This lesson covers the topic of absorbing food into the human body. With several activities that will stretch the pupils understanding of the topic it includes the following learning outcomes. Knowing the roles of intestinal bacteria, explaining the function of enzymes in digestion and describing how nutrients are absorbed into our bodies.
This lesson covers the topic of Habitats. Pupils will name the generic habitats for organisms, construct a list of requirements in a habitat for an organism and create a detailed list of types of organisms in certain habitats with ideas of the organisms own characteristics helping them in the conditions of the habitat.
This lesson is an introduction to the study of animal taxonomy. It gives the pupils a chance to understand how scientists group animals in simple ways. It will encourage the pupils to describe how animals can differ in body type and let them draw simple charts to identify life forms.
This lesson covers the topic of Keys, how to ask questions to separate organisms. Pupils will construct a simple key, name simple questions to ask to separate animal/plant groups and higher level learners will create detailed list of questions to identify an organism.
This test covers the topics of food chains, plants and photosynthesis and ecosystems. The test is out of fifty marks and these marks are allocated over four separate questions. Various question methods are used from MCQ to higher level thinking.
This exam covers the topics of disease, environment, matter, energy, plants and respiration. It has a mark allocation of one hundred spread over eight questions. The questions vary in ability level and style with experimental type questions also included.
This exam tests the pupils knowledge on the topics of ecology, respiration, microbes and chemical patterns. The exam has a mark allocation of one hundred spread over twelve questions. The questions are varied in ability and style of questioning.
This test covers the topics of respiration and homeostasis. It has various styles of questioning at differing levels of ability. The exam has one hundred and thirty marks allocated to it spread over twelve questions. Investigative skills in experimental analysis are also questioned. A mark scheme is included.