Improving student outcomes and streamlining processes

We chat to Sue Marshal, Head of Inclusion, about how Provision Map helped School of Research Science in Dubai improve outcomes for students with SEND.

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Improve SEN Student Outcomes - Case Study

School of Research Science in Dubai is a large school with many students who have special educational needs (SEN). The school uses Provision Map to manage their individual education plans (IEPs) to ensure that students receive the support they need to achieve their goals. Sue Marshal, Head of Inclusion, says Provision Map has been invaluable in helping them to manage students progress, review their progress and share data with parents, teachers and school leadership.


Before using Provision Map, the school struggled to keep track of the progress of students with additional needs. Reviewing IEPs was a cumbersome process, and it was difficult to share data with those involved. With Provision Map, the school can store all the information in one central location, making it easier to access and share with others. The review feature allows teachers to give ratings for each individual target, which provides useful data to the school and external inspectors.


Sue Marshal said Provision Map has saved the school a lot of time. For example, during IEP reviews, it would be impossible to do them in a short one or two-week window without the platform. Collating the information and doing reports would also be difficult. The school can now report on students' progress  outcomes at the click of a button, saving hours of time that would otherwise be spent on administrative tasks.


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Having a whole-school overview of all the IEPs has also helped the school's leadership team to gain insight into areas of need and provision. This information allows the team to be strategic in terms of resource planning, staff training and classroom support.


Provision Map has also made a big difference in improving student outcomes, particularly for those students who have the highest level of need. The IEP feature makes it clear to teachers what students' levels of need are, their strengths, individual targets and how to measure progress. The platform's tightly monitored, clearer view system allows the school to keep a close eye on students' progress and ensure that they are getting the strategies and resources they need.


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