
The Buckingham School
Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
About The Buckingham School
Located in Buckinghamshire, The Buckingham School is a co-educational, non-selective setting with approximately 1,200 students, including a growing Sixth Form.
We are committed to providing the best possible opportunities for every child. We are a caring, supportive and inclusive school, where everyone works together to achieve their very best.
We place great emphasis on developing resilient students, who feel inspired by the school and the opportunities ahead of them.
Mr. Andrew McGinnes
Values and Vision
Learning and progress are vital to our values. We promote a vibrant, exciting learning environment for everyone, encompassing flexible skill development, technological capability, skilful communication, and entrepreneurship, as well as providing breadth of knowledge, creativity, and sporting opportunities, both within and beyond the classroom, for all learners.
Ofsted report
“Sixth-form learners’ achievement has improved because teaching is better in practically all subjects. Learners are very good role models for younger pupils and contribute much to school life. Pastoral care, especially in Year 7 and for those who have special educational needs or disability, is very supportive. Practically all pupils enjoy school and behave well. They all feel safe. The school prepares pupils very well for their future health and safety. Career advice is good. Pupils successfully learn about spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues blended with an understanding of citizenship and British values. In many lessons, pupils work extremely hard and are totally absorbed by high-quality and challenging teaching.”