Bishop Luffa School
West Sussex, United Kingdom
About Bishop Luffa School
Bishop Luffa School is a mixed, non-selective, Church of England secondary school with sixth form situated in Chichester, West Sussex. There are approximately 1,500 students at the school between the ages of 11-18.
Bishop Luffa School was established in 1963 and converted to academy status in 2013.
Austen Hindman, Head Teacher
Values and vision
We are a school of hope, where students are invited to explore their God-given potential.
OUR VISION as a school comes from John 10:10: ‘I came so you can have life – life in all its fullness’. Our aim is to show every child what 'life in all its fullness' means, so they can live out their God-given potential.
OUR VALUES are expressed in our school motto: ‘always our best because everyone matters’. Jesus told us ‘love each other as I have loved you’ (John 15:12). We want all of our students to know that they are loved and to treat other people and the world around them with love and respect.
Staff at Bishop Luffa commit to:
- Inspire all students to be ambitious about their futures
- Encourage and develop leadership
- Develop partnerships within, and beyond, the school
- Foster engagement in personal and spiritual development
- Nurture a sense of belonging to a safe school and the wider world
Bishop Luffa School wants all students to achieve their full potential and discover their strengths and talents. It wants to be: “A community which works hard to widen students’ horizons beyond the formal curriculum”. The school works to ensure that everyone in the community is treated equally and doesn’t tolerate discrimination. It is committed to teaching students the Christian values and implementing them into their daily school life. A wide range of extra-curricular activities are offered to students across the year groups to allow for them to gain further skills and experiences outside of the classroom.
OFSTED inspectors visited Bishop Luffa School in Chichester in December 2022 and have graded the school ‘Outstanding’. The school was last inspected in 2008, when it was also given an ‘Outstanding’ judgement.
Head Teacher Austen Hindman said: ‘it is important for our community that we have a report that reflects the school as it is now. We are very pleased that the inspection team saw how inclusive we are and that we are living out our school motto: “always our best because everyone matters”. The inspection report says that “this is a school where you can be yourself and have your individual gifts and talents celebrated.”’
OFSTED also praised the impact of the Sixth Form on the ethos of the school: “The school buzzes with activity at lunchtimes as pupils enjoy social time together and participate in the vast array of clubs and societies. Many of these are organised by sixth-form students, who play a remarkably important role in the school. Beyond their academic studies, sixth formers lead other pupils in the excellent contribution the school makes to charities and the local community.”
Head of Sixth Form, Jamie Saunders, said: ‘Bishop Luffa Sixth Formers are leaders within the school. This responsibility helps our students to grow in confidence and is one of the main reasons why they go on to study at top universities and pursue rewarding careers.’
‘Our Sixth Form is open to any student who meets the academic qualifications. We have a large number of students from other schools join us in Year 12 and thrive at Bishop Luffa.’