Ark Charter Academy

Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Location: Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Secondary
Funding status: State - Academy
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 11 - 16 years

About Ark Charter Academy

Charter Academy opened its doors in September 2009. Ark Charter Academy’s ambition is to offer its students outstanding academic opportunities. Ark Charter Academy is a Church of England, mixed, non-selective school, offering places to 11 to 16 year olds.

Aims, Vision and Values

We believe that every young person should feel a sense of belonging to our school community and enjoy their learning. To achieve this we work in close collaboration with our families.

It is our aim that all our students should become confident and resilient young people, assured in their strengths and prepared to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing future. To achieve this we offer an academic curriculum that strives to expose all pupils to the richness of education, allowing them to experience a diversity of subjects during their time with us. This exposure allows individuals to discover their interests and passions setting them on the path to university or the career of their choosing.

Alongside academic endeavour we strongly promote the development of characteristics such as resilience, resourcefulness and perseverance. Necessary life skills that allow our students to continue to flourish whatever challenge life may bring to their door. We achieve this through a strong programme of extra-curricular activities including sailing, Combined Cadet Force, Forest School and community service.


We believe that everyone deserves to be accepted, included, and empowered to sustain the life of their choice whilst making a positive contribution to their community.

Our curriculum is a key driver of this vision and our Christian ethos.  We place the curriculum at the heart of school life. It drives all other decisions that we make and is the best means we have of demonstrating as a school what we believe in and what we stand for.

Our curriculum is a broad, balanced and equitable offer; built around the core disciplines of English, mathematics, science, humanities, languages and religious education. All subject areas prepare students for future study within their discipline, with mastery of core and foundation subjects ensuring students have choice later on in their education, as they specialise in key areas of study.  The curriculum in each subject area has been designed backwards from university study and A-Level through to GCSE, and into the KS3 phase to ensure students can reach their fullest potential.


Charter Academy specialises in Mathematics and Performing Arts.

Performing Arts

Our performing arts specialism offers students the chance to develop their talents in music, dance and drama. We stage an annual production at a local theatre and have regular smaller in house concerts. We take part in the Ark wide musical events, such as One Voice and the massed choir/instrumental performances.

We cherish our strong relationship with local businesses and groups, such as The Kings Theatre, The Theatre Royal, Express FM radio station, The Old Blacksmiths Recording Studio and the young people's charity, Music Fusion. We are proud that we are involved annually with the Portsmouth Schools Festival, The Shakespeare Schools Festival, The Pyramid Project with a number of local primaries and Evensong at the Cathedral.

We are very pleased to offer music tuition on almost all instruments and we employ a range of talented music teachers.


At Ark Charter Academy we believe passionately that Mathematics is not about solely about teaching students to be numerate but also helping them develop intellectually so that they are better equipped to succeed in life.

We follow the pioneering Mathematics Mastery programme developed by ARK Schools. It is an evidence based approach derived from the principles of Singapore, one of the highest performing nations in mathematics, and adapted to the needs of our pupils.

Our provision stretches well beyond mathematics lessons: we are building a school-wide commitment to both equity and excellence in mathematics. The teaching of mathematics across the curriculum is not a bolt on, it is built in.

Examples of this include the Mathematics led STEM club and charity fundraising events such as the NSPCC Number Day and World Maths Day in support of UNICEF.


Charter Academy was inspected by Ofsted in November/December 2016 and was graded as "good".

Read the full report here.

Ark Charter Academy is a Church of England School. Church schools are recognised for their distinctive Christian ethos and the impact this has on standards and all round education. Every five years Church of England schools will have a SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican an Methodist Schools) inspection. The SIAMS inspection focuses on 'How effective is the school's distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership, at all levels, enabling pupils and adults to flourish', . Inspectors will record whether or not the school meets the relevant statutory requirements, for collective worship and RE as well as a strong Christian ethos. As with Ofsted the main judgments will be rated on the scale as either Excellent, Good, Requires Improvement or Ineffective.

In June 2017 Ark Charter had a SIAMS inspection. The inspection was carried out by Portsmouth CofE diocese. The diocese awarded Ark Charter with a grading of Good.

The Ark network

Ark Charter Academy is part of Ark, an international charity transforming lives through education. Ark has 38 schools across the UK in Birmingham, Hastings, London and Portsmouth. Ark exists to give every young person, regardless of their background, a great education and real choices in life. Ark schools are all non-selective and in areas where they can make the biggest difference.

Read more about Ark:

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Address: Hyde Park Road, Southsea, Portsmouth, PO5 4HL, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 23 9282 4204
What people say about us

For the students we teach, the home lives they have, we are literally changing the opportunities that are open to them. I think it’s much more fulfilling to work here, it really moves you on as a teacher. We do whatever’s right for the student.

- Acting Vice Principal
Positions available at Ark Charter Academy