Subject Knowledge Enhancement for Teachers

Our Subject Knowledge Enhancement (SKE) for Teachers course will help you to update or develop your current subject knowledge, or train to teach another specialist subject.

Subject Knowledge Enhancement for Teachers

Key details

  • Duration

    42 weeks over 1 year
  • Location

  • Cost

    £1,250 plus VAT (as applicable)
  • Funding

  • Level


Course description

Our 100% online SKE for teachers course will help you to update or develop your current subject knowledge, or train to teach another specialist subject. Courses are currently available in: biology, chemistry, computing, English, French, geography, German, maths, physics and Spanish.

Our SKE for teachers course will help you to:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of your subject and associated specialist pedagogy

  • Develop critical reflection skills

  • Gain confidence in teaching your chosen subject

  • Get experience of action research and evaluating impact on pupil progress

  • Discover innovative ideas, techniques and activities to use in the classroom

Entry requirements

If you’re an in-service teacher looking to gain subject confidence, or train to teach a second or third subject and you’re able to teach at least two lessons (towards the end of the course) in your chosen subject, this course could be perfect for you.

Course delivery

Our SKE for teachers course is delivered 100% online so you can fit learning around your existing school and personal commitments. Each course is made up of approximately 11 on-demand sessions and two lesson planning assignments, designed by teachers for teachers, to provide you with relevant and engaging content and lesson ideas. Our courses are 42 weeks long, but you will have one year to complete your study.

Your pathway tutor

You’ll be appointed a subject specialist pathway tutor who will mentor and work with you to agree a learning plan, coach your subject knowledge and skill development, provide you with hints and tips to try in the classroom and give you regular formative feedback.


Your subject knowledge will be assessed throughout your SKE course. There are compulsory SKE assessment points to ensure that you’re engaging with the course and making good progress.

The final task involves you planning two lessons, teaching them, providing feedback from pupils and writing a self-reflected, detailed evaluation of your own lesson. This evidence will be reviewed and assessed by your pathway tutor.

Course leader

Rizwana Master Blog image

Rizwana Master

Rizwana joined Tes in November 2022 bringing to the role two decades of experience of teaching secondary maths and significant experience of working in teacher training. Rizwana is passionate about the life chances of young people and strongly believes in the transformative power of a high-quality education. She is keen to support the development of entrants in to the profession to ensure they are confident in their subject knowledge as they embark on their career in education.

Course fees and funding

Our SKE for teachers course costs £1,250 plus VAT (as applicable).

Course start dates

Subject Knowledge Enhancement for Teachers application deadline Subject Knowledge Enhancement for Teachers start date
Tuesday 20th May 2025 Tuesday 27th May 2025
Monday 23rd June 2025 Monday 30th June 2025
Monday 21st July 2025 Monday 28th July 2025

Next steps

You can apply for our Subject Knowledge Enhancement for Teachers course online by clicking the 'Apply' button.

  • 1
  • 2
    Application review and confirmation
  • 3
    Stage 2 application and provide relevant documents
  • 4

Apply for SKE for Teachers

Need more information?
Contact us about this course.