish reference: - Food words, including a section solely for fruits - Table items vocabulary (knife, fork, tablecloth, etc.) - Meals vocabulary - 7 verbs used for meals, ordering, and serving - Useful phrases for dining in restaurants 2 pages
Spanish Food / Fruit Vocabulary IDs - La Comida, La Fruta

Spanish Food / Fruit Vocabulary IDs - La Comida, La Fruta

Students write the Spanish fruit vocabulary word under each of the 18 pictures. When finished, the handout makes a nice review sheet as is or it could be cut apart later and used for flashcards. The answer key is included. This is great for introducing and reviewing vocabulary with students. 2 pages
Spanish Food and Meals 15 Sentence Completions - La Comida

Spanish Food and Meals 15 Sentence Completions - La Comida

Students complete 15 sentences with at least 3 food words of their choice. Sample sentences are: 1) Mi sandwich favorito tiene...2) Mis tres frutas favoritas son... Verbs used are tener, ser, gustar, comer and incluir. There are also 8 food clip art images for students to identify. Since answers will vary, no answer key is included. 1 page
Spanish Food and Meals Matching Squares Puzzle - La Comida

Spanish Food and Meals Matching Squares Puzzle - La Comida

Students assemble a 3 x 3 Spanish/English vocabulary puzzle with 24 common food and meals words. Sample words are: yogur, cereal, queso, pan, perrito caliente, carne, comida, hamburguesa, and papas fritas. Words are only listed on the puzzle once. Just photocopy enough for a class set (1 for every 2 students if working in pairs, or 1 per student if working alone), cut and fasten with a paper clip. Distribute to students and challenge them to reassemble the puzzles as quickly as possible. There is a list of all words alongside the puzzle in Spanish and English. This can be used as a food vocabulary bookmark and reference. 2 pages
Spanish Food and Meals Word Search Puzzle, Vocabulary, and Image IDs - La Comida

Spanish Food and Meals Word Search Puzzle, Vocabulary, and Image IDs - La Comida

This activity contains 30 clues for common foods and meals vocabulary. Students are instructed to: 1. Complete the word search. 2. Write Spanish vocabulary words under each of the 12 pictures. 3. Write the English translation next to each clue. Examples of vocabulary words are food, all 3 meals and snack, meat, dessert, fruit, ice cream, salad, hamburger, french fries, and cookie. The download includes: 1. Word search with images 2. Answer key with words next to the clues 3. Vocabulary page with 30 words, copied 2 per page for student handouts. The download can be used as a fun substitute lesson plan. When students complete the worksheet activities, they can quiz each other on the food vocabulary with the vocabulary reference. 3 pages
Spanish Food - Beverages & Condiments 18 Vocabulary Image IDs Worksheet

Spanish Food - Beverages & Condiments 18 Vocabulary Image IDs Worksheet

Students write a Spanish vocabulary word under each of the 18 pictures. Sample words are agua, leche, jugo de naranja, sal, pimienta, mayonasa and azucar. Uses for this download: 1. Present and review vocabulary 2. Quick start 3. Homework worksheet 4. Flashcards - Students can cut apart the images and write the corresponding word on the reverse. 5. Project and play the flyswatter game. The answer key is included. 2 pages
Spanish Food Plurals and Indefinite Articles - La Comida

Spanish Food Plurals and Indefinite Articles - La Comida

Students change 25 Spanish food words to plural and then supply the English translation for each. The foods are common ones such as hotdog, hamburger, french fries, several different fruits, etc. Students are also instructed to write a Spanish food word under each of the 7 clip art images. The answer key is included. 2 pages
Spanish Food and Meals Crossword Puzzle, Vocabulary, and Image IDs

Spanish Food and Meals Crossword Puzzle, Vocabulary, and Image IDs

This activity contains 24 clues for common foods and meals vocabulary. Students are instructed to: 1. Complete the crossword. 2. Write Spanish vocabulary words under each of the 11 pictures. 3. Write the Spanish vocabulary word next to each clue. Examples of vocabulary words are food, all 3 meals and snack, meat, dessert, salad, hamburger, french fries, and cookie. The download includes: 1. Crossword with images 2. Answer key with words next to the clues 3. Vocabulary page, copied 2 per page for student handouts. The download can be used as a fun substitute lesson plan. When students complete the worksheet activities, they can quiz each other on the food vocabulary with the vocabulary reference. 3 pages
Spanish Food Sketch and Label Full Stomach Vocabulary Activity - La Comida

Spanish Food Sketch and Label Full Stomach Vocabulary Activity - La Comida

Students sketch and label foods in the stomach. They'll enjoy practicing their speaking skills and showing off their creations as they proudly present their full stomach sketches to their classmates! This activity can be used to focus on a specific food group, foods for Hispanic holidays, or a specific occasion. Included in the download: 1. Stomach template with word bank containing 12 words and instructions to sketch and label a minimum of 10 foods. 2. Stomach template without word bank and instructions to sketch and label favorite foods. 2 pages
Spanish Food Vegetables 18 Image IDs - Los Vegetales

Spanish Food Vegetables 18 Image IDs - Los Vegetales

Students write a Spanish vegetable vocabulary word under each of the 18 clip art images. This can then be used for reference, as a study guide or students can cut apart the pictures and use them as flashcards after writing the vocabulary words on the reverse. Project this file to introduce and review the vocabulary. The answer key is included. 2 pages
French Christmas Activities Bundle - Noël

French Christmas Activities Bundle - Noël

7 Resources
Save 25% on these Christmas materials by purchasing them together in this bundle! This packet will give your students plenty of vocabulary practice and get them in the mood for the holidays at the same time! There are 6 practice worksheets, vocabulary, and a Christmas / holiday word wall. Answer keys are included. All items are also available for individual purchase on TES. Purchasing this bundle offers substantial savings as all items sell for a minimum of $2.25 when purchased individually. Included in the bundle: 1. French Christmas Word Search / Vocabulary 2. French Christmas Crossword / Vocabulary 3. French Christmas Vocabulary Matching - 31 words 4. French Christmas Image IDs - 24 images 5. French Christmas and Père Noël Writing Activity 6. French Christmas Label Père Noël with Body Parts and Clothing 7. French Christmas and Holiday Vocabulary Word Wall