Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2.
- child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum
- specialise in language and writing
- established child author
- Gold TES Author
- Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017
Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2.
- child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum
- specialise in language and writing
- established child author
- Gold TES Author
- Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017
A 32 page PDF file for KS1or Lower KS2, based on Enid Blyton’s Book The Enchanted Wood. This can be used for differentation if printed out as separate worksheets or can be given to the children as complete workbooks. There are a variety of writing and drawing tasks including, poetry writing, descriptive and imaginative writing, recall of parts of the story, character studies and sentence construction. There is also a sheet involving speech marks. Children are asked to write a review of the book. Science is also included, senses, solids and liquids, animals and the habitat Woods. Children are asked to use the Internet to find out facts about the author. A great resource saving teacher preparation time.
An 18 page workbook suitable for KS1/2 on conflict with peers. This could be given as an individual workbook or used with groups for differentation. It would also be good as a starter for World Conflict Issues.
Definition of conflict
Describe a conflict they have had with someone in the past.
How did they resolve the conflict?
Why is it important to talk and listen to others?
Ways to resolve conflict.
Fun Activity Conflict in Fairytales.
I have also included a powerpoint presentation
This is a 20 page resource aimed at Year 1 and less able Year 2 on sentence construction.
Each page consists of a picture and the children have to create sentences to include either an adjective, a verb, two nouns or a Proper Noun.
The final two pages test the children on recognition of the parts of speech in their own sentences.
This resource includes a pdf file and a powerpoint presentation .It is a fun activity for EYFS and KS1 to be used on Shrove Tuesday/ Pancake Day. There are a variety of writing and drawing activities. I have included an information sheet on Shrove Tuesday with a few simple comprehension questions. The story of the Runaway Pancake, written in child friendly vocabulary could be read to the class or by the children themselves. Follow-on activities include drawing activities, writing an acrostic poem, my favourite topping for a pancake, a recipe to make pancakes and a sequencing activity. I have also included a sheet If the pig hadn't eaten the pancake what would have happened. Hope you all have fun using this.
Great resource for KS1 themed St Valentine's Day. Reading, writing, and drawing activities which can be printed out as a complete workbook for the entire day or as individual worksheets. Comprehension on a party invitation, writing sentences, poems, verses, words and meanings, common and proper nouns.
This 22 page PDF file is ideal for follow up work after reading Who Let The Gods Out by Maz Evans.There are a selection of writing, drawing and research tasks all in black and white. These tasks can be printed out individually for differentation or as a complete workbook for each child. They have a similar format to my Roald Dahl resources.
Activities include:
Descriptive and creative writing, creating poetry, writing news broadcast scripts, diary entries, book reviews, favourite characters and research skills working with a partner to create factfiles. A fact sheet all about Zeus is included with vocabulary tasks attached. There are also a couple of drawing activities for the less able child.I have also included a powerpoint.
The first in my series of Explorers and Navigators resources for KS1/2. I have written the story of Christopher Columbus in a child friendly vocabulary, outlining his life, his travel to Spain and then west across the Atlantic Ocean. I have included a PDF filewhich can be printed as individual workbooks and a powerpoint presentation for discussion about the topic.There are comprehension questions, writing activities, some grammar, a ship's log entry and a story planning sheet. I have also included some word maps which could be printed out for teacher display boards. A super original resource for Columbus Day or discoverers
Suitable resource for KS1 and Lower KS2
20 page booklet and a powerpoint presentation
Definitions of Adverbs and Adjectives which can be laminated and used for Literacy Display board
Worksheets great for differentation children choose their own adverbs and adjectives for Crazy Caterpillar, Kitty Kat, Superhero Boy and Happy Girl
Use of a/an before adjective.
Game My Aunt's Cat can be done orally around the room using a-z and then children can complete the worksheet.
Matching verbs to adverbs.
Stuck for ideas for poetry? Here is a PDF file of poetry starters which are suitable for KS1 and KS2. The children are given the opening lines (mostly 2) of a poem based around the sea, about creatures, people, pirates and sea features eg rockpools. These prompts are to stimulate the children's imaginations to write their own poetry. They can be printed out, laminated and kept for other classes. These are original poem starters written by me, a published author and shortlisted Tes Author for Bev Evans Award 2017. If you purchase don't forget to review.
