Tes Live Lesson with The Royal Horticultural Society

Come on a visit to RHS Harlow Carr Garden to explore the plants and how they are adapted to suit their environment. RHS Education Officers, Ruth and Janet, will lead your pupils on an exciting journey of discovery by getting up close to the plants in two completely different environments: alpine and sub-tropical. Through activities, interviews and role play we’ll investigate how the plants have adapted to these extreme environments and how that helps them survive and evolve. 

RHS logo Tes Live Lesson

Watch the recorded lesson

This Live Lesson was originally streamed on Tuesday 31 January 2023. The recording is now available for you to watch with your class whenever you like.

Watch the trailer

Want to see if our Live Lesson with The Royal Horticultural Society is right for your class? Get a preview by watching our trailer.

Download the teacher guidance

Who: KS2
What: Science lesson
Download the accompanying teacher guidance for:

  1. Recommended learning space and resources

  2. Learning objectives and outcomes

  3. Curriculum links

  4. Lesson structure

  5. Ways to develop learning

  6. Coverage sheet to evidence participation

With special thanks to teacher consultant and contributor, Rose McDermott and Snaresbrook Primary School.

Tes Live Lesson with The Royal Horticultural Society Teacher Guide image

Download the activity sheet

Please download the activity sheet for your pupils to use during the lesson.

Tes Live Lesson with The Royal Horticultural Society Activity Sheet

Download the extension activity sheet

Looking to extend learning beyond your Live Lesson? Task your pupils to use their new knowledge to create plants that are suitably adapted to living on an island by downloading this Imagination Island extension activity sheet.

The Royal Horticultural Society Imagination Island Activity Sheet image

Find more resources from The Royal Horticultural Society

The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. They aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place. They have a range of free resources to download to support you in encouraging children to enjoy and explore the outdoors.

Explore The Royal Horticultural Society's resources