Brecknock Primary School
Camden, United Kingdom
About Brecknock Primary School
Brecknock is a two form entry primary school, in Kentish Town, Camden. We are a happy, ambitious and inclusive school, who serve a vibrant and diverse community. As a Rights Respecting School, children’s rights and active citizenship are placed at the core of our ethos and values. Our curriculum is created with purpose and taught with passion, so that our children thrive as knowledgeable learners, who are confident communicators and active citizens.
Brecknock Primary School is working in an exciting federation with Torriano Primary School, Camden. The federation has a shared governing body across the two schools, which enables leaders to work collaboratively and efficiently. There is an extensive professional network across the federation and a shared curriculum which supports and enhances collaboration, research and learning opportunities for pupils, staff and parents. Together, we share a vision to ensure that children achieve the highest standards academically and socially.
We are committed to being an anti-racist organisation, promoting racial and gender equality through our curriculum, practice and policy. We believe in a diverse staff body to truly reflect our community and enrich our children’s educational experiences.