This PDF file can be printed out for the children to read at whole school assembly. The powerpoint presentation can be used for school assembly or for discussion in class. It is suitable for KS1 and could be adapted for KS2. It is suitable for interdenominational schools. It includes readings, the word HARVEST broken up into separate letters representing various words associated with harvest, a poem and a short prayer. The main themes are:-
Saying thank you to God, to farmers,to fishermenand to fruitpickers.
Sharing with others
Thinking about God as creator
Taking care of God's world.
A 20 page PDF workbook for young emerging readers and writers. Suitable for KS1 or SEN children further up the school. Each page has a picture as a clue and a few sentences telling the pupil what they have to write about. Activities include All About Me, Superheroes, descriptive and imaginative writing, writing a list, writing a poem, writing book reviews and predicting from a picture clue. There is space for the children to write about 5/6 sentences. This can be printed out as a complete workbook for individual children. Pages may also be printed out as separate worksheets for display. A powerpoint presentation is included to be used for model writing.
A 20 page workbook of original fact, fiction and poetry extracts with comprehension questions.
Suitable for KS2 or low ability KS3.
There are prose passages, fact sheets and poetry.
Topics covered in the workbook are:
Stone Age
Health and Sport
This PDF File and presentation will be very useful to KS1 as an assembly idea or as a class story linked to fables as there is a moral in the story. The two characters in the story are a spider and a little bug, the setting is in a cornfield. The bug warns the spider that the farmer will be coming soon to gather the crop. I won't tell you the rest as I don't want to spoil it for you! The story is adapted from one I read and I have rewritten it myself in child friendly vocabulary. There are a set of discussion questions which will be good for talking and listening sessions after the children have either read or heard the story.
A Workbook with original poems written by me. Suitable for upper KS1 and KS2
Poems:- Changing Seasons, The Dark Hedges and Chestnuts
Poetry analysis Worksheet for each poem
Comprehension Worksheet for each poem
Acrostic Poem Worksheet
Autumn Poem Worksheet
This is suitable for KS1 and KS2. There are a variety of activities for the children to complete relating to the book or books they have read. There are tasks about characters, settings, adjectives, verbs, new words, reviews etc.
30 page booklet for Upper KS1 and KS2 based on Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr. Fox. This powerpoint and PDF file can be printed out as individual worksheets or as a complete workbook for the entire class. The resource is in black and white with a coloured front cover. There are a variety of activities which can be given to all children therefore it is great for differentation. Would be very useful when doing guided reading.
The activities included are: descriptive writing, plurals, diminutives, poetry writing, book reviews, drawing and labelling activities, letter writing, favourite character and reasons why, themes in the novel, characteristics of the characters, discussion around quotes from the novel, internet research, vocabulary exercises, conflict Man v Nature. Might be useful for World Book Day.
A powerpoint presentation for classroom use and a printable workbook suitable for KS1 and Lower KS2.
Place Value:- thousands,hundreds,tens and units
Odd and even numbers
Splitting numbers eg 213=200+10+3
Mental arithmetic questions
Problem solving activities
Addition up to 9999
Decimal task cards multiplying by 10 and 100
Here’s a freebie! A 10 page pdf file to be printed out. Includes examples of my PSHE worksheets which I have used at the start of the year for display purposes and transition activities. These are examples taken from a few of my PSHE resources which Tes have recommended. I hope your classes enjoy using them and don’t forget to give me feed back.
I am offering this selection of resources as a freebie to give you an insight into the type of resources I create. I am a published author of poetry and short stories. This PDF file will give you an overall picture of the resources which have been recommended by TES and other teachers. I hope you like this and will review my work.
A free resource for everyone in KS1 with a few examples of worksheets for Literacy and Numeracy. These are just samples to let you see the type of graphics and language I use and to celebrate my last year in successfully writing resources for TES. Enjoy.