Earlsmead Primary School
Harrow, United Kingdom
About Earlsmead Primary School
Earlsmead Primary is a two-form entry primary school for children from 4-11. In addition, we have an Additional Resourced Provision (ARP) for 12 children with moderate learning difficulties of which we are very proud. By sharing their time between the Resourced Provision and their mainstream classes, the children are fully integrated into the life of the school and access the specialist support that will enable them to develop and grow.
Barbara Graham
At Earlsmead Primary School we encourage all members of our school community to strive to be the best they can be and develop new skills that empower them for life- long learning in order to become confident, valuable, members of society. We create an inclusive, supportive, safe and challenging environment where all contributions are valued. Learning is motivating and independence is encouraged hence all become reflective, self-learning team members with a positive sense of wellbeing and a love of learning.
The school’s motto was change at the request of School Council and in consultation with staff, parents and governors. It is now ‘SUCCESS for ALL’.
Working in partnership with children, parents, staff and Governors as a community we will achieve Success for All through:
- Securing resilience
- Understanding values and respecting others
- Committing to our learning
- Community involvement
- Equality for all
- Striving to do our very best
- Setting high expectations
Pupils at Earlsmead Primary School are happy and safe. They told us that bullying does not happen. However, they did say that if there was any meanness between pupils that they knew that adults would support them to sort it out. Pupils told us that they like coming to school because 'everyone is kind'.