Dixons Music Primary
Bradford, United Kingdom
About Dixons Music Primary
A note from the Principal
We promise to do whatever it takes to ensure that every student at Dixons Music Primary achieves their full potential. We have extremely high expectations, and just as there are no shortcuts, there are no excuses. At Music Primary, we all have a sentence that states the lasting impression we want to leave on the world. Our academy sentence is: “The academy ensured that all students succeeded at university, or a real alternative, thrived in a top job and had a great life.”
At Music Primary, we enjoy what we do together because we remain positive and never give up; we are loyal and reliable; we are open-minded and treat all people fairly. We hope you find our website useful. Please do not hesitate to contact the Academy if we can help in any way.
Nicola Morrisey
Head of School
Learn more about Dixons Academies Trust and our approach to culture on the Dixons OpenSource YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/dixonsopensource