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Teachercellar's Shop

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Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2. - child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum - specialise in language and writing - established child author - Gold TES Author - Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017




Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2. - child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum - specialise in language and writing - established child author - Gold TES Author - Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017
Introducing Fractions

Introducing Fractions

A PDF file A series of colouring in sheets on halves, thirds, and quarters. These can be used as an introduction to Fractions and can be used for display purposes. Suitable for KS1 and poor achievers further up the school. Worksheets are in colour and also in Black and white.
Prime Numbers,Factors and Multiples

Prime Numbers,Factors and Multiples

A resource for KS1/2 on Recognising Numbers. Factors, Multiples, Prime, Cubic Numbers. Display sheets for classroom use. Also a powerpoint presentation. Can be used as revision or as homework exercises.
My New Year Task cards

My New Year Task cards

A set of 26 Task cards which can be printed and laminated and will be useful for the beginning of the New Year or any other time for quick finishers. Topics covered are months of the year, addition, multiplication by 5,10, doubling and halving and calendar work. May also be useful for slow learners.
World Cup 2018

World Cup 2018

One for the boys or girls in KS1 and KS2 who like football. This PDF file consists of 22 pages, all football related activities. The children are asked to research the internet after reading facts and information about the World Cup, its host and the teams involved. There are also a variety of numeracy and literacy activities including multiplication, division, function boxes,dictionary work, spelling activities and looking at healthy lifestyle and diet. There is also a drawing activity. This can be printed out as an individual booklet for each child.
Fractions, decimals and percentages

Fractions, decimals and percentages

This is a workbook for children who have already been introduced to Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. Looking at them as a Happy Family and how they are all connected to each other. Numeracy for Key Stage 2. This could be used as a revision booklet or as a homework booklet. Topics include Conversion of Fraction to Decimal, Decimal to Percentage and Percentage to Fraction. Find % of a quantity Card Game x3 involving clues and Problem solving The use of tables At The Castle....3 Worksheets
Place Value Discover Hundreds, Tens and Units

Place Value Discover Hundreds, Tens and Units

The second resource in my Discover Place Value resources. A pdf file which can be printed out as a complete workbook or as individual worksheets for KS1. Includes writing numbers in words and as digits, addition and subtraction, problem solving activities, extended addition, a place value game and digit cards to cut out. Could also be used with SEN children to reinforce Place Value.
Percentage Problem Solving KS2

Percentage Problem Solving KS2

A pdf file for KS2. Problem Solving and Percentages. There are 20 pages in this workbook whch can be printed out as individual worksheets or as a complete workbook. Introduces children to the language of percentages, reduction, new prices, how to find a percentage. Child friendly worksheets sale in a toy shop, football matches, fashion show attendance, animals in the garden, shoe sale and other fun problem solving activities.
Angles and Compass Points

Angles and Compass Points

A pdf file and powerpoint presentation related to compass work. Definition of an angle, looking at right angles, making a right angle tester, problem solving, practical activities and completing tables. useful for both KS1 and 2. Can be printed out as individual worksheets or complete workbooks.
Mini-Beasts We're going on a Bug Hunt

Mini-Beasts We're going on a Bug Hunt

Two files included a PDF file and a powerpoint presentation suitable for KS1 and Lower KS2 about mini-beasts found in various habitats. The PDF file can be printed out as individual workbooks for each child. I have included Science activities, literacy activities and a mathematical activity. The Powerpoint could be used with groups.
Maths Place Value Challenges

Maths Place Value Challenges

A Pdf File for Upper KS1 and KS2 which can be printed out laminated and used for early morning tasks, group work discussion or for quick finishers. It could be printed out as a Place value workbook of 22 pages for individual pupils or as a homework book. It is good for differentation and I have included a powerpoint presentation for classroom discussion. Included in this resource is: Thousands, hundreds tens and units. What do the digits represent? Write the number in words. Multiplication by 10 and 100 including decimals Breaking up of numbers eg:- 1243=1000+200+40+3
Mental Maths Task Cards KS1

