Emmbrook Infant School

Wokingham, United Kingdom

Location: Wokingham, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Primary
Funding status: State - Academy
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 4 - 7 years

About Emmbrook Infant School

Emmbrook Infant school is for children aged between 4 and 7 years old.

We are an academy and part of a well-respected local Trust. The Circle Trust is a community of schools that have shared values and an essential common ethos and vision for education and learning. At the centre of our work together is improving the educational outcomes for our pupils. We deliberately use the term “educational outcomes” to highlight that we value education in the widest sense whilst balancing our ambition to seek the highest academic performance

We share a pleasant site with Emmbrook Junior School, and Redwood Early Years is situated in the Emmbrook Infant School building. The Emmbrook Secondary school is on the opposite side of the road. We have a Total communication Resource base for children who are deaf and there is also a privately run after-school club situated within the school grounds which offers out of hours provision for our children before and after school and during the school holidays.

Behaviour is outstanding, as reported in our last Ofsted report.

Our Mission

We deliver an outstanding educational environment which encourages happy, safe, and inspired learning.  Our children develop academic, social, and personal skills, setting them up for life-long learning and independence.

Our Vision

  • We continue to deliver outstanding education, so that all children achieve.
  • We share our best practice with other schools and bring innovative
    ideas back.
  • We are the school of choice in our community.

Our school focuses on providing the children with excellent educational opportunities in a happy, secure environment. The knowledgeable, hard-working staff aim to meet the needs of every individual child, helping to develop each child’s confidence and talents, and encouraging each to reach their potential.


Children are taught in classes of no more than 30, and we have two parallel classes in each year group. The Infant school teaches children in their foundation year, year 1 and year 2.


Emmbrook Junior and Infant schools have a combined PTA. This is an invaluable part of the school team as it successfully raises funds for additional little extras that enhance the children’s lives in both schools.

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Address: Emmbrook Road, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG41 1JR, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 118 978 4259