Astrea Academy Trust
Sheffield, United Kingdom
About Astrea Academy Trust
Astrea is a trust that is coming of age and moving beyond its foundational years into a mature phase of development, our aim is that every child gets a brilliant education. Our work starts and ends with a universal belief in high standards and expectations for every child, no matter what barriers they face. Underpinning our vision is a commitment that knowledge and scholarship will be celebrated, we want our children to become resilient in the face of challenge and we commit to providing all Astrea children with rich opportunities and to supporting them every step of the way. I am incredibly proud of what the Astrea family has achieved and as the trust matures, we are in a strong position to embark upon this next exciting phase, where all of our energy will be focused on providing a brilliant education which helps children to learn, thrive and lead successful lives.
Rowena Hackwood
Chief Executive Officer