Eastbury Primary School
Barking and Dagenham, United Kingdom
About Eastbury Primary School
Eastbury Primary School is a mixed, non-selective, non-denominational primary situated in Barking, Essex. It is sponsored by a multi-academy trust called Partnership Learning, which supports a network of seven schools in East London: three primaries, three secondaries and one special school. Eastbury will provide 944 places for students aged 3-11 when fully subscribed.
Eastbury converted to academy status in April 2016.
Mrs Lisa Shepherd
Values and Vision
Eastbury lives by the belief that children will be able to exceed expectations in a caring and happy school environment. It lists its values as respect, teamwork, aiming high, creativity and enjoyment, and promotes these in lessons, play and extracurricular activities, from its Early Years Foundation Stage upwards. Eastbury supports inclusion and diversity, as well as encouraging students to aim high and aspire to improve their learning.
The school provides a range of different extracurricular activities including netball, dance, Arabic language and a debating club for pupils of different years to enjoy.