
    An illustrated woman in red top holds an oversized pen while stood in front of an interactive whiteboard screen. On the right of this screen is a blue lined shield icon which represents safeguarding

    What is professional curiosity

    The 2022 version of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) guidance uses the term ‘professional curiosity’ when it comes to safeguarding. In this blog, we examine what professional curiosity is and why it is important for the safeguarding culture within your organisation.
    18 Jul 24
    Read more about 'What is professional curiosity '
    A young woman in the centre of the image has her hands over her face and looks upset. Shadow-like figures in the background gather either side of her in the background.

    Affluent neglect: A hidden form of abuse

    Affluent neglect refers to the neglect experienced by children in wealthy families. Often this neglect can be more difficult to spot, as the type of neglect experienced by children and young people is often emotional. This blog will cover affluent neglect, the risks children are exposed to, and the reasons affluent neglect is often overlooked.
    18 Jul 24
    Read more about 'Affluent neglect: A hidden form of abuse '
    Illustration of a woman sat at a desk with pen in hand. Another illustrated woman holding a book stands next to the desk looking concerned with her hand placed on the edge of the desk,

    Allegations against staff, low level concerns and reporting them

    Keeping Children Safe in Education recently released a new version of its statutory guidance. The policy recommends that ‘schools and colleges need to report and record all concerns and allegations against adults, including low-level concerns.’ In this blog, we discuss examples of low-level concerns, the importance of reporting these concerns, a serious case review, and how it is vital establishments have secure systems in place to record and manage these concerns.
    18 Jul 24
    Read more about 'Allegations against staff, low level concerns and reporting them '