All Saints' Academy Cheltenham
Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
About All Saints' Academy Cheltenham
All Saints’ Academy Cheltenham is a mainstream secondary state school with sixth-form, catering for pupils aged 11-19. The school opened in September 2011 and is a Church of England academy for the whole community, welcoming children of all faiths and none.
It is sponsored by the Anglican Diocese of Gloucester. All Saints’ Academy Cheltenham offers 900 places for pupils aged 11-16, and 220 places for sixth-formers who wish to study both academic and vocational courses.
Benjamin Williams
Values and vision
The modern facilities offer a place of learning and discovery in an academy that prides itself on being outward-facing to parents, parishes, other schools, community groups, employers, colleges and universities.
Ofsted report
“This is a good school. The academy is improving rapidly because of the outstanding leadership provided by the Academy Principal. He is supported well by other key senior staff, subject leaders and governors. The extremely positive ethos in the academy leads to exceptionally good behaviour by students around the building and site.”