Mental Maths Task Cards KS1

A set of 30 colourful Mental Maths Task Cards and a powerpoint presentation. These can be printed out, laminated and used for children who have completed set tasks, for revision and differentiated group work. The four basic rules of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. Problem solving, mathematical vocabulary and mental calculating. They could also be useful for a weaker group in KS2
Introduction to Probability

Introduction to Probability

An introduction to Probability for Key Stage 2 or the beginning of Key Stage 3 Introducing the language of Probability, likely, unlikely, impossible, certain Introducing the formulas for recording probability Worksheets Problem solving I have included a powerpoint presentation.
Road to Rio...A cross curricular Workbook

Road to Rio...A cross curricular Workbook

An 18 Page workbook for Key Stage 2 Cross Curricular:- Geography, Art, English, Mathematics, ICT Fact Sheets on Brazil and The Amazon Rainforest Mapwork Artwork Internet Research Time Intervals Decimals:- ordering, addition and subtraction to two decimal places Problem Solving with single digit numbers Poetry and comprehension Place Value a problem solving activity
Place Value Tens and Units

Place Value Tens and Units

An 18 page booklet for class use can be printed out as individual worksheets or as a complete workbook. Also a powerpoint presentation. great for differentation with the less able groups in the class and bought along with the other Place Value resources in my shop this is a great asset to have in the classroom. A set of digit cards from 0-9 A tens and units game words into numbers and numbers into words Addition up to 99 Subtraction up to 99 a few problem solving task cards Splitting numbers Word problems-Superhero theme
Numeracy Task Cards KS1

Numeracy Task Cards KS1

A set of numeracy task cards for KS1, these can be printed out as booklets for individual children or printed cut and laminated for tasks in the morning or for differentation. Number 1-10 Counting in 2's to 20, 5's to 50, 10's to 100 Adding tens Subtracting tens x by 2,5,10 Doubling, halving Odd and Even Number sequences Division by 5 and 10
Back To School Numeracy KS2

Back To School Numeracy KS2

This is for Year 5/6 pupils and can be used to assess what knowledge has been gained in various numeracy areas. Also useful as revision exercises or homework. Addition of Th,h,t,u Numbers in words up to 99999 Multiplication by 20,30,40 etc Money addition and multiplication Conversion of cm to m including decimal point Intervals of time This can be printed out as a complete workbook or as individual pages.
Probability KS2

Probability KS2

A PDF File which can be printed out as an individual workbook looking at the topic Probability. Introduces probability words certain, uncertain, likely, unlikely. Challenges for children are related to every day things like coloured cubes, flowers, animals so this is a child friendly workbook. I have also included a Powerpoint presentation for classroom use.
Place Value Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Units

Place Value Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Units

Third in the series of Place Value resources for Key Stage 1 and SEN This resource can be printed out as individual worksheets or a complete workbook. It can be used along with the other two similar resources available as a pack for differentation within the classroom. Activities include addition and subtraction of thousand, write the digits as words, problem solving within 99999, digit cards and a digit game.
Mental Maths Tasks

Mental Maths Tasks

A set of 38 Mental Tasks for KS1 to be used as first thing in the morning tasks or for early finishers. These can be cut out and laminated or printed out as individual sheets or workbooks. Months of the year, calendar work, division and multiplication by 2,3,4,5,10, Numbers in words, words into numbers, fractions half, quarter, third and tenth, measures converting litres, metres, kilograms. May also be of use for slow learners at KS2. I have also included a presentation file.
Summer Numeracy

Summer Numeracy

A PDF file suitable for Key Stage 2 which can be printed out as a complete workbook and used for revision before sats or the end of term. Worksheets include Learning Objectives Decimals, timetables, Muliplying by tens, Money, Time, Problem Solving, Percentages, average and conversion of measures.