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Barbara Davis

Average Rating3.70
(based on 58 reviews)

I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.




I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.
Powerpoint Game: Preterito o Imperfecto?

Powerpoint Game: Preterito o Imperfecto?

Another round of "better than you", this game keeps the whole class moving, engaged and receiving instant feedback on the concept of Preterite vs Imperfect. Put desks in pairs, number each station of paired desks. Students write the first station number on their paper and game begins. Students decide preterite/imperfect and race their partner, slamming pencil on desk when finished. Reveal the answer and have ALL students rotate desks. Winning student goes one station lower 6-->5, losing student goes one station higher 6-->7. Settle all ties and disputes, dual wrong answers with a round of ROCK PAPER SCISSORS and continue the game. First student back to their seat WINNING wins the game. Game can be played for entire class to practice or as a warm up before the quiz. Product contains 35 practice sentences with alternating answers to play the game. This lesson works great with level II or higher students who have been practicing the Preterite vs Imperfect concept for some time.
Radio Ambulante: Que le paso a Jose de Jesus  Practica Auditiva

Radio Ambulante: Que le paso a Jose de Jesus Practica Auditiva

This 30 minute podcast from Radio Ambulante tells the story of how a detained migrant died in a US detention center. Was it a suicide or was he killed? Radio Ambulante interviews his family, doctors and fellow prisoners to try and determine the plight of a detainee. This podcast is excellent for Heritage Learners or AP Spanish V that are studying the challenges of immigration. Radio Ambulante has a visual transcript that accompanies the narration to this episode to facilitate comprehension while students are listening they can read what is being said. Listening guide contains 19 questions that accompany the podcast and a follow up topic for students to respond to after completing the activity. Takes one full class period to complete, or play the podcast twice and assign the prompt as homework. Answer key also included.
Radio Ambulante: LOS HUERFANOS Practica Auditiva

Radio Ambulante: LOS HUERFANOS Practica Auditiva

This 17 minute podcast is one of my absolute favourite Radio Ambulante Episodes that recounts the story of a woman who winds up in jail for having extended her help to a pair of orphaned children. The worksheet contains 15 questions that accompany the episode in chronological order and a short essay topic for reflection upon completion of the episode. Radio Ambulante episodes work best for Heritage Learners that can comprehend Spanish for sustained periods of time. This activity could also be used with an AP Spanish V class if you are prepared to repeat it a couple of times or stop it periodically so students can catch up to what they understood . Play the podcast as a whole group or send students to the computer lab to listen at their own pace. Lesson takes one class period to complete. Answer key is included.
Movie Guide: Buen dia Ramon

Movie Guide: Buen dia Ramon

This wonderful Netflix movie tells the story of Ramon's immigration to Germany and how little by little he begins a new life with the help of Angela a retired nurse. The movie is entirely in Spanish and German with English subtitles and would be suitable for either language class. There is one slightly mature scene so its best suited for high school students, as there are suggestions of innuendo. This film addresses the challenges people face both in their home country and assimilating to a new country and is very enjoyable, fluctuating between serious and light hearted scenes. Movie guide contains 19 questions in chronological order. and is available in both English (for lower level or German classes) or Spanish. Film takes two class periods to show. I have marked one question with an asterisk as it pertains to that specific scene if you wish to eliminate it. I showed this film to my Heritage Language students and they really enjoyed it as it was a film with which many Mexican immigrants could identify.
Audio Practice : RADIO AMBULANTE Instrumentos de Guerra

Audio Practice : RADIO AMBULANTE Instrumentos de Guerra

This 17 minute broadcast tells the story of some Colombian musicians who were kidnapped and forced to play music at a paramilitary birthday party in the middle of the jungle. 10 queestions in chronological order that follow the podcast and an essay topic for reflection aftewards make up the guide that follows this program. This lesson is best suited for a Heritage Learners Spanish class or a Level VAP where students can follow sustained spoken Spanish for a period of time. You may wish to break the episode down into smaller segments or repeat the broadcast several times for students who do not speak Spanish outside of your class. Lesson takes one class period to complete. Answer key is included.
LECTURA: 9 Claves para entender la vida cotidiana en Cuba

