Bloxham School
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
About Bloxham School
Bloxham School is an independent co-educational boarding and day school for boys and girls aged 11 to 18, situated in the beautiful conservation village of Bloxham, Oxfordshire. Bloxham School is only three miles from the M40 London – Birmingham motorway and yet has all the appeal of the beautiful Oxfordshire Cotswold village. We are proud to boast state-of-the-art facilities for academic work, sport, technology, and the arts on a single-site campus steeped in a rich history. With around 530 students, Bloxham is small enough to ensure that each student receives individual attention, yet large enough to offer every opportunity a school twice its size could deliver.
The school has a good mix of boarders, day-boarders and day pupils and regardless of their boarding status, all students enjoy the same high standard of all-round education, excellent pastoral care and access to facilities.
The school offers a supportive, caring, and friendly environment that allows pupils to develop character and sense of self-worth. The individual matters at Bloxham School and the expectation is that every child will flourish. We believe this is a special place in which young people can grow, explore, learn, and reach their full potential.
The academic component of a Bloxham education is tailored at each stage to help every student develop a love of learning whilst reaching their full potential. Bloxham’s broader curriculum offers over 100 options, ranging from mainstream sports to minor ones, and from music, drama and art, to astronomy and cooking. We inspire new passions amongst our pupils, allowing them to both experience breadth and develop expertise.