General FAQs

Registration & Account

  • A valid username can be anything between 3 and 30 characters and may contain numbers. We do not allow spaces or symbols in a user name.

  • No, it’s not possible to create multiple usernames linked to the same email address.

  • If you get this error message, this means we already have an account linked to your email address. You can reset the login details linked to your email address.


    Reset your login here

    The activation email is sent as soon as you complete the registration process. Activation email should be delivered in your inbox, however, please remember to check your SPAM / Junk folder as well. If you can’t find the activation email, please contact

  • Yes, send an email request to from the email address registered on our site quoting your preferred new username. Please remember symbols or spaces are not allowed in a username.

  • To remove your existing registration, please email Remember to include your Tes username and send your request from the registered email address.

  • You can reset your login details by clicking on Reset Login.

  • To change your email address or password, log onto the site. Once logged in, click on your avatar appearing at the top left of the page. From the options, select ‘Edit Account’ followed by ‘Account’ and then ‘Change account details’ or ‘Change password’ as appropriate.

My Tes Profile

  • Every Tes member has a profile, your profile will help you make connections with other teachers or members of our community and it also helps you stay in touch with what they’ve been up to on the site.

  • You can add as much or as little information as you’re comfortable with. But the more you add the more useful the Tes website becomes. For example if you add a biography to your profile explaining your love of rock climbing you could also hook up with other teachers who like to climb mountains.

  • To edit your profile, you need to login first. Once logged in, click on your username, which appears at the top of the page. From the options, select My Profile followed by Edit profile.

  • You can also make aspects of your profile private so they can’t be viewed by anybody else. To change the status of your profile tick or untick the Public box alongside your profile information.

  • You can add an image to your profile (we can handle gif and jpg files). This image will appear next to any resources you upload and any messages you post in the Tes Community. You can either upload a photograph of yourself, or choose an image that represents you, or you could choose a graphic from our library. However you should make sure you have the appropriate permissions to use this image.


    You'll find the Add picture option in your Edit Profile page.

Web browser support

  • The Tes website is regularly tested to work on all major browsers. Updating to the latest version of your browser will provide the best experience from our website.


    What are the advantages of switching to a newer browser?

    Switching to a newer browser could give you a lot of advantages:



    Newer browsers protect you better against scams, viruses, trojans, phishing and other threats. They also fix security holes in your current browser!



    Every new browser generation improve speed.



    Websites using new technology will be displayed more correctly.


    Better experience

    With new features, extensions and better customisability, you will have a more engaging web-experience.

  • Updating is easy, takes just a few minutes and is totally free. These browsers are the newest versions of the most used free web browsers. All browsers have the same basic features and easy interface. Just choose a browser to download from the original vendor's website:


    Firefox: Widely-used open-source browser, highly extendable and customisable. Download


    Google Chrome: Google's browser with compact interface. Automatically always up to date! Download


    Internet Explorer: Windows own browser, developed only for PC's running Windows operating system. Download


    Safari: Apple's fast browser, runs on both Mac and Windows machines. Download

Email Preference centre

  • Tes email newsletters highlight the best classroom resources, teaching ideas and latest education news.

  • To receive Tes newsletters, you need to be a member of Tes. Join here.

  • Log in to Tes. Once logged in, click on your username (appearing at the top of the screen) and select Preference Centre from the menu. You can now personalise your newsletters by selecting your areas of interest. Some of these may already be ticked based on your website activity or profile information. You can tick or untick as many preferences as you wish. Remember to click the ‘Save my changes’ button before you leave the page.


    If you’re a subscriber to one of our premium products, then you’ll be able to manage your preferences for them on this page too.

  • Your newsletter areas of interest are automatically ticked based on your website activity and profile information. For example, if you state on your profile that you work in a primary school then the Primary preference box will be automatically ticked, and if you download secondary English resources then the English preference box will be automatically ticked. You can tick or untick as many preferences as you wish – and if you untick a preference then it will remain unticked until you choose to retick it. Remember to click the ‘Save my changes’ button before you leave the page.

  • In the preference centre tick the ‘I wish to receive no emails’ box under ‘Opting out of all communications’. We really value your feedback, so please take a moment to tell us why you are unsubscribing using the options listed onscreen. Remember to click the ‘Save my changes’ button before you leave the page.


    Please allow up to 48 hours for your request to be processed. You can also reverse your decision at any time by unticking the box and saving your changes.

  • Untick the box marked 'opting out of all communications' in the preference centre.

    • Welcome emails
    • Service emails e.g. notifications of important website updates or changes to your account
    • Account and customer service emails e.g. password reminder
    • Premium product e-receipts and reminders
    • Job alerts
    • Community notifications