LECTURA: 9 Claves para entender la vida cotidiana en Cuba

With Cuba in the news more and more this article is a great read for Spanish Heritage Speakers or Level V AP students who are proficient at reading newstext. Lesson download includes a copy of the article formatted to word.doc, and a guided reading lesson with useful vocabulary/matching to definitions, 10 predictions for the pre-read to get students ready to watch for details and a grid chart to complete comparing what they read about Cuba to Mexico (or their home country) and the US. There are follow up questions for think/pair/share and a place for students to respond based on what they learned. This lesson takes two class periods to complete if you give time for sharing out at the end, or you can start it and assign the writing prompts as homework. Great information about all the benefits that Cubans get, plus all the restrictions imposed on them by their government. Excellent launch piece if you want to teach students the basics about Cuba today.
Guided Reading: 9 claves para entender la vida cotidiana cubana LECTURA y Preguntas

Guided Reading: 9 claves para entender la vida cotidiana cubana LECTURA y Preguntas

With Cuba in the news more and more this article is a great read for Spanish Heritage Speakers or Level V AP students who are proficient at reading newstext. Lesson download includes a copy of the article formatted to word.doc, and a guided reading lesson with useful vocabulary/matching to definitions, 10 predictions for the pre-read to get students ready to watch for details and a grid chart to complete comparing what they read about Cuba to Mexico (or their home country) and the US. There are follow up questions for think/pair/share and a place for students to respond based on what they learned. This lesson takes two class periods to complete if you give time for sharing out at the end, or you can start it and assign the writing prompts as homework. Great information about all the benefits that Cubans get, plus all the restrictions imposed on them by their government. Excellent launch piece if you want to teach students the basics about Cuba today.
RADIO AMBULANTE: Instrumentos de Guerra (Listening Practice)

RADIO AMBULANTE: Instrumentos de Guerra (Listening Practice)

This 17 minute broadcast tells the story of some Colombian musicians who were kidnapped and forced to play music at a paramilitary birthday party in the middle of the jungle. 10 questions in chronological order that follow the podcast and an essay topic for reflection afterwards make up the guide that follows this program. This lesson is best suited for a Heritage Learners Spanish class or a Level V AP where students can follow sustained spoken Spanish for a period of time. You may wish to break the episode down into smaller segments or repeat the broadcast several times for students who do not speak Spanish outside of your class. Lesson takes one class period to complete. Answer key is included.
Movie Guide: Terms and Conditions May Apply

Movie Guide: Terms and Conditions May Apply

This one hour fifteen minute NETFLIX documentary covers internet privacy policies and how our personal data is harvested and sold, sometimes used by our government to spy on people. It is an excellent film for high school students studying internet usage and abusage, or as a homeroom assignment to get kids thinking more carefully about what they choose to share or post on the plethora of popular social networking sites they use today. This documentary was excellent at educating us as to how our information can be used against us, as well as the size of the digital footprint we create for ourselves and the lack of confidentiality around our digital lives. Movie guide contains 27 questions in chronological order to get kids thinking about the ethics surrounding the sharing of personal data and a full page of topics for discussion followup in small and large group or journaling assignments. Lesson takes two class days to view with some time to share out answers.


Students research a famous Latino musical artist and create a powerpoint to present their artist to their classmates. Presentations are around 3-4 minutes in length and work best for a level III class or higher who already has some prior practice speaking in the past tenses. This lesson also works great for Heritage Learner classes who are already conversant in Spanish as a means to gain some practice public speaking with a topic they are comfortable . Download contains requirements of project with guiding questions for students and a long list of famous Latino musicians for students to choose one of interest. Plan at least 2 days of computer lab time and about 6-8 presentations can be seen per day.
Partner Practice: Clothing and gifts with big numbers

Partner Practice: Clothing and gifts with big numbers

This partner practice is best designed for a level one student who is working with larger numbers in Spanish and has some basic vocabulary knowledge of clothing and a couple of other gift items. Students take turns asking each other prices of gift items in a store and answering as if they were the sales clerk. Partner practice takes about 15 minutes in class to run. You can ask students to go over the answers afterwards in large group for additional practice.
Partner Practice: Food with big numbers #2

Partner Practice: Food with big numbers #2

This partner practice reviews big numbers with food items. Students take turns asking about prices of items in a supermarket. Works best with students in Spanish I who have been studying fruits, vegetables and other basic food items. Each partner has 8 items to inquire about and 8 items to record. Takes about fifteen minutes in class to complete and is a great review or a warm up before a quiz.
Partner Practice: ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que...?

