Ashton Community Science College
Lancashire, United Kingdom
About Ashton Community Science College
Ashton Community Science College is a co-educational secondary school located in a suburb of Preston, Lancashire. Offering places to students aged 11-16, and is a community school administered by the local authority.
Ashton Community Science College is smaller than most schools of its type. It is proud of the diversity of its intake.
Head Teacher
Sharon Asquith
Values and vision
Ashton Community Science College operates a no-excuses policy. It sets high expectations of its students in terms of hard work and behaviour. Teachers deliver a broad and balanced curriculum, with a wide range of qualifications available for students across a spectrum of interests and academic ability
Academic excellence is perhaps the secondary school’s top priority, with staff working hard to offer additional support to students who fall behind, or accelerated learning for those who require a more challenging curriculum.
Ofsted report
“Students achieve well. From below average starting points students make good progress so that by the end of Year 11, they reach standards which are average in English and above average in mathematics… Behaviour in lessons and around the college is good. Parents say, and students confirm that they enjoy coming to college. Students say they feel safe and cared for by their teachers.”
View Ashton Community Science College's latest Ofsted report