Upskirting: What you need to know
In this blog, we discuss the definition of upskirting, the upskirting laws that came into effect in 2019 and how conversations around consent and sexual harassment can prevent Upskirting.
Adverse Childhood Experiences: What are ACEs and how do they Affect Children, Young People and Adults?
In this blog, we describe what Adverse Childhood Experiences or ACEs are and how they affect children and how they can become generational and be passed down from generation to generation.
Safeguarding: What UK educators could expect in 2024/25
What might education staff face this year when it comes to safeguarding? We take a look ahead at some of the challenges educators may face, the best practices already happening in schools and offer some of our own support.
Child Protection vs Safeguarding: What is the difference?
How do we define child protection and safeguarding; and what is the difference between the two? We take a closer look at each label and what educators need to do to fulfil both responsibilities.
Safer recruitment: Learning the lessons from serious case reviews
Using the examples of serious cases from recent history and exploring what measures can be put in place when recruiting to avoid these issues happening again.
Safer recruitment and the SCR
Learn more about safe recruitment and single central records. We explore what they are, why and how to use them.
Working together to safeguard children: A summary
Find out more about the Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 policy, more commonly known as Working Together.
What is professional curiosity
The 2022 version of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) guidance uses the term ‘professional curiosity’ when it comes to safeguarding. In this blog, we examine what professional curiosity is and why it is important for the safeguarding culture within your organisation.
Affluent neglect: A hidden form of abuse
Affluent neglect refers to the neglect experienced by children in wealthy families. Often this neglect can be more difficult to spot, as the type of neglect experienced by children and young people is often emotional. This blog will cover affluent neglect, the risks children are exposed to, and the reasons affluent neglect is often overlooked.
Allegations against staff, low level concerns and reporting them
Keeping Children Safe in Education recently released a new version of its statutory guidance. The policy recommends that ‘schools and colleges need to report and record all concerns and allegations against adults, including low-level concerns.’ In this blog, we discuss examples of low-level concerns, the importance of reporting these concerns, a serious case review, and how it is vital establishments have secure systems in place to record and manage these concerns.