Dixie Grammar School
Leicestershire, United Kingdom
About Dixie Grammar School
Welcome to The Dixie Grammar School
Our teachers are highly motivated and gifted individuals who are able to inspire pupils with their enthusiasm and subject knowledge. They are committed to high quality teaching and participate in the extensive co-curricular programme. Most are graduates with postgraduate certificates.
Those who join us without PGCEs are supported to gain the qualifications soon after appointment. Training and professional development programmes are established, and we are experienced in managing Newly Qualified Teachers.
Our staff are both ECTs and experienced teachers; providing a stimulating and rewarding environment.
All staff are given access to an employee assistance programme the benefits of which are extensive and include immediate families. The Dixie Grammar School Pay scale is above the maintained sector pay scale and children of staff enjoy a significant reduction in tuition fees.
We are proud of our focus on developing colleagues as well as students. We have a high level of staff retention with staff typically remaining at the Dixie for a number of years and some for their whole careers. We also have many examples of teachers who have successfully moved into more senior roles at the Dixie and also some who have moved on to take promoted posts in similar schools.
Our high standards and high expectations of all at the Dixie are seen in all we do. Interaction between all in our community is built on our newly-emphasised values - Respect, Resilience, Courage, Commitment and Care; from the Chair of Governors to our youngest in Pippins, between teaching staff, support staff and students, we aim for our dealings with each other to be characterised by these values.