Belmont Secondary School
Lancashire, United Kingdom
About Belmont Secondary School
Belmont School has an enviable reputation for turning pupils previous failures into success across the north west of England.
With its ethos of traditional values combined with a modern and innovative approach, it has been judged Outstanding by Ofsted since 2008. The expertise & experience of the specialist staff team helps pupils’ achievements through a fair & consistent approach.
For pupils with social, emotional and learning difficulties, ADHD, autism and associated conditions, a place at Belmont School ensures improvements in behaviour, confidence and self-belief, which can then be transferred into appropriate and accelerated learning inside the classroom and beyond.
The wide curriculum offers numerous accredited vocational courses as well as traditional subjects, and the school is equipped with superb vocational workshops to teach skilled trades & horticulture.
The recent expansion offers continuity of education from Key Stage 1 through to Year 11. Options are introduced in Year 9 to maintain pupils’ focus. Belmont School also prides itself on 100% successful transitions to work, college or apprenticeships.