Partner Practice: ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que...?

Partner practice for students to take turns asking a classmate how long people have been doing actions. Each partner has 8 people to ask about and 8 people to give answers to their partner. Practice takes about 15 minutes to run in class and practices using the formulas Hace + time + que and Cuanto tiempo hace + que + action. Works best with Spanish II students who have had some basic leisure time activity vocabulary.
Partner Practice: ¿Qué compró? Practice with Clothing, bug numbers and  preterite tense

Partner Practice: ¿Qué compró? Practice with Clothing, bug numbers and preterite tense

This partner practice combines the preterite tense of the verbs comprar and pagar with a review of big numbers. Each student gets eight questions and eight purchases. Students take turns asking each other what each purchase was, and how much they paid for it. Takes about 15 minutes to complete in class and works best for a level II class where students are first learning the preterite tense and/or could use a quick brush up with larger numbers.
Powerpoint: Los Negativos y Postivos, Everything you need to know about indefinite words

Powerpoint: Los Negativos y Postivos, Everything you need to know about indefinite words

This powerpoint covers step by step negation and other indefinite words. Each slide introduces a different combination and in between there are lots of examples for practice that students can do either orally as a group or on paper. Presentation takes one full class period with time included for practice and checking Best suited for a level II class where students are being introduced to this tricky concept.
Si tuvieras un tatuaje: Using the Conditional to describe your fantasy tattoo

Si tuvieras un tatuaje: Using the Conditional to describe your fantasy tattoo

Every teen seems to fantasize about getting a tattoo, some of my student already have several. This activity is designed to get kids talking about what they would get using the conditional tense. The activity can be given out as homework for the day you introduce the conditional. The fun begins when they bring the assignment back the next day. I have put kids in small groups to share them out, but even more fun is to stick the assignment under a document camera and let kids see what their classmates have drawn. This assignment works best for a level III or higher class where students have been introduced to the conditional tense. There are some guiding questions to help students think about the tattoo of their dreams.
Reading Questions: CAJAS DE CARTON - Francisco Jimenez

Reading Questions: CAJAS DE CARTON - Francisco Jimenez

These questions accompany the short story CAJAS DE CARTON by Francisco Jimenez. There are T/F statements, general questions and essay prompts for students to complete after reading the story. This activity is best suited for a level IV or higher Spanish class and takes 3-4 days to complete the story and the questions.
El Condicional: Notes and Practice Packet (Conditional tense)

El Condicional: Notes and Practice Packet (Conditional tense)

This 4 page practice packet on the conditional explains to students step by step how to form it and when to use it. Packet contains detailed notes, 40 practice exercises and conjugation boxes, and an essay prompt for students to demonstrate creatively their usage. Can be assigned as homework, extra practice or completed in class. Best suited for a level III or higher class as introduction or extra practice for this concept.
Movie Guide: 500 Nations Puerto Rico , The story of Columbus and the Taíno

Movie Guide: 500 Nations Puerto Rico , The story of Columbus and the Taíno

Many years ago Kevin Costner produced a series of documentaries on the stories of the various conquests of indigenous peoples in the Americas; 500 Nations to date is still one of the best resources for providing true stories that are far less romanticized than what students get in their history books This video episode fits in one class period and details what happened from the moment Columbus set foot on the ground in Puerto Rico to the demise of the Taino people. Movie guide has 26 questionst that follow the film and four follow up topics for large group discussion or as essay prompts. This film works well for a level I Spanish class (especially on Columbus day) or in a Social Studies class where students are learning about Europeans colonizing the Americas. Suitable for either middle or high school level students.
Partner Practice: Subjuntivo

Partner Practice: Subjuntivo

This A/B partner practice has students reading short statements about some problems they might have and the other partner makes recomendations on how to resolve the issue using an impersonal expression from the list and verbs in the subjunctive tense. Practice works best for a level III or higher class where students have been working with the subjunctive and are familiar with how to form regular and irregular verbs. Takes about 15 minutes to run in pairs and answers can be shared out in large group following.