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A level French revision game (colander game)

A level French revision game (colander game)

Print off the words, fold them up and put them in a box/container and mix them up. Students take it in turns (2 mins each) to try to describe words to the class and get the class to guess them. Once they have successfully got the class to guess the word, they move on to the next one. They can have three passes. The student who manages to successfully describe the most words wins. Optional round two: with the words that were guessed from round one, put those words together, and play again, but this time students can only make a gesture for each word.
Dieser Weg (Xavier Naidoo) song gap fill

Dieser Weg (Xavier Naidoo) song gap fill

German gap-fill song by Xavier Naidoo about the hurdles that we face on life’s journey. Nice activity for key stage 4 end of term or maybe tenuous link to social problems unit(!)
Le monde du travail: film lesson for sixth form

Le monde du travail: film lesson for sixth form

Worksheet on the film ‘deux jours, une nuit’ about a factory worker in Belgium. Suitable for year 12 or 13 studying the world of work. The film is available on amazon prime: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Two-Days-Night-Marion-Cotillard/dp/B00MPHKPGK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=J1JCJ8BSZDJW&keywords=deux+jours+une+nuit&qid=1657279551&s=instant-video&sprefix=deux+jours+une+nuit%2Cinstant-video%2C118&sr=1-1