Dawlish Primary School
Waltham Forest, United Kingdom
About Dawlish Primary School
Dawlish Primary is a small one-form entry school with its own Nursery. We opened in 1976 and remain popular, welcoming and over-subscribed. At the heart of our ethos is the belief in Care and Respect, and that Every Child Matters; we work closely with our families and aim to know them really well so that we can foster a life-long love of learning in everyone. We take pride in our achievements as evidenced by our consistently Good Ofsted Grades (latest February 2012) and the fact that we have a long-standing and stable staff and governing body who work well together. We raise money annually for charities including MacMillan Cancer Care, British Heart and Children in Need, and through this work children develop a healthy understanding of Caring and Respecting others. Our curriculum is broad, balanced and well supported by educational visits and visitors to the school, and we value the development of Art, Music and Play to enrich the emotional well being of our children.