Doncaster UTC

Doncaster, United Kingdom

Location: Doncaster, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Secondary with sixth form
Funding status: State - University Technical College (UTC)
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 13 - 18 years

About Doncaster UTC

Doncaster UTC will join the Brighter Futures Learning Partnership trust and will specialise in Engineering and Creative & Digital Technologies, providing a high-quality curriculum in co-operation with industry partners and is due to open Years 9 and 12 in September 2020. The school will work closely with a number of external bodies such as the University of Sheffield, Polypipe and VolkerRail. This is intended to ensure that students are able to maximise their employability and relevance in the modern workplace. Doncaster UTC will still offer a strong wider curriculum with subjects such as Geography and Business Studies. 


Address: College Road, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN1 3BF, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1302 976 515