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Tes Institute

Coates Way School

Coates Way Primary School is a single form primary school and nursery in Hertfordshire, educating 232 children aged 4 - 11 years. By using our Straight to Teaching course they've been able to support their staff to gain qualified teacher status (QTS) and develop the teachers they need for the future.
12 Mar 20

Like many schools in the south of England, Coates Way found recruiting teachers problematic, with intense competition for high quality teachers who shared their ethos. To tackle this challenge, in October 2016 they employed a long-term supply teacher who didn’t hold qualified teacher status (QTS). It soon became clear that this supply teacher was an exceptional member of staff for Coates Way, so discussions about becoming a qualified and full-time member of their team began.

With the full support of the school, a school mentor and a pathway tutor, this supply teacher used our Straight to Teaching course to prepare for QTS assessment and then, in March 2018, gained QTS via our Assessment Only route.

After seeing the success of our Straight to Teaching course, Coates Way decided to fully fund the training of two more teaching assistants on a similar pathway and have two additional members of staff interested in starting the course in 2020.

The course has enabled the school to develop the staff it needs for the immediate and long-term future and get excellent value for money. These new qualified teachers have also helped the school accommodate other teachers wishing to move to part-time work.

In their Ofsted inspection in March 2019, the lead inspector recognised the school had a ‘deep rooted programme to support staff at all levels in their career development’.

"The programme is extremely thorough and covers every aspect of what teaching in a school entails. The tutor provided ongoing positive support and was always available. In her visits she was always very supportive of not only the learners but the mentors as well. It enables the learner to personalise their programme and develop their own skills to become the teacher they want to be."

 Alexandra Armitage, SENCO and Assistant Headteacher

"At first it felt like there was a great deal to do but once I immersed myself in the programme, things quickly fell into place. With fantastic support from my pathway tutor and in-school mentor I was able to accelerate my progress by taking on board the advice provided to me. I genuinely feel that the training has given me the confidence and skills I need to become a very effective and passionate teacher."

Florence Armitage, recently qualified learner

Learn more about Straight to Teaching

If you’re a school leader interested in developing staff at your school you’ll find more information on our Straight to Teaching for schools page.  If you’re looking to progress from TA to qualified teacher without leaving your current school, take a look at our Straight to Teaching course page.

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