Archbishop Holgate's School

York, United Kingdom

Location: York, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Secondary
Funding status: State - Academy
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 11 - 18 years

About Archbishop Holgate's School

"Archbishop Holgate’s School is an exceptional place for pupils to learn. The school’s values of justice, compassion, forgiveness and trust are at the heart of every aspect of school life” (Ofsted, October 2021)

Archbishop Holgate’s is a flourishing school signified by outstanding examination results, high quality teaching and learning, an inspiring curriculum complemented by sporting and musical achievements and a wide, varied programme of extra-curricular
opportunities. We are a school committed to ensuring that our students develop in all ways and at the heart of all we do is a commitment to ‘Values, Care and Achievement’:

Christian values that underpin all we do

Outstanding pastoral care that sees each student as an individual

Maximum achievement for all students, at all levels

We have excellent students and a talented staff, colleagues who are committed to ensuring that the young people in our care achieve and succeed. Collectively, as a school community, we seek to nurture aspiration and promote excellence. We enrich our students in many different ways and when they leave Archbishop Holgate’s they do so as well rounded young people with the skills, qualities and relevant qualifications to help them shape their own futures and also to benefit the communities they serve.

In 2021, the school was delighted to once again be awarded outstanding judgements in all areas of the Ofsted inspection.

Prior to the pandemic the school has consistently enjoyed some of the best results nationally at both GCSE and Post 16.

At Key Stage 5, the Sixth Form has over the past decade consistently performed in the top 10% of Post 16 providers.

At Key Stage 4, the school consistently performs significantly above the national averages for all groups of students. The school has a long standing trend of outstanding Progress 8 scores which are among the best nationally and have been the strongest locally for four consecutive years. The 2022 Progress 8 score was +0.73 and +0.3 for disadvantaged students.

The school regularly features within the top ten of the Times 100 best schools.

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Address: Hull Road, York, North Yorkshire, YO10 5ZA, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1904 411341
What people say about us

“Leaders have established a culture of respect, dignity and inclusivity that allows every pupil to thrive.” “Pupils’ behaviour is excellent. At all times, pupils are calm, orderly, and respectful.” “The school’s personal development programme is comprehensive.  Pupils experience a range of trips and visits to broaden their cultural horizons.” “The support provided for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is exceptionally strong.” “The Sixth Form curriculum is exceptionally strong.” “All staff feel valued. They refer to being part of a special community. Leaders proactively consider the workload and wellbeing of their staff.”

- Extracts from Ofsted report (October 2021)