
Software to effectively manage your safer recruitment process and act as your Single Central Record

Sentry for Safer Recruitment provides an easy-to-follow workflow for all of the critical recruitment checks that schools need to complete before appointing someone as a member of staff, volunteer or school governor. 

Sentry logo image

Thank you for your interest in our Sentry product, which became part of the Tes family in 2023 during the acquisition of The Safeguarding Company.

We will continue to support existing customers and you can still use the link above to login to the product as usual.

New customer enquiries: At this time, Sentry is not available to new customers, as we focus on supporting our existing customers.

Learn more about our other market-leading products, or get in touch with us on: 020 3194 3164 or via:

However, if you do have any queries relating to Sentry please get in touch with us at: