zarakhanxoFinger spacer(0)Edit in child’s face and name and this can be used as a finger spacer to help them space out their words. Children have really enjoyed using these as it is personal to them.
zarakhanxoBook recommendation(0)Fill in book recommendation and this can be displayed or used during reading/English lessons.
zarakhanxoFriendship recipe- Retrieval(0)Children will read the friendship recipe and answer the retrieval based questions.
zarakhanxoPhase 5 sounds (ea, ew, oe, ie, au, wh, ey, ir and ph)(0)PowerPoint displaying words with the: ea, ew, oe, ie, au, wh, ey, ir and ph sounds.
zarakhanxoFairytale checklist(0)This pre-made checklist can be used for when children complete an independent fairytale writing piece.
zarakhanxoEdit and Improve- The Three Little Pigs (SPaG)(0)Sentences based on the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ that need editing and improving.
zarakhanxoNon-chronological report- identify features(0)Read and identify the different features found in a non-chronological report. Use different colours to complete the table.
zarakhanxoMatch picture with caption(0)Match the sentences to the correct pictures. Cut them out neatly and stick them in your book.
zarakhanxoSimiles(0)Children to finish off the sentence. Answers at the bottom can be trimmed to give children more of a challenge.
zarakhanxoSub-heading sorting(0)Read the sentences about hamsters and decide which subheading it belongs to.
zarakhanxoSetting description- differentiated(0)Children will use the picture of the tower to write descriptive sentences. There are 3 challenges (dependent on child’s ability).
zarakhanxoCharacter description- differentiated(0)Children will use the picture of the character to write a character description . There are 3 challenges (dependent on child’s ability).