Codsall Community High School
Staffordshire, United Kingdom
About Codsall Community High School
Welcome to Codsall Community High School
Thank you for taking an interest in our vacancy.
We firmly believe that teaching is the best job in the world but also understand that it can be exhausting and challenging at times. We have worked incredibly hard to create a working environment where you will be expected to deliver on a daily basis for our young people but also an environment where it can be done with a smile on your face.
Our Beliefs - Culture
We wish to strip away the unnecessary and focus on the important – the craft of the classroom to ensure our students leave us with the best possible outcomes.
We continue to develop an open and engaged culture where all staff have the opportunity to suggest ways things could be done better. Staff suggestion box is just one way for this to happen
We strive to ensure effective communication about whole school decisions before these decisions are made.
No expectation or belief that getting to school early or staying in school late is the only way of showing you’re working hard. Work in a way that suits you making sure that you have time for yourself and the ones you love.
No lesson observation gradings, no showcase lessons, no tick sheet approach – we focus on a culture of typicality and will strive to further develop a positive, inclusive culture of support and challenge.
No expectation to answer emails outside of school working hours.
Mental health and wellbeing a priority – resources and signposting available in the staffroom.
Visible SLT throughout the school day.
Senior leadership team run lunch duties to ensure high standards of behaviour and support colleagues.
Time off in lieu of PD days as twilights.
Open door senior leadership – no issue is ever too small to discuss.
Specific and meaningful support for any staff struggling with elements of their role.
Staff going the extra mile celebrated and recognised through “Star of the Week” draw and handwritten letters of thanks from the Executive Headteacher.
In house Pathways programmes for aspiring future leaders – “Pathways to Middle Leadership” and “Pathways to Senior Leadership.”
Strong and effective pastoral support team.
A well developed and effective behaviour management system which improves behaviour.
A comprehensive new staff / NQT support programme, with a welcome.
Food provided for staff prior to evening events throughout the year.
On weeks with evening events staff go home early on a Thursday.
Occasional staff meetings in the pub!
Our Beliefs – Workload
No need or expectation to write lessons plans.
An assessment and marking policy which significantly reduces workload by moving from “marking” culture to an effective assessment culture.
Our goal is to ensure that there is no more than one cover lesson per half term, less if possible.
We have trialled no written reports to parents and intend to expand this model.
Data will never be asked for twice in different contexts.
3 data collection points per year group.
If something new is introduced we will strive to take away something old, ensuring that we review everything we do annually.
Collaborative planning time to ease workload, gained by shortening the school day once a week.
Consultation on key policies which include workload assessments.
22 / 25 hours teaching time per week maximum.
Pupils state that they feel safe in school. They are clear about who to go to if they have any concerns and say that incidents of bullying are rare.
- OfstedThe teachers are fantastic. I'm so glad I chose Codsall High.
- StudentOur aim is that everyone, regardless of background or circumstance, is able to recognise what individual success looks like, to set ambitious goals for themselves, and to support others within our community to work hard to achieve their goals.
- Chair of Governing BodyOverall, I'm impressed with the standard of teaching staff and the school as a whole. I like the input the children get to prepare for their GCSEs. I have no issues with this school and would recommend it to anyone.
